Futuribili. Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale. 2020, n. 1/2, Vol. XXV
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Gasparini Alberto
Natarajan Ashok
Western and Eastern values are complementary
Gasparini Alberto
Meanings of Europe for ethnic minorities and majorities
Pronina Elena I.
Great Patriotic War: on the crossroads of views of past and future Russian generations
Basic Nedzad
The new culture of the global structure of power
Manzocco Roberto
Blanco Carlos
The role of presuppositions in the social sciences
Radermacher Franz Josef
Greta Thunberg: “How dare you?”. A commentary
Bagrov Alexander V.
Forecast of the future of earthly civilization at the end of the current century
Radermacher Franz Josef
The Marshall Plan with Africa. An approach to the implementation of the Agenda 2030?!
Paníc Milan
Tarlao Giulio
Mostar e il ragazzo selvaggio: una chiave di interpretazione
Fashtangi Mitra