Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/2

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Monographica I.
The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.


Filieri Luigi, Manchisi Armando, Tortorella Sabina

The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.

Romero Paola

The Revolutionary ‘Deception’: Kant on the Illusion of a Politics of Happiness

Manchisi Armando

The Right and the Good in Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy

Meyer Thomas

Hierarchies of Freedom – Hegel’s Liberalism Between the Individual and the State

Tortorella Sabina

Au-delà de la multitude: l’État hégélien à l’épreuve du present

Illetterati Luca

La “totalità inorganica dei molti” e “l’organismo dello Stato”. Populismo e ipermodernità

Møller Sophie

Kant on Non-Linear Progress

Filieri Luigi

Historical Duties. Kant’s Path from Nature to Freedom, Cosmopolitanism and Peace

Picardi Roberta

“I diritti degli altri” e la “giusta appartenenza” nel Fondamento del diritto naturale di Fichte

Ostritsch Sebastian

Hegel’s Nationalism or Two Hegelian Arguments Against Globalism

Genel Katia

Le déchirement de la Sittlichkeit: Adorno en dialogue avec Hegel

Giladi Paul

Ethical Life, Growth, and Relational Institutions: Intersubjectivity, Freedom, and Critique


Monographica II.
Rethinking the Sources of Normativity in Ethics.


Funke Andreas, Redaelli Roberto

Rethinking the Sources of Normativity in Ethics. Guest Editors’ Preface

Wrangham Richard

The Execution Hypothesis for the Evolution of a Morality of Fairness

Fittipaldi Edoardo

Reducing Norms to Superegoic Emotions

Satokhina Natalia

A Hermeneutic Account of Normativity of Law

Funke Andreas

Norms and their “Application”. The Citizens’ Role in Law

Rotundo Alessio

Ratio Negativa: Normative Reason and History in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty

Staiti Andrea

Husserl sui concetti specificamente normativi

Redaelli Roberto

The Neo-Kantian Notion of We-Subject Between Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy. Some Preliminary Remarks

Bagnoli Carla

The Sources and Stances of Moral Normativity

Korsgaard Christine M., Staiti Andrea

A Conversation Between Andrea Staiti and Christine Korsgaard on The Sources of Normativity


On the Conflict Between Political and Epistemic Virtues.


Cerovac Ivan

Rereading Estlund: In Defence of Moderate Epistemic Proceduralism

Šušnjar Aleksandar

Public Disagreement about Uncontroversial Conclusions of Science in the Light of Cultural Cognition Theory: Making the Case for Civic Friendship as a Hybrid Epistemic and Moral Virtue


Symposium I.
Johan van der Walt, "The Concept of Liberal Democratic Law", Routledge, Abingdon, 2020.


Tekin Serdar

Between Modesty and Ambition: Remarks on "The Concept of Liberal Democratic Law"

Spindola Diniz Ricardo

Rational Necessities: on the Silence of Liberal Democratic Theory in Front of the Unreasonable Other

Christodoulidis Emilios

Kosmos, Nomos, Physis and “the Concept of Liberal Democratic Law”

Michelman Frank I.

Civility to Graciousness: van der Walt and Rawls

Van Roermund Bert

The Case for Embodied Democratic Law-Making

Van Der Walt Johan

Liberal Democracy and the Event of Existence, Seen from a not-so-Rickety Bridge Between Rawls and Merleau-Ponty. Reply to my Critics


Symposium II.
Mario Vergani, "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell'esistenza", Carocci, Roma, 2020


Bourlez Fabrice

Naître comme un arc-en-ciel

Mancini Roberto

La nascita, evento di libertà tra dono e potere

Natoli Salvatore

Note su "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell’esistenza"

Resta Caterina

Ogni volta unico l’inizio del mondo

Spagnuolo Vigorita Rosa

Separarsi: la "Fenomenologia dell’esistenza" per Mario Vergani

Zucal Silvano

Fenomenologia della nascita con Husserl e oltre Husserl

Vergani Mario

Natale e nativo. Note alle osservazioni su "Nascita. Una fenomenologia dell’esistenza"




Arrigo Giacomo Maria

Burke lettore di Rousseau: note a margine di "A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly"

Cislaghi Alessandra

Logiche di vita secondo il greco “zen”: la zoopoiesi all’origine

Dadà Silvia

Levinas e il femminile. Tra stereotipo ed etica

Pirni Alberto

Diritti infiniti e doveri limitati? Per una fondazione del dovere di giustizia tra le generazioni

Raciti Andrea

Dimensioni della tirannide in Kojève. L'incapacità di vivere da straniero

Turoldo Fabrizio, Luce Serena, Manzato Giuseppe, Tuono Marco

Man Is What He Eats: The Philosophy and Ethics of Eating


