Slavica Tergestina 13 (2011)

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Art on trial

Sandra Frimmel
„Sud nad iskusstvom“ oder Wie im Gerichtsprozess gegen die Ausstellung Verbotene Kunst 2006 aus einem juristischen Prozess ein moralischer wurde
„Sud nad iskusstvom“ or How the Case against the Prohibited Art 2006 Exhibition turned from a Legal Trial to a Moral one

Matthias Meindl
Maschinengewehre und ein Wettbewerb der Revolutionsprojekte: Der Prozess gegen Ėduard Limonov
Machine-guns and a Competition for the best Revolutionary Project: The Trial of Eduard Limonov

Tiziana D’Amico
Il caso (azda) Posledná večera: libertà d’espressione e verità religiosa nel processo di democratizzazione slovacco
Caso (azda) Posledná večera: Freedom of Expression and Religious Truth in Slovak Democratization Processes

Дечка Чавдарова
Прототип судит автора (случай из болгарской социалистической культуры)
A Protagonist Sues his Author (A case from Bulgarian Socialist Culture)

Stephan Kossmann
Die Moskauer Prozesse der Jahre 1936 bis 1938 – Monströse Lehrstücke theatraler Entgrenzung
The Moscow Trials (1936 to 1938) – Monstrous Plays of a Theatrical Transgression

Languages of Law & the Laws of Language

Marija Mitrović
„Jer moj otac je bio pravnik, jesam li to već rekao“ R. Konstantinović, Dekartova smrt
„Haven’t I told you, my father was a lawyer?“ R. Konstantinović, Descartes’ Death

Maria Cristina Marvulli
Meša Selimović: Il derviscio e la morte
Meša Selimović’s Derviš i smrt

Liana Goletiani
Реформулировки в тексте комментария к российскому законодательству в сфере интеллектуальной собственности
Reformulation of Language in the Commentaries Accompanying Russian Legislation in the Field of Intellectual Property

Mauro Barberis
Eine ganz andere Geschichte. Equity, Recht und Literatur
A Completely Different Story: Equity, Fairness and Literature


Slavica Tergestina volumes usually focus on a particular theme or concept. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the journal remains open to other approaches and methodologies.

The theme of the upcoming volume along with detailed descriptions of the submission deadlines and the peer review process can be found on our website at All published articles are also available on-line, both on the journal website and in the University of Trieste web publication system at

Slavica Tergestina is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).
