Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.20 - 2018
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Medina Montero
Bisiani Francesca
Celotti Nadine
Celotti Nadine
Una città: uno spazio linguistico e traduttivo. Osservare Trieste
del Río Zamudio Sagrario
Fraseología jurídica en 29 sentencias y 2 autos españoles
Errico Elena
Klein Giacomo, Kourouni Kyriaki
Language and translation of Greek tourism websites: a corpus-based study
Magris Marella
Maniowska Katarzyna
Fraseologia medica italiana nella traduzione
Paolo Panena, Perego Elisa
Localizzare vuol dire tradurre? Il caso dei videogiochi
Rega Lorenza
Pari trattamento linguistico nelle aree germanofone
Ruggeri Alessia
Scarpa Federica
Fattori pragmatici esterni e interni nella traduzione dei testi tecnico-scientifici
Sciumbata Floriana
Un’esperienza di insegnamento tra plain language e traduzione
Ventura Giuseppe Emanuele
Complessità e limiti nella traduzione di due commedie libanesi di Ziyād ǝr-Raḥbānī
Viezzi Maurizio
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- PublicationThe translator as social agent: the case of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Magris, MarellaThe paper compares three translations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: the German official translation, a German “shadow” translation done by an association representing people with disabilities, and the Italian official translation. The analysis aims at highlighting the translators’ different choices and, in particular, the solutions proposed by the shadow translation, in order to verify whether they improve the German official translation, but also whether they could serve as a model for a revision of the Italian translation.
300 371 - PublicationFemme, j’écris ton nom… ? Écriture inclusive, j’écris ton nom ? La visibilità linguistica delle donne nel mondo vario delle lingue francesi(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Celotti, NadineThe aim of this paper is to investigate how four French-speaking countries (Belgium, France, Québec del Canada and Switzerland) have dealt with the genderneutral language in order to increase the visibility of women. Firstly, it illustrates how institutional power and French language are closely interconnected in France. Secondly, it explores the issue of gender marking in job titles and thirdly, it addresses the broader issue of the feminization of language. Finally a discussion is opened on non-binary language.
516 1493 - PublicationPari trattamento linguistico nelle aree germanofone(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Rega, LorenzaThe article deals with gender-inclusive language in Austria, Germany and Switzerland which pay particular attention to its use. The lively discussion about gender-inclusive language was prompted in German-speaking countries by an article by Trömel-Plötz nel 1978, who approached the Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen im Sprachsystem und Sprachverhalten in a soberer way than positions expressed in the framework of German feminist linguistics (s. too Sieburg 1997: 25), and the subject remains significant today. The website of the Bundesverwaltungsamt shows very clear guidelines containing various solutions for Sprachliche Gleichbehandlung and indicating pros and cons of achieving gender linguistic equality (e.g. Sprachliche Gleichbehandlung). The very concise Austrian guidelines underline that formulations giving women the impression of being just mitgemeint are unsuitable and indicates solutions to a greater or lesser extent present in the guidelines of Germany stressing the need for double denominations such as Landeshauptmann – Landeshauptfrau or for denominations with derivative suffix, such as Bürgermeister – Bürgermeisterin. In Switzerland, gender-inclusive language is treated in the handbook Geschlechtergerechte Sprache 2009 (192 pages), taking into account Italian, French and Romance in the awareness that gender linguistic equality depends on the specifities of the single language too. The handbook underlines that the decisive element is the Adressatengerechtigkeit (suitability for the target readership) and that the motto is creativity. It stresses, furthermore, the importance of using gender-inclusive language in rules and contracts. The Region Trentino-South Tyrol decidely treads the path of gender-inclusive language, as shown for ex. by the denomination of professions using double forms both in Italian and in German.
250 333 - PublicationLa traducción como reescritura. Las dos versiones en inglés de Caras viejas y Vino nuevo de Alejandro Morales(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Errico, ElenaThe article examines some examples extracted from the two English translations of the Chicano novel Caras viejas y vino nuevo (1975), by Alejandro Morales. The analysis focuses on the strategies used to render pretérito imperfecto narrativo, which is one of the most conspicuous features of Morales’s style. The solutions adopted in the two translations are discussed taking into account the different socio-historical contexts in which they were produced and drawing on the theoretical construct of translation as rewriting (Lefevere, 1992). While the earlier translation of Caras tends to simplify Morales’s experimentalism in many respects, the later one, possibly as a result of an improved understanding and acceptance of the novel, as well as stronger translating skills on the part of the translator, is more respectful of Morales’ twisted style and tries to reproduce it in English, including the aspect nuances provided by pretérito imperfecto narrativo in the source text.
224 193 - PublicationTrack & Field News e le parole dell’atletica: prestazioni(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Viezzi, MaurizioThe language of sports journalism is generally characterised by great creativity and lexical wealth. A significant example in this respect is the language used by Track & Field News, an American monthly magazine devoted to athletics. This paper, based on an analysis of over 200 issues, focuses on performances and the multiple ways in which performances are designated, described and, in general, written about in the magazine.
535 1802 - PublicationLocalizzare vuol dire tradurre? Il caso dei videogiochi(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
;Paolo, PanenaPerego, ElisaThis paper reviews current academic literature investigating videogame localisation and illustrates a case study. The academic interest in videogame localization is increasing thanks to the growth of the digital entertainment industry, which is nowadays a huge global business. In such a context, localisation is an essential phase in the development of a videogame: almost every publisher needs to sell videogames in more languages at the same time, in order to reach as many markets as possible. Tightly intertwined with the internationalisation, the adaptation to the target market turns out to be a key element for the success of the videogame in a foreign market. Consequently, localisers and their creativity play an active role in granting such success. Through a short analysis of this complex process, which differs from the localisation of the other types of software and is sometimes referred to as transcreation, this paper aims to present its main aspects, also through some examples taken from a case study.614 2024 - Publication“Al hombre vergonzoso el diablo le llevó a palacio” analisi della paremia spagnola e della traduzione di Novilieri Clavelli e Fontana all’interno delle Novelle esemplari cervantine(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Ruggeri, AlessiaThe aim of the present paper is to analyze the Spanish proverb Al hombre vergonzoso el diablo le llevó a palacio and the Italian translation written by Alessandro Novilieri Clavelli and Donato Fontana. The proverb is considered worthy of attention for its great historical and cultural features. In the paper we presented its origins and its translations. Tools of work will be some Spanish and Italian paremiogical collections and etymological dictionaries.
267 480 - PublicationRivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione, n. 20 (2018)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste (Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione) is a refereed international journal published once a year. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum of discussion for the multifaceted activity of translation as well as related issues such as terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, contrastive analysis, corpus linguistics, and intercultural communication. The journal is mainly focused - but not limited to – specialized, i.e. non-literary, translation and is open to different theoretical approaches including contributions from qualified professionals operating on the translation market. Articles are mainly published in Italian and English, but articles in other European languages are also accepted, provided they are preceded by an Abstract in English. Each issue of the journal contains a section devoted to a specific topic, but contributions on other subjects as well as papers by young researchers and reviews are also very welcome.
398 6110 - PublicationLa dénomination « combattant terroriste étranger » dans les actes non contraignants de la Commission européenne (2001-2018) : une normalisation fondée sur la menace ?(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Bisiani, FrancescaThis paper will analyse the emergence and prevailing use of the term combattant terroriste étranger (foreign terrorist fighter), in non-binding legal acts adopted by the European Commission from September 2001 to March 2018. We have taken a quantitative lexicometric approach, influenced by French discourse analysis, in order to encourage critical scrutiny of the terminology. In our view, the risk attendant upon continued wielding of an opaque, poorly-defined term, is that an unreliable framework may be set up for legal documents designed to be binding. Indeed, the vehicle for the nomenclature at issue is comprised of a range of declaratory strategies, which purport to rest upon a threat posed by the referent. The twofold perception that new legislation is urgently needed, and that consensus must be achieved, seems to have prevailed over another imperative, namely standardising the nomenclature so as to precisely elucidate what is meant by a combattant terroriste étranger from a legal and social standpoint, in order to avoid blurred and doubtful legal practice.
275 294 - PublicationUn’esperienza di insegnamento tra plain language e traduzione(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Sciumbata, FlorianaThis paper illustrates a teaching method used during an Italian to English translation course at the University of Udine, Italy, in 2018, involving BA Public Relations students. During the course, both theoretical classes and exercises were aimed at developing translation skills; however, the main goal was to teach students how to rewrite texts in plain Italian before actually translating them into English. While practicing, students were asked to tackle an intermediate step before translating, i.e. an intralinguistic translation from a more difficult version to a plain Italian version of the source text. The course was not originally meant as an experiment; however, it proved to be a useful testing ground for didactic purposes.
961 979 - PublicationLanguage and translation of Greek tourism websites: a corpus-based study(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
;Klein, GiacomoKourouni, KyriakiThis paper aims to analyse the main linguistic and translation features of Greek tourism websites. Tourism is the most flourishing branch of the Greek economy and a very large amount of language material is produced and frequently published on websites of tourism organizations and tourism- and travel-related agencies. Original texts were collected from Greek websites and analysed with corpus processing software programmes. A bottom-up approach was adopted, with particular emphasis on lexical, morphological, syntactic and rhetorical features as they arose from the automatic analysis of the collected corpora. The quantitative results were then used as the basis for hypothesis formation, leading to meaningful qualitative translation analysis.377 250 - PublicationFraseología jurídica en 29 sentencias y 2 autos españoles(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)del Río Zamudio, SagrarioWithin the framework of specialized communication and, within it, of legal Spanish, we will analyze from the point of view of legal phraseology, a corpus consisting of two orders and twenty-nine judgments – a category par excellence of the judiciary –. Therefore, the main goal of this article is, on the one hand, to reflect on the relationship between the phraseology and the judicial language of the selected corpus and, on the other hand, to examine the most frequent legal phraseology in these texts such as the lexical collocations, the prepositional phrases, the lexical doublets and triplets, as well as the stereotyped formulas, providing their corresponding translation proposal into Italian given that, we have unfortunately not been able to consult the Corpus de Sentencias Penales (COSPE) since it is not yet available on the network. In fact, the relationship between phraseology and judicial language already appears in the Roman Law when there is evidence of some lexical doublets and, on the other hand, many Latinisms are still present in the texts analyzed as the adjectival phrase a quo. We have also tried to shed some light on the intricate world of the Spanish and Italian judicial organization.
283 1002 - PublicationUna città: uno spazio linguistico e traduttivo. Osservare Trieste(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Celotti, NadineLanguage and Translation as they appear in public life lie at the center of the investigation. On the one hand, a new branch, Linguistic Landscapes, was born within Sociolinguistics, and on the other The City as Translation Zone within Translation Studies. The current paper aims to investigate the actual Linguistic Landscape of Trieste and Trieste as a city of translation. It wishes to show that languages and translations are interconnected in order to understand the city as a whole through the lens of languages.
335 663 - PublicationFraseologia medica italiana nella traduzione(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Maniowska, KatarzynaThe aim of the present paper is to present some difficulties that any translator and/or interpreter of Italian may encounter in his/her praxis. Lexical and phraseological particularities of the language found in Italian medical documents will be analyzed. Due to historical factors, the language of medicine has linguistic traits common to all regional variations. In the article special attention will be dedicated to exceptions to this trend. The area of focus will be selected expressions very common in Italian medical documents which do not make part of universal medical language and rather are the expression of singularities of the Italian medical language.
310 836 - PublicationComplessità e limiti nella traduzione di due commedie libanesi di Ziyād ǝr-Raḥbānī(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Ventura, Giuseppe EmanueleThis paper aims at analyzing some passages from two comedies by Lebanese playwright Ziyād ǝr-Raḥbānī in order to point out the difficulties and limits met in translation and how particularly rich in idioms Lebanese Arabic is. All of the extracts are transcribed, part of them translated, whereas the parts containing idioms and other untranslatable expressions are explained in detail and commented so that the reader can grasp the value of such works of art and get a deeper insight into Lebanese Arabic.
456 756 - PublicationFattori pragmatici esterni e interni nella traduzione dei testi tecnico-scientifici(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)Scarpa, FedericaAfter a brief introduction on the importance of pragmatics in the translation of scientific and technical (sci-tech) texts, which are service texts that are written in a language for special purposes (LSP) in the context of scientific and technological disciplines and are directed to a more or less restricted target discursive community having very specific practical needs and expectations, the concept of ‘pragmatic equivalence’ will be introduced with specific reference to sci-tech translation. Having in mind translation as a professional service activity, the article will deal with the main pragmatic factors exerting a determining influence at the textual and terminological levels of sci-tech texts, which should also inform translation decisions in order to achieve pragmatic equivalence at these levels. These pragmatic factors are ‘situationality’ (i.e. external situational and cultural factors), on the one hand, and ‘intentionality’ of the ST author and ‘acceptability’ of the TT by its final readers (i.e. internal cognitive factors), on the other. The last part of the article contains some examples of pragmatic choices made by scitech translators illustrating instances of the translation strategies that have been adopted to achieve pragmatic equivalence at the different textual levels.
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