European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2008) 38/XIII
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Yannis Tyrinopoulos, Georgia Aifadopoulou
A complete methodology for the quality control of passenger services in the public transport business
Athanasios A. Pallis, George-Spiros Tsiotsis
Maritime interests and the EU port services directive
Dionisia Cazzaniga Francesetti
New challenges and the future of Italian superyacht yards
Evangelos Matsoukis
The realistic prospects of upgrading international transport axes in the Balkan Area
Regine Gerike, Tina Gehlert, Falk Richter, Wolfram Schmidt
Think globally, act locally - reducing environmental impacts of transport
Jérôme Massiani, Giorgio Ragazzi
Costs and efficiency of highway concessionaires: a survey of Italian operators
Laura Eboli, G. Mazzulla
Willingness-to-pay of public transport users for improvement in service quality
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- PublicationMaritime interests and the EU port services directive(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
;Pallis, Athanasios A.Tsiotsis, George-Spiros P.A key theme of the EU Port Policy has been the establishment of free market access to the provision of port services in EU ports. However, two successive European Commission proposals for a relevant EU port services directive (PSD) failed to produce a new policy regime. This paper examines the mobilisation of maritime interests, aiming to identify stakeholders’ preferences and their contribution to the rejection of this port policy proposal. The analysis suggests that, although they did not share the same perspective, the views of organised maritime interests shared a common denominator: they were against the proposed EU rule due to its structural deficiencies. Assisted by the industrial heterogeneity, the difficulties to implement a ‘one size fits all ports’ policy, and the observed institutional tensions a variety of vested interests frequently with monopolistic positions contributed to the produced policy output failure.1711 2592 - Publication
777 2357 - PublicationThe realistic prospects of upgrading international transport axes in the Balkan Area(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)Matsoukis, EvangelosThe development of upgraded transport networks in the SEE (South East European) region(Balkan), connected and compatible with the corresponding EU(European Union) internal networks and those of the neighbouring countries, is an important means of improving links within the region and integrating the countries of the area into the political and economic mainstream of Europe. However,Balkan countries seem to have many problems in developing such upgraded transport networks The quality of infrastructure in the region at present remains inadequate to support a significant increase in transport flows. While in this part of Europe, after a long period of political unrest and reform, transport flows are increasing in an impressive way and solutions are urgently needed… The EU has gone through extensive planning exercises resulting in trans-european networks for the European Union and the accession countries. The participation of the EU derives from the EU´s as well as the countries’ long term vision on accession of all countries of the area to the European Union. This paper starts with a brief review of the EU efforts to develop a common transport policy in the area. Then, it describes in detail the HLG-SEE(High Level Group-SEE) work , which may be considered as an important effort in the above mentioned planning process in recent years. The proposed methodology by the HLG to identify major transnational axes is outlined . The outcome of this exercise is given, together with the final proposals made. Following this, the paper proceeds to an investigation of the current situation and of the future prospects of the Balkan international transport axes , on the basis of the experience gained until now, and the reality applying to this SEE area. In concluding, the need is stressed, in the name of both the environment and safety, to address urgently the problem of the Balkan’s road network, since the vast majority chooses road as the preferred means of transport for freight and passengers alike. This seems to be a first priority to bring fast progress in this still underdeveloped SEE area and to promote European integration.
1117 1631 - PublicationA complete methodology for the quality control of passenger services in the public transport business(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
;Yannis, TyrinopoulosGeorgia, AifadopoulouThe quality of the services provided to the passengers is synonymous with a wide range of characteristics of the transportation system, such as safety, on-time performance, accessibility, efficiency, and many others. Today, more and more public transport operators and associated bodies (e.g. ministries and supervising organizations) worldwide invest in quality control programs in order to assess and improve the services provided to the passengers. The paper provides an overview of the Methodology developed by the Hellenic Institute of Transport to assess the levels of quality and performance of public transport services. Key results from the application of this Methodology to the major public transport organization in Greece (OASA) are provided as a case study.2239 10223 - PublicationCosts and efficiency of highway concessionaires: a survey of Italian operators(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
;Massiani, JérômeRagazzi, GiorgioMeasuring the productivity of highway concessionaires is very relevant, especially when a price cap regulation is applied where tariff increases are based on expected improvements of productivity. Output may be measured in terms of traffic or network length, or a combination of both, while quality of service should ideally be accounted for. To measure productivity we consider only operating costs, as amortization and financial costs depend upon the original highway design and historical costs. A cross section analysis of the Italian concessionaires shows that: 1) operating costs depend on both traffic and capacity; 2) economies of scale are relevant but their estimate is very sensitive to the model specification; 3) there are large differences in efficiency among operators, indicating that there could be significant room for yardstick competition. We subsequently consider the main economic data regarding the major Italian concessionaire (Autostrade spa) over two decades. Revenues increased greatly, even more than traffic, while operating costs remained substantially stable in real terms, as the automation of toll collection allowed the company to reduce the number of collectors by almost half. Finally, a comparison between Italian and French concessionaires shows that the latter have much lower operating costs, which cannot be entirely explained by economies of scale or lower personnel costs.1133 2845 - PublicationWillingness-to-pay of public transport users for improvement in service quality(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
;Eboli, LauraMazzulla, G.In this paper, passenger willingness-to-pay (WTP) for improving the quality levels of a bus service is examined. Specifically, the objective of this research is to provide a tool for evaluating passenger willingness-to-pay by considering some qualitative service aspects, in addition to the traditional quantitative service aspects like travel time and cost. The adopted methodology is built on the calibration of behavioural models based on user choices. The WTP values are obtained as marginal rates of substitution between some service quality attributes and travel cost at constant utility. For this purpose, Multinomial and Mixed Logit models are introduced. The models were calibrated by using the data collected from an SP experiment in which each user makes a choice between an alternative representing the current service and two alternatives representing hypothetical bus services. In order to take into account the randomness of the estimated WTP, the limits of the confidence intervals are calculated.2092 8095 - PublicationNew challenges and the future of Italian superyacht yards(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)Cazzaniga Francesetti, DionisiaThis work aims to acquire greater knowledge on the structure of heterogeneous oligopoly in the superyacht production industry, and to investigate how the fierce competition mounted by newcomers who seek to beat down the price of superyachts can lead to problems for the large European, American and above all Italian yards as well as small accessories manufacturers. As a reference point of this study attention will focus on the Viareggio cluster whose companies are recognized as ranking first in all the international classifications. If stiffer competition or a decline in demand or, above all, sharply predatory prices set by the newcomers, were to create severely adverse conditions, the large companies in EU and USA and particularly in Italy mounting their counter-attack.
1188 3266 - PublicationThink globally, act locally - reducing environmental impacts of transport(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-02-14)
;Gerike, Regine ;Gehlert, Tina ;Richter, FalkSchmidt, WolframThis paper presents a pragmatic approach for reducing the environmental impacts of transport in the German Federal State Saxony. The aim is to use the potential of pricing measures for effectively reducing environmental impacts of transport. They are combined with less-effective but more accepted non-pricing measures in a policy package. The development of this approach starts with the calculation of the current external costs of transport in the case study area. Second, a policy package reducing these external costs is composed. Third, the development of the external costs is assessed and compared in two scenarios, a BAU-scenario and the policy scenario where measures reducing the environmental impacts of transport are implemented. Fourth, the public and political acceptability of this policy package are investigated. The results show that it is possible to develop a policy package that is effective for reducing the environmental impacts as well as acceptable to the public and politicians. Therefore, such a package approach is suitable to guide future political decisions and actions towards a more sustainable transport sector.1656 5102