European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2005) 31/XI
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Edoardo Marcucci, Esko Niskanen, André de Palma, Bernhard Wieland
Amihai Glazer, Esko Niskanen
When users of congested roads may view tolls as unjust
Andreas Kopp
Fairness, efficiency and the simultaneity of pricing and infrastructure capacity choice
Edoardo Marcucci, Marco A. Marini, Davide Ticchi
Road pricing as a citizen-candidate game
Robin Lindsey
Recent developments and current policy issues in the US and Canada
Andrè de Palma, Kiarash Motamedi, Nathalie Picard, Paul Waddel
A model of residential location choice with endogenous housing prices and traffic for the Paris region
S. Proost, S.Van der Loo, André de Palma, Robin Lindsey
A cost-benefit analysis of tunnel investment and tolling alternatives in Antwerp
Barry Ubbels, Erik Verhoef
Behavioural responses to road pricing. Empirical results from a survey among Dutch car owners
Bernhard Wieland
The German HGV-Toll
Alessandra Libardo, Silvia Nocera, Dario Trabucco
A new approach for the freight transportation system in Venice