Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.26 - 2024
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- PublicationLe forme allocutive in funzione vocativa tradotte da studenti italofoni di portoghese come lingua straniera(2024)de Souza Faria, Carla ValeriaForms of address, “the main linguistic means of addressing specific interlocutors” (Faria 2019: 72), are a notoriously complex element in Portuguese that is not only restricted to translating these forms into other languages, but also to teaching them, both to learners of Portuguese as a foreign language and to native speakers themselves (Duarte 2010). In European Portuguese, when addressing a single interlocutor, ‘tu’ and ‘você’ are found in complementary distribution, depending on the type of relationship between them: informal/formal, symmetrical/asymmetrical, close/distant (Nascimento, Mendes, Duarte 2018: 245). However, according to the authors, there is already a widespread use of ‘você’ not only “among the less educated classes” but also among “some people from the younger generations” (2018: 251). In fact, this seems to be a trend among young people - to eliminate hierarchical differences between interlocutors - as Bruns and Kranick (2021) point out in their contrastive study of forms of address in British, American, Indian English and German, which could be the result of globalisation and democratisation. The aim of this paper is to identify and analyse the translation choices made by mostly Italian-speaking learners of Portuguese as a foreign language when translating the forms of address used in the Brazilian animated film Brichos - a floresta é nossa (Munhoz 2012) into Italian. The corpus being analysed consists of 9 translation proposals produced by B1-level students (according to the CEFR) enrolled in the course Lingua e Traduzione Portoghese II.
5 - PublicationEen vergelijking van tolkendidactiek: het opleidingsmodel van de KU Leuven en van SSLMIT Trieste(2024)
;Braem, ElisabethGentile, PaolaDit artikel onderzoekt een aantal structurele verschillen betreffende de opstelling van het curriculum van de tolkopleidingen aan de Universiteit van Triëst en de KU Leuven. Hoewel beide universiteiten een masteropleiding aanbieden en nauw samenwerken om een kwalitatief opleidingsniveau te garanderen door onder meer gezamenlijke opleidingsprogramma’s, zijn er enkele fundamentele verschillen wat betreft de inhoud. Deze verschillen zijn voornamelijk terug te vinden in de theoretische cursussen die aan de basis liggen van de opleiding en die op praktisch niveau worden ingevuld door de vakken tolkwetenschap en notitietechniek, naast het aanreiken en integreren van de nieuwste tolktechnieken in het studieaanbod. In deze bijdrage wordt de casestudy onderzocht van het pioniersproject van een gecombineerde tolkenopleiding tussen de KU Leuven en de Nederlandse afdeling van de IUSLIT in Triëst, om te beoordelen hoe goed de opleiding studenten voorbereidt op een steeds evoluerende arbeidsmarkt. Om de kwalitatieve evaluaties omtrent de opleiding te staven, zullen de resultaten van een enquête worden besproken die werd afgenomen onder alumni van de SSLMIT van Triëst en masterstudenten tolken van de KU Leuven.41 - PublicationLa sottotitolazione – un approccio didattico professionalizzante(2024)Trovato, Jean-ClaudeThis paper illustrates how subtitling can prove an effective drill to train students of interpreting and translation. The criss-cross of different semeiotic codes (images, music and voices) and language registers (spoken and written) and the role played by technical constraints (time in and time out, subtitle length, dialogue speed and interaction with images) provides a fruitful testbed for the competences students need to develop. After giving a brief theoretical background, the article dwells on the details of the subtitling process and describes examples drawn from the experiences drawn from courses taught at the University of Trieste.
11 - PublicationRivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.26 - 2024(2024)Exploring language simplification and intralingual translation: insights, results and desiderata. Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione (RITT) The Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione – International Journal of Translation of the IUSLIT Department and Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste aims at providing a forum of discussion for the multifaceted activity of translation and related issues.
54 - PublicationLa serie enumerativa y su Índice de incidencia interactiva en un momento culminante de un debate político. II. EL “minuto de cierre”(2024)
;Cortés Rodríguez, LuisSánchez Villanueva, AntoniaAfter establishing some principles with which to determine the incidence of the enumerative series in the arguments of which they form part, we created (Cortés and Álvarez Rosa, 2022) a measure for its quantification: the Interactive Incidence Index. It is undoubtedly in the closing of an intervention, be it political or otherwise, when persuasive mechanisms, including the enumerative series, will be used with the greatest force. In this article, we will analyse the use that four Spanish politicians (Pedro Sánchez, Albert Rivera, Pablo Casado and Pablo Iglesias) made of this mechanism during the “closing minute” of a television debate. We will study both the typology and the entity in each of the interventions. Both aspects will be reflected in the different values achieved by the Idii. Pedro Sánchez, with a final Idii of 8.20, was the participant who used this strategy with the most argumentative effectiveness.5 - PublicationIntertextuality and ‘version’, ‘adaptation’ ‘rewrite’: Developing topics in drama translation(2024)RANDACCIO, MONICAIn this paper my attention will focus on two closely related issues in drama translation, namely intertextuality and the definition of what has been variously termed as ‘version’, ‘adaptation’, or ‘rewrite’. Approaches to playtexts have been variously seen as ‘processes of acculturation’; ‘major adjustments’;‘issues of cultural relocations’; or as ‘reconfigured text (as performance’). The concept of intertextuality will be explored thoroughly in its wider theoretical context, including discourse analysis and literary criticism, to see how it becomes relevant for the process of translation, and drama translation in particular. Furthermore, version, rewrite and adaptation, as a product of intertextuality, will be analysed in the attempt to reach some tentative conclusions on the state-of-the-art on this topic.
9 - PublicationTradurre i Juristische Arbeiten di E.T.A. Hoffmann(2024)Morselli, FrancescaThis paper aims at investigating some of the main translation problems that arose during the realization of a translation proposal of German judicial acts written at the beginning of the 19th century. More specifically, the source texts were published in the volume E.T.A. Hoffmann. Juristische Arbeiten edited by Friedrich Schnapp (1973) and were written for the most part by E.T.A. Hoffmann during the work of the newly established Prussian Committee of inquiry (Immediat-Untersuchungskommission). The analysis, carried out on the basis of the functionalist approach, highlights both the technical and the historical dimension of the source texts and comments on some of the main translation choices made to render the dual nature of the text into the target language as well. The informative function of the target text has allowed the translator to adopt an overall domesticating approach, even though foreignization was sometimes chosen over naturalization in order to preserve the historical dimension of the text.
5 - PublicationReyna Grande, translingüismo y autotraducción(2024)Errico, ElenaOn the basis of some reflections on the critical role of language in memoirs written by translingual authors, I look to the the reasons why Chicano writer Reyna Grande (Iguala de la Independencia, 1975-) decided to self-translate her memoir The Distance between us (2012) into Spanish. I also discuss the possible reasons for the controversial reception of the Spanish version of the book, drawing on the translanguaging approach to sociolinguistics. I argue that part of the criticism expressed by the Spanish-speaking readership concerning the translingual elements in the memoir is based on the same ideology of purism that marginalizes non-Anglophone immigrants in the US. As a result, Latinos tend to be stigmatized because of their translanguaging practices not only as English speakers, but also as Spanish speakers.
7 - PublicationLa traduzione del diminutivo in Brichos - a floresta é nossa in italiano da parte di apprendenti di portoghese come lingua straniera(2025)de Souza Faria, Carla ValeriaThis paper aims to analyse the translation choices made by learners of Portuguese as a foreign language, studying undergraduate courses in Comunicazione linguistica applicata, in the subjects Lingua e Traduzione Portoghese II and III, in the task of translating the Brazilian animated film Brichos - a floresta é nossa into Italian, especially the diminutives, identifying the areas that posed the most challenges and led learners to inadequate or even incorrect solutions of the source text. The corpus being analysed is made up of 22 translation proposals made by students at an intermediate stage of training (levels B1/B2 of the CEFR).