European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2009) 43/XV

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Special issue on: Differentiation of infrastructure charges – potential and impacts

Christiane Bielefeldt

Jasper Knockaert, Christos Evangelinos, Piet Rietveld, Bernhard Wieland
Differentiated infrastructure charging: a comparison of theory and practise

Lars Rößger, Jens Schade, Terje Tretvik
Motivational factors influencing behavioural responses to charging measures in freight operator sector

Davide Fiorello, Angelo Martino
Options for road user charges - two Italian case studies

Peter Bonsall, Mike Maher
Co-introduction of charges on urban roads and motorways in metropolitan areas: a model-based investigation

Brian Matthews, Christos Evangelinos, Daniel Johnson, David Meunier
Impacts and incentives of differentiated rail infrastructure charges in Europe - focus on freight

David Meunier, Emile Quinet
Effect of imperfect competition on infrastructure charges
