10 - Studia Geobotanica. An international journal - Vol. 10 (1990)
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Diaz S., Acosta A., Cabido M.
Spatial patterns and diversity in a post-ploughing succession in high plateau grasslands
Mucina Vladislav, Valachovič Milan, Jarolímek Ivan, Šeffer Ján
The vegetation of rock fissures, screes, and snow-beds in the Pirin Planina mountains (Bulgaria)
Bernardo Liliana, Codogno Michele, Puntillo Domenico
The floristic composition of the Sila Greca pastures (Calabria, S-Italy)
Nimis P.L., Giovani C., Padovani R.
On the ways of expressing radiocesium contamination in plants for radioecological research
Facchini U., Valli G., Zambelli A., Gerola M., Sgorbati G., de Crescenzo S., Villa G., Malvicini A., Dominici G., Sansone F.
Chernobyl radioisotopes in macromicetes in the surroundings of Como Lakes and other sites
Bargagli Roberto
Coassini Lokar Laura, Moneghini Mariarosa
Terpenes of Salvia species leaf oils: chemosystematic implications
Martini Fabrizio
Distribution and phytosociological behaviour of Moehringia tommasinii march.
Poldini Livio, Martini Fabrizio, Pertot Marina
Rizzi Longo L.
Anthesis and pollination of some trees in the surroundings of Trieste
Bersan Franco
Secondo contributo alla conoscenza della distribuzione dei mixomiceti nel carso Triestino
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- PublicationSecondo contributo alla conoscenza della distribuzione dei mixomiceti nel carso Triestino(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)Bersan, FrancoSECOND CONTRIBUTTON TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF MYXOMYCETES IN THE TRIESTE KARST. 34 species of Myxomycetes are reported from the Trieste Karst (Northeastern Italy ), 25 are new to the survey area, 11 are new to Italy.
358 593 - PublicationTerpenes of Salvia species leaf oils: chemosystematic implications(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Coassini Lokar, LauraMoneghini, MariarosaWild specimens of Salvia L. were collected in three different moments of anthesis and their volatile leaf oils were analyzed by GC/GCMS. The quantitative terpene composition is very variable with the anthesis. S. bertolonii is the richest species in a-thujone. S. officinalis is characterized by high percentages of 1,8 cineole, 4-terpineol, isorboneol and a -bisabolol. In S. verticillata high percentages of borneol and {3-cariophyllene are present. In the three species a-thujone was always more abundant than ß-thujone. The three taxa are characterized by peculiar combinations of terpenoids. The multivariate analysis of the chemical data indicates the degree of affinity between the three taxa and their chemotaxonomical status. Some components of Salvia essential oil have pharmaceutical activities.506 590 - PublicationStructural and ecological variation of the pontic phytogeographical element from the coastal Karst to the Southwestern Alps(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Poldini, Livio ;Martini, FabrizioPertot, MarinaThis paper discusses the geographic trends in the distribution of the Pontic phytogeographical element (including Pontic-Mediterranean species) from the northern Adriatic coasts (Trieste Karst region) to the South-East Alps and pre-Alps. The number of Pontic species decreases slightly from the Karst towards the pre-Alps, with a sensible reduction from the pre-Alps towards the centre of the Alpine chain. This pattern can be related to temperature. The geographic variation of life forms shows a simplification of the life form spectrum: the geophytes, being less dependent on environmental conditions, are the life form with the lowest geographic variation.219 316 - PublicationStudia Geobotanica. An international journal Vol. 10 (1990)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
222 1388 - PublicationSpatial patterns and diversity in a post-ploughing succession in high plateau grasslands(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Diaz, S. ;Acosta, A.Cabido, M.Spatial arrangement and diversity along a post-ploughing succession are analyzed in a plateau at 1800 - 1900 m altitude in Central Argentina. Four successional stages were simultaneously studied: I (1 year of abandonment after ploughing), II (3-5 years), III (25 years) and IV (40 years). Detrended Correspondence Analysis and diversity analysis, comprising species diversity, spatial diversity and mean spatial niche width, were applied. It is concluded that (i) Spatial organization of grassland changes with succession: during early stages vegetation distribution follows a topographical gradient from up per to lower positions on slopes, whereas mosaic patterns prevail in late successional stages. (ii) As succession advances, species diversity increases, making us reject the hypothesis that species diversity decreases with succession as a result of the dominance of the grass Deyeuxia hieronymi. This process is associated with a progressive reduction of mean spatial niche width.262 258 - PublicationDistribution and phytosociological behaviour of Moehringia tommasinii march.(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)Martini, FabrizioThis paper deals with the distribution, ecology and phytosociology of Moehringia tommasinii March., a stenoendemic species that occurs at the border between Italy and Yugoslavia, near Trieste. A new phytocoenosis of the submediterranean limestone rocks in the North-Adriatic area is described: Asplenio-Moehringietum tommasinii (Centaureo-Campanulion), which is characterized by Asplenium lepidum and Moehringia tommasinii.
273 462 - PublicationThe floristic composition of the Sila Greca pastures (Calabria, S-Italy)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Bernardo, Liliana ;Codogno, MichelePuntillo, DomenicoThe classification of 28 phytosociological relevés of pasture vegetation from the Ionian slope of the Sila massif (S-Italy) allowed to recognize four main vegetation types. They are: Hedysarum coronarium - Cynara cardunculus community, Agrostis castellana - Oenanthe pimpinelloides community, Vulpia ciliata-Trifolium arvense community and Potentilla calabra - Armeria canescens community. The indirect gradient analysis based on the reciprocal ordering of relevés and species, and on the ecological evaluation of the species, reveals that the floristical variation is related to both climatic and edaphic factors. The four community - type are well characterized by different structural and phytogeographic features.374 364 - PublicationChernobyl radioisotopes in macromicetes in the surroundings of Como Lakes and other sites(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Facchini, U. ;Valli, G. ;Zambelli, A. ;Gerola, M. ;Sgorbati, G. ;de Crescenzo, S. ;Villa, G. ;Malvicini, A. ;Dominici, G.Sansone, F.The study is based on the measure of the Cs-134, Cs-137 content in samples belonging to species of macromicetes, collected in 13 stations in Lombardy and in Trentino; most samples have been collected in autumn 1986; a number of samples has been collected in autumn 1987 and 1988. Significant differences in contamination are recorded both among species collected in the same station, and among average values of the stations themselves. The differences among stations are tentatively correlated with the amount of precipitations in the days following the Chernobyl disaster. Comparison is made among the 1986 data and the data of the following years. In many samples the presence of Ag-110 (metestable) is evidenced; the concentration of K-40 naturally occuring radioisotype is measured for most samples. A brief discussion of the results is presented.349 407 - PublicationThe vegetation of rock fissures, screes, and snow-beds in the Pirin Planina mountains (Bulgaria)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Mucina, Vladislav ;Valachovič, Milan ;Jarolímek, IvanŠeffer, JánThe vegetation of calcareous rock fissures and crevices, marble screes, and snow-beds on granite, marble and lime-rich schists was studied in the Pirin Planina Mts., SW Bulgaria. Three plant communities of the rock-fissure vegetation were described, including the Hi-eracio pannosi-Caricetum, Leontopodio-Potentilletum stojanovii, and the Silene pusilla-Saxifraga oppositifolia community (both in subalpine and alpine altitudes). The syntaxonomic relations of the communities to the Ramondion nathaliae were discussed. The scree vegetation on marble in the alpine belt is represented by the Papaveri-Armeri,etum (with several subassociations and variants) which populates shady and moist habitats, and the Veronico kellereri-Silenetum prostratae growing on sunny, dry, South-facing screes. They were classified within a new alliance, the Veronico-Papaverion degenii, an endemic unit for Bulgaria. The low-altitude screes were classified within the Bromo lacmonices-Geranietum macrorrhizi (Silenion marginatae). Snow-bed vegetation on silicate bedrock belongs to the Salicion herbaceae. The Ligustico - Plantaginetum gentianoidis (concave relief forms,long-lasting snow cover) and the Omalotheco-Alopecuretum gerardii (convex relief forms, short-lasting snow cover ), were described from this alliance. The marble snow-beds in the Pirin Planina Mts. are classified within the Salicion retusae which includes two associations such as the Bartsio-Salicetum reticulatae and Gentiano-Plantaginetum atratae, characteristic of the long-lasting and short-lasting snow patches,respectively. All of the associations, but the Leontopodio-Potentilletum stojanovii and Ligustico-Plantaginetum gentianoidis, were described as new. All of the communities house many species endemic to the Pirin Planina Mts., Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula.413 1090 - PublicationAnthesis and pollination of some trees in the surroundings of Trieste(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)Rizzi Longo, L.The transported and deposited pollen curves of 12 tree taxa in the outskirts of Trieste are reported. Meteorological data, the frequency of the taxa in the survey area, and phenologic observations on the anthesic periods have been used for the interpretation of the pollen curves. There is a generally good correspondence between pollination and deposition peaks, and the anthesic periods. The pollination curves allow to distinguish the contributions of sources at different distances from the trap. There are some correlations between meteorological factors and quantitative variation of airborne pollen.
292 670 - PublicationOn the ways of expressing radiocesium contamination in plants for radioecological research(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)
;Nimis, P.L. ;Giovani, C.Padovani, R.In vascular plants radiocesium and K-40 are mostly free in acqueous solution. The expression of radiocontamination on dry weight basis does not take into account the fact that different plant species, or different parts of a species, may have very different contents in cellulose or lignine. These may mask the actual concentration of the radionuclides in plant water, a fact that may be a serious source of error when the aim is to compare absorption rates. This paper, on the basis of a case study on 10 species in the Carnic Alps (NE-Italy), shows how the expression of radiocontamination on a water basis (difference between fresh and dry weight) may be much more appropriate in certain fields of radioecological research.409 247 - PublicationAssessment of metal air pollution by epiphytic lichens: the incidence of crustal materials and of the possible uptake from substrate barks(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1990)Bargagli, RobertoThe amounts of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata Tayl. and in surface soils of Mt. Amiata (Central ltaly) were measured. Using Al as a reference element, the data were normalized and background concentrations were established. In a separate trial, concentrations of the above elements in outer and inner barks of supporting trees (oak, chestnut, and beech) were determined. The possibility of an uptake of some elements from the substrate, although not very likely, cannot be excluded completely.
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