Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
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Cosmi Francesca
Suzuki Shinichi, Yusof Mohd Azrin Bin, Miyashita Tomotaka
Helmut J. Holl, Eugenia C. Cojocaru, Peter Hehenberger, Waltraud Ernst, Ilona Horwath
Integration of the gender approach in the design process of mechatronic products
Constantinescu Dan M., Apostol Dragos A., Picu Catalin R., Krawczyk Krzysztof, Sieberer Manfred, Hadar Anton, Feuchter Michael
Fabrication of nanocomposites with silica nanoparticles
Gazić Goran, Dokšanović Tihomir, Draganić Hrvoje
Bernasconi Andrea, Gianneo Andrea
Berezvai Szabolcs, Molnar Tamas G., Bachrathy Daniel, Stepan Gabor
Experimental investigation of the shear angle variation during orthogonal cutting
Steiner Daniel, Hofko Bernhard
Enhancing the Laboratory Assessment of the Thermal Cracking Resistance of Asphalt Mixture
Stockmann Martin, Naumann Jochen, Ihlemann Jörn
Srnec Novak J., Lanzutti A., Benasciutti D., Carretti S., De Bona F., De Luca A., Moro L.
Metallurgical and surface damage analysis in a copper mold after service
Robert Zemčík, Jan Bartošek,Tomáš Kroupa
Impact Reconstruction and Localization on Laminated Structure
Belan Juraj, Matvija Miloš, Kuchariková Lenka, Tillová Eva
The influence of in718 alloy annealing on fatigue lifetime changes
Kresinsky F., Leidich E.
Failure mechanism in feathered key shaft hub connections under torsional load
Brendstrup D., Mariné J., Walker J., Londoño C., Mollo M., Bernal C.
Development of multifunctional self-reinforced composites
Aulova Alexandra, Cvenkel Anže, Emri Igor
Damljanović Dijana, Isaković Jovan, Miloš Marko
Inter-facility correlations of transonic test results of the agard-c standard wind-tunnel model
Libura Tomasz, Kowalewski Zbigniew L., Kowalczyk-Gajewska Katarzyna
The bauschinger effect in thin sheetmagnesium alloyusinganti-buckling fixture
Mazurkiewicz Adam
Mazurkiewicz Adam
Influence of the trabecular bone structure indicators on its static and fatigue strengths
Kemény Alexandra, Hajdu István, Károly Dóra, Pammer Dávid
Osseointegration specified grit blasting parameters
Károly Dóra, Asztalos Lilla, Fazakas Éva
Corrosion behaviour of overlapping coronary artery stents
Cosmi Francesca, Nicolosi Alessandra
Pachnicz Dominik, Szust Agnieszka
Concept of the new system for the mandible base fracture fixation
Ciobirca C., Lango T., Gruionu G., Leira H.O., Gruionu L.G., Pastrama S.D.
A new procedure for automatic path planning in bronchoscopy
Petro Balint, Kiss Rita M.
Effects of perturbation direction on single-leg stance balance recovery performance
Kmiecik Barbara, Detyna Jerzy
Kiss Bernadett, Nagymáté Gergely, Kiss Rita M.
Examination Of Sailors’Balancing Ability Considering The Role Of The Head Movement
Palya Zsofia, Hampel Katalin, Kiss Rita M.
Lymphedema treatment’s effect of gait parameters
Lulić Fabijan, Virag Zdravko, Korade Ivan, Jakopović Marko
Non-invasive method for parameter identification in a lumped model of pulmonary circulation
Rácz Kristóf, Palya Zsofia, Takács MáriaKiss Rita M.
Rochlitz Bence, Pammer David, Kiss Rita M.
3D-printable foot prosthesis design for transtibial amputees
Suprynowicz Karol, Kowalik Michał, Pyrzanowski Paweł
Verification of 3D DIC software for curvilinear surfaces using FE method and ray-tracing
Cosmi F., Nicolosi A., Zatta G.
Bone structure and fragility fracture risk factors: a population analysis
Hüllmann Dino, Paul Niels, Neumann Patrick P.
Motor speed transfer function for wind vector estimation on multirotor aircraft
Działak Paulina, Karliński Jacek, Rusiński Eugeniusz
Development of a mining machine seat model
Florez Freddy, Prenner Reinhard, Krouzecky Norbert
Experimental and numerical investigation of water jets
Holzweber J., Müller J., Çakmak U. D., Major Z.
Characterization and modeling of the fatigue behavior of TPU
Stańco Mariusz, Iluk Artur, Działak Paulina
Numerical and experimental analysis of stress of a semi-elliptical spring
Dombovari Zoltan, Varga Dániel, Stepan Gabor
Measuring Stability of Milling Process
Szymczak Tadeusz, Kowalewski Zbigniew L.
On the cruciform specimens for materials testing
Kossa Attila, Stepan Gabor
Investigation of the chip formation using high-speed camera and finite element method
Bartholmai Matthias, Werner Klaus-Dieter, Johann Sergej, Daum Werner
Characterization of the temperature behavior of a piezoresistive accelerometer
Nagymáté Gergely, Kiss Rita M.
Motion capture system validation with surveying techniques
Venkatesh Ragunanth, Bek Marko, Voloshin Arkady||Emri Igor
A new methodology for measuring the flowability of granular materials
Nirtl Michael, Hauck Johannes, Bleicher Friedrich
Motion deviations of a rotational positioning table induced by thermal effects
Kolarević Nenad, Kosanović Nebojša, Miloš Marko, Isaković Jovan
Measuring parameters of Phoenix-100 gas-generator
Renhart Philipp, Milošević Igor, Grün Florian
Numerical and analytical studies of a shaker test system for fatigue testing
Kanzenbach Lars, Naumann Christoph, Stockmann Martin, Ihlemann Jörn
Development of a new specimen setup for high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber
Lehmann Thomas, Müller Julia, Ihlemann Jörn
DIC deformation analyses of MG specimens at elevated temperatures
Chun Lam Man, Kowalik Michał
Preliminary studies for alternative lattice core design for FDM3D printed sandwich panels
Johann Sergej, Strangfeld Christoph, Bartholmai Matthias
Keresztes Zoltan, Pammer David
Mechanical properties of TI-6AL-4V samples produced with additive technology
Ohtsuki Atsumi
Kuchariková Lenka, Tillová Eva, Závodská Denisa
Dependence of mechanical properties on volume of Si and Cu in secondary Al-Si-Cu cast alloy
Dal Maso Alberto, Cosmi Francesca
Mechanical characterization of 3D-printed samples
Binder Eva, Maier Gerald, Lahayne Olaf, Reihsner Roland, Ausweger Mario, Peyerl Martin, Pichler Bernhard
Borko Kamil, Pastorek Filip, Hadzima Branislav
Corrosion resistance of S355J2 steelwelded by saw before and after surface treatment by phosphating
Kajánek Daniel, Hadzima Branislav, Lago Ján, Neslušan Jacková Martina
Hadzima Branislav, Trško Libor, Bokůvka Otakar, Nový František, Pastorek Filip, Jambor Michal
Fatigue properties of AW 6082 aluminium alloy after shot peening and anodizing
Oršulová Tatiana, Oravcová Monika, Palček Peter, Uhríčik Milan
Dependence of internal damping on temperature in austenitic stainless steels
Michalcová Lenka
Delamination growth analysis in mode I by means of lamb waves
Zięty Anna, Hoppe Victoria, Grygier Dominika, Detyna Jerzy
Moldenhauer Laura, Helmerich Rosemarie, Köppe Enrico, Wittmann Jochen
Wiesinger Gerhard, Baumann Christian, Krystian Maciej
Impact of the ECAP process on the machinability of aluminum (ENAW-6082)
Krall Stephan, Reiter Manuel, Bleicher Friedrich
Influence of MHP-technology on the surface near material structure of stainless steel 1.4301
Mocian Oana, Constantinescu Dan M., Sorohan Stefan, Sandu Marin
Experimental and numerical analyses of the impact response of lightweight sandwich panels
Szust Agnieszka, Wierzowiecki Szymon
Model based research of climbing carabiners
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Braga Andrés Burgos
Improving the fatigue strength of impaired welds by overloading
Sahul Miroslav, Sahul Martin, Lokaj Ján
Analysis of the properties of AW6082 aluminium alloy weld joints produced with disk laser
Závodská Denisa, Tillová Eva, Švecová Ivana, Kuchariková Lenka, Chalupová Mária
Secondary cast al-alloys with higher content of iron
Andrzejewska Angela, Topoliński Tomasz
Experimental studies on effect of hydrolytic degradation on additive manufactured polymeric parts
Ficzere Peter, Borbas Lajos, Falk Gyorgy, Szebenyi Gabor
Experimental determination of material model of machine parts produced by SLS technology
Bagavac Petra, Krstulović-Opara Lovre, Domazet Željko
Pulse Phase Thermography: Impact Damage Retrieval
Kirbach Carola, Stockmann Martin, Ihlemann Jörn
Rate dependency of interface fragmentation in Al-mg-compounds
Kadlec Martin, Hron Robin, Bělský Petr, Bara Patrick
Fatigue performance of reinforced single lap joints in a carbon fibre composite
Neumann Patrick P., Detlefsen Malte, Hüllmann Dino, Kohlhoff Harald
A low-cost cable-suspended parallel manipulator for testing 3d olfaction algorithms
Stroili Manuela, Taddeo Francesco, Meini Federico
The FMECA analysis and the mechanical failures in radiology
Kosanović Nebojša, Kolarević Nenad, Miloš Marko
Laser welded inconel rotor blades for tip-jet helicopter
Rosa Jindřich, Cagáň Jan
Strain gauge measurement of propeller blade vibration during operation on aircraft diesel engine
Paul Niels, Hüllmann Dino, Kohlhoff Harald, Neumann Patrick P.
A Concept for an Aerial Based Landfill Monitoring System
Bagi Tamas
Gössinger Stefan, Unterberger Philipp, Bleicher Friedrich
High Performance Flywheel Technology for Electric Energy Storage using magnetic Bearings
Schörghofer Paul, Bleicher Friedrich, Weiler Thomas, Habersohn Christoph
Chatter Detection and Avoidance using a Sensory Tool Holder
Kesl Petr, Plánička František
Possibility of application of the simulation based assessment method in modelling of structures
Růžička Milan, Schmidová Nikola, Zavřelová Tereza, Vašíček Michal, Zavadil Filip
Development of the adaptable energy absorbers for car crashes
Debortoli Luca, D’Attanasio Simona, Gallina Paolo, Seriani Stefano
Peg-in-hole operation usinga cobot without using external sensors
Strozzi A., Bertocchi E., Mantovani S.
Analysis of a segmented locking ring for shell-bottom connection in pressure vessels
Kovács Dorina, Dobránszky János
Surface properties of plasma nitrided tempered steel
Smolnicki Tadeusz, Maślak Paweł, Odyjas Piotr, Karliński Jacek
Tension identification of pipeline compensators
Czmochowski Jerzy, Maślak Paweł, Przybyłek Grzegorz, Stańco Mariusz, Pietrusiak Damian
Numerical and experimental identification of crack in the stacker construction
Meindlumer Martin, Holl Helmut J., Simader Viktoria, Schnürer Dominik, Brandl Andreas
Experimental investigation of friction reduction by superimposed vibrations