ATrA 7. Language and Identity Theories and experiences in lexicography and linguistic policies in a global world
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Micheli Ilaria
Legère Karsten
Linguistic identity in and out of Africa
Sharma Suhnu Ram
Multilingualism in India and the significance of multilingual dictionaries
Micheli Ilaria
The natural supremacy of spoken language. Orality and writing in Africa
Tosco Mauro
From IPA to wildcards: A critical look at some African Latin orthographies
Porcaro Emilio
Mormone Angela, Battisti Mariastella, Pensabene Amelia (lia)
A bottom-up experience: The DiM project
Aiello Flavia, Toscano Maddalena, Tramutoli Rosanna
Maffia Marta
Rossi Adriano Valerio
Farsi Language and Iranian immigration in Europe
Lusini Gianfrancesco
Lingua e storia in Africa: considerazioni sul caso del tigrino (Eritrea ed Etiopia)
Savà Graziano
Transcription and orthography in two endangered languages of Ethiopia: Ts’amakko and Ongota
Minerba Emiliano
Wolof language and literature: an introduction
Batic Gian Claudio
The future of minority languages in Nigeria
Boldoni Carolina
Linguistic ambiguity in Timor- Leste: local languages between pride and shame
This book was conceived during the closing event of the DiM project, developed within the framework of the Erasmus plus KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education programme.
Its fourteen chapters intend to offer food for thought on some of the currently most debated questions for linguists in the global village, and are divided into three thematic sections: 1) multilingualism, minority languages and the eternal dichotomy between orality and writing; 2) lexicography and L2 teaching; 3) the role of linguistics in particularly complex multilingual contexts.
The book was published thanks to a grant obtained in 2018 by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.