6. Languages of National Socialism. Sources, Perspectives, Methods


This volume draws on contributions from historians and philosophers to analyze the languages of National Socialism from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition to the languages of official propaganda, it considers the languages of everyday life and of academia, from science to philosophy. In addition to the rigorous study of a variety of sources from the past, the volume also offers an insight into contemporary communication.

Tullia Catalan is Professor of Contemporay History at the University of Trieste. Her research interests include: Racism in Europe (Anti-Semitism, Anti- Slavism) ;the European Jewish philantropical associations; the Jewish emigration through the port of Trieste.

Riccardo Martinelli is Professor of History of philosophy at the University of Trieste. His research interests include phenomenology and philosophy of music as well as the study of the relationship between philosophy and anthropology with a focus on the German area.
