In this thesis a new methodology for computing synthetic seismograms, complete of the main direct, refracted, converted phases and surface waves, in three – dimensional anelastic lateral heterogeneous media is presented. It is based on the combination of the Modal Summation technique with the Asymptotic Ray Theory.
The three – dimensional models are determined by a set of vertically heterogeneous sections (1D structures) that are juxtaposed on a regular grid. The distribution of these sections in the grid is done in such a way to satisfy the condition of applicability of the WKBJ – approximation, i.e. the lateral variation of all the elastic parameters has to be small with respect to the prevailing wavelength. In each knot of the grid a vertically heterogeneous section is located, hence, the values of the phase velocities, of the phase attenuation and of the group velocities are assigned once and for all. Inside the grid the source and the receiver are located, assigning their coordinates by means of a Cartesian reference system introduced in the grid itself. By this way a vertically heterogeneous structure, hence one-dimensional structure, is associated to the source and another to the receiver. The eigenfunctions of these two structures do contribute to the seismogram.
The computational scheme is based, besides on the WKBJ - approximation for weak lateral heterogeneities, on the two point ray – tracing algorithm, by means of the bi - dimensional shooting method. It can be summarized as follows: at first the ray connecting two points, the source and the receiver, is computed solving the Cauchy problem for the system of ordinary differential equations governing the phenomenon of the evolution of the ray itself; the system is solved employing the numerical fourth – order Runge – Kutta method. Once the ray is determined, the attenuation is computed along it, solving, once again using the fourth – order Runge – Kutta method, the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations that is made up of four equations: three equations for the ray and one equation governing the evolution of the attenuation along the ray itself. Finally, the geometrical spreading is computed considering two more rays that leave the source with an azimuth that is determined increasing and decreasing the azimuth of the characteristic curve of the ray – tracing system (the true ray) by a fixed quantity.
The thesis is divided in two main parts, the first contains a theoretical treatment of the above mentioned arguments, so it opens with a brief summary about the generation of synthetic seismograms in one-dimensional structures by mean of the Modal Summation technique and goes on with the introduction of the WKBJ – approximation for treating the lateral heterogeneities. Then, there is the presentation of the numerical procedure used in this work. The second part is devoted to the validation of the new method, so the simulations executed to this aim are shown.
It is very important to stress that the computational codes used in this work are still under development.
They will be used for verifying and optimizing the results up to now obtained, both in terms of seismic sources and in terms of structural models, in region of the Scotia Arc.