I set cinematografici nell'esempio della Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
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Caenazzo Matteo
I set cinematografici nell'esempio della Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
The film sets of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission are a journey through the narration of the Film Commission's birth and their development, leading to the study of one of their main goals: attracting production houses In their own jurisdiction. Focused on the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission, the location present in the films set in Trieste and Friuli in the early 1990s, the volume concludes with a piece that gives voice to the text through four interviews Some of them correlated: to a film-maker, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission's Federico Poillucci, the German writer and writer Veit Heinichen, the director and documentary Giampaolo Penco and the actor of theater, cinema and television Maurizio Zacchigna . A map locates the sets. The text contains the links that allow access to the online multimedia creation that matches the thesis.
Matteo Caenazzo, diplomato in decorazione pittorica, laureato in Tecniche Artistiche e dello Spettacolo all'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia nel 2009, giornalista pubblicista collaboratore della rivista ’NTWK’ per gli eventi artistici e musicali. Ha lavorato al Teatro Miela di Trieste e al Teatro La Fenice di Venezia.
La libreria triestina In Der Tat ha ospitato la sua mostra Le facce dell'ignoranza. Ha realizzato e interpretato il video A perfect day e il video di regia teatrale Evocazioni notturne. Goldoni e il viaggio, Smanie di viaggio. 1707-2007 - Teatro San Moisè, Venezia.
Matteo Caenazzo, graduated in pictorial decoration, graduated in Artistic and Performing Techniques at Ca 'Foscari University in Venice in 2009, journalist contributing journalist' NTWK 'for artistic and musical events. He has worked at Teatro Miela in Trieste and at Teatro La Fenice in Venice.
The triestian bookstore In Der Tat hosted his exhibition The faces of ignorance. He has produced and interpreted the video A perfect day and the video of theatrical director Night Evocations. Goldoni and the trip, Smanie of travel. 1707-2007 - Teatro San Moisè, Venice.