01 - Studia Geobotanica - An International Journal - Vol. 1 no. 1 (1980)
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Marchesetti Carlo
Discorso Commemorativo di Muzio de' Tommasini
Zennaro Licia
Tommasini nella vita civile e sociale di Trieste
Pignatti Wikus Erika
Poldini Livio
Übersicht über die Vegetation Vegetation des Karstes von Triest und Görz (NO-Italien)
Pignatti Sandro
I complessi vegetazionali del triestino
Cusma Velari Tiziana, Lausi Duilio
Indagini cariologiche in Stachys recta L., S. labiosa Bertol., S. subcrenata Vis., S. fragilis Vis.
Turecek Gabriela, Titz Eva, Titz Walter
Eine neue diploide Valeriana officinalis - sippe im illyrischen Raum
Gerdol Renato
Scheuchzeria palustris L. nuova per le Alpi Carniche
Wraber Tone
Über einige neue oder seltene Arten in der Flora der Julischen Alpen (IV)
Iljianic Ljudevit
Galium setaceum Lam. auf der Insel Mljet - Kroatien
Aichinger Erwin
Zum Gedenken an K. und K. Statthalterei-Rath in Triest Dr. Mutius Ritter von Tommasini
Lausi Duilio, Gerdol Renato
Valutazione fitosociologica degli aggruppamenti a Carex brachystachys nelle Alpi Giulie occidentali
Trinajstic Ivo
Aperçu syntaxonomique de la vegetation des rochers de l'espace adriatique
Feoli Chiapella Laura, Feoli Enrico, Ganis Paola, Sorge Angela
Spatial pattern analysis of abandoned grasslands Of the Karst region by Trieste and Gorizia
Poelt Josef, Hafellner Josef
Zur Verbreitung und Biologie der Flechte Caloplaca anularis
Rizzi Longo Loredana, Poldini Livio, Goia Franca
La microflora algale delle pareti calcaree del Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italia nord-orientale)
Coassini Lokar Laura, Tomè Franca, Poldini Livio, Porrati Maurizio
Indagine sul contenuto di colchicina in Colchicum autumnale L. dell'Italia settentrionale
Euw J. v., Lounasmaa M., Reichstein T., Widén C.J.
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- PublicationAperçu syntaxonomique de la vegetation des rochers de l'espace adriatique(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Trinajstic, IvoA SYNTOTAXONOMICAL SYNTHESIS OF THE ROCKY VEGETATION IN THE ADRIATIC REGION. A syntaxonomical synthesis of the rocky vegetation in the Adriatic Region is given. Two orders have been recognized, both included in the class Asplenietea rupestris: Asplenietalia petrarchae and Centaurea Campanuletalia. The order Asplenietalia petrarchae is represented by the alliance Asplenion petrarchae and the endemic association Melico - Corydaletum acaulis (isle of Lastovo). The order Centaurea-Campanuletalia includes two alliances Centaureo-Campanulion and Centaureo-Porteschlagiellion, with several associations.
268 294 - PublicationChemotaxonomy in Dryopteris and related fern genera(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Euw, J. v. ;Lounasmaa, M. ;Reichstein, T.Widén, C.J.The most important phloroglucinol derivatives ("filicins") isolated from rhizomes of Dryopteris species are discussed. The chemical analysis of Dryopteris rhizomes can (in conjunction with classical and cytological methods) provide valuable criteria for the solution of taxonomical problems, particularly as follows: 1. Identification of otherwise uncertain herbarium specimens. 2. Classification of critical taxa in a difficult complex. 3. Understanding of natural relations, including parents in hybrids and ancestors in allopolypoid species. Analytical methods are critically evaluated.490 662 - PublicationI complessi vegetazionali del triestino(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Pignatti, SandroVEGETATIONAL COMPLEXES IN THE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE. The territory of Trieste (NE Italy) is constituted partly by limestone (with extended forms of erosion), partly by arenaceous substrates. Eight principal oecotopes have been recognized and in the same territory also eight vegetation complexes; each of them is preferring (but not exclusive) for a single oecotope. The Illyrian bush-formation (Seslerio-Ostryetum and Carici-Centaureetum) is largely diffused and appears in several distinct oecotopes. On the basis of vegetation and substrate it is possible to characterize the Illyrian landscape system.
477 480 - PublicationDiscorso Commemorativo di Muzio de' Tommasini(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Marchesetti, CarloDiscorso Commemorativo di MUZIO DE TOMMASINI letto nel Congresso generale della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali dal Dr. Carlo Marchesetti.
360 802 - PublicationEine neue diploide Valeriana officinalis - sippe im illyrischen Raum(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Turecek, Gabriela ;Titz, EvaTitz, WalterA NEW DIPLOID RACE OF VALERIANA OFFICINALIS IN THE ILLYRIAN REGION. A new diploid race of Valeriana officinalis is described for the illyrian region. Specimens belonging to the diploid race are morfologically very similar to the tetraploid race of the "collina" type. The main differences are: the absence of rhizomes, thicker roots and the higher maximal values of leaves lenght.277 299 - PublicationGalium setaceum Lam. auf der Insel Mljet - Kroatien(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Iljianic, LjudevitGALIUM SETACEUM LAM. IN THE ISLE OF MLJET - CROATIA. A new station of Galium setaceum Lam. is reported for the isle of Mljet (Croatia).
253 216 - PublicationIndagine sul contenuto di colchicina in Colchicum autumnale L. dell'Italia settentrionale(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Coassini Lokar, Laura ;Tomè, Franca ;Poldini, LivioPorrati, MaurizioThe colchicine content in Colchicum autumnale L. of North Italy. The colchicine content of different parts (bulb, flower, leaves, seeds, capsules) of C. autumnale L. has been identified. The specimens were collected in North Italy, in stations with different altitudinal, climatic and vegetational conditions. Colchicine is present in all the studied parts, with a concentration gradient going from a maximum in the seeds to a minimum in the bulbs. The colchicine content in the bulbs varies according to the principal phases of the life-cycle (flowering, fruiting, hudding), whereas in the seeds it depends from the degree of ripeness, being higher in the first stages. On the basis of results, it is suggested to take into consideration also leaves and flowers for the extraction of the alkaloid.384 644 - PublicationIndagini cariologiche in Stachys recta L., S. labiosa Bertol., S. subcrenata Vis., S. fragilis Vis.(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Cusma Velari, TizianaLausi, DuilioKARYOLOGICAL STUDIES IN STACHYS RECTA L., S. LABIOSA BERTOL., S. SUBRCRENATA VIS., S. FRAGILIS VIS. Somatic chromosomes of some closely related taxa belonging to the Stachys recta - complex were investigated. Specimens were collected in populations growing in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (NE-Italy). The chromosome number 2n = 34 of both S. labiosa Bertol. and S. recta L. is confirmed. The chromosomes numbers of S. subcrenata Vis.: 2n = 34 and S. fragilis Vis.: 2n = 34 are new. Discussions and remarks on the differences between the karioytypes of these taxa are given.275 245 - PublicationLa microflora algale delle pareti calcaree del Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italia nord-orientale)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Rizzi Longo, Loredana ;Poldini, LivioGoia, FrancaTHE ALGAL MICROFLORA ON CALCAREOUS WALLS OF FRIULI - VENEZIA GIULIA (NE - ITALY). The algal biotopes are mostly populated by Cyanophytes. The most abundant Algae are Gloeocapsa and Scytonema. Microphytic communities are described phytosociologically. The algal vegetation is similar to Scytonemo - Gloeocapsetum described by Golubić (1967). The lithophytic vegetation of three localities of different microecology is compared. Some difference with regard to the relative abundance of coccoid and filamentous species is detected.267 646 - PublicationPlantae Tommasinianae(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Pignatti Wikus, ErikaPLANTAE TOMMASINIANAE. Original drawings of species dedicated to Tommasini (1794-1879) and still regarded as valid in recent taxonomical literature. Most of them are endemics in the Illyrian region, in the Eastern Alps or on Northadriatic coast.
225 289 - PublicationScheuchzeria palustris L. nuova per le Alpi Carniche(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Gerdol, RenatoSCHEUCHZERIA PALUSTRIS L. NEW TO THE CARNIC ALPS.In the Carnic Alps (North-East Italy) Scheuchzeria palustris has been found only in a very limited bog area. The vegetation in which it occurs may be referred to Sphagno cuspidati - Caricetum limosae (Osvald 1923) Krisai 1970.
256 259 - PublicationSpatial pattern analysis of abandoned grasslands Of the Karst region by Trieste and Gorizia(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Feoli Chiapella, Laura ;Feoli, Enrico ;Ganis, PaolaSorge, AngelaWe have taken in consideration grasslands on flat or slightly sloped surface surrounded or interrupted by nuclei of reforestation (NR) of different areas (10-50 square metres). The results have shown that the influence of the single NR has no great importance on the changement of vegetation along the transects, but that considerable variations are due to the mean distance of the NR all round the grassland.365 329 - PublicationTommasini nella vita civile e sociale di Trieste(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Zennaro, LiciaTOMMASINI IN THE CIVIL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF TRIESTE. At the end of the XVIII century Trieste was a small town with a population of about 30.000 inhabitans. The father of Tommasini came to Trieste in 1781 as a consul of the granducate of Tuscany and Muzio Tommasini was born in Trieste in 1794. He studied in Trieste, Ljubljana (as a pupil of the well known botanist Hladnik) and Vienna where he was in contact whith Host (the Author of the fundamental Flora Austriaca, 1827-1831) but finally he became a doctor in law and performed his civil career as a magistrate. Appointed to the government in 1827, Tommasini was particularly for two decades; concerned with the sanitary problems of the impetuously growing town at the same time he explored throroughly the local flora, collected an important herbarium and published the results of several botanical investigations. After the introduction of the constitution in 1850 Tommasini was elected as the first Mayor of the town and occupied this role until 1861. In these years the town developed as the principal trade centre of the Austrian Empire and the population grew to 100.000 people; otherwise the political success hindered Tommasini from elaborating a synthetic work about the flora and vegetation of the Illyrian region.
233 553 - PublicationÜber einige neue oder seltene Arten in der Flora der Julischen Alpen (IV)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Wraber, ToneSOME NEW OR RARE SPECIES IN THE FLORA OF THE JULIAN ALPS (IV). The Author communicates the presence of 5 species in the Julian Alps: Bupleurum longifolium, Festuca pulchella var. angustifolia, Potentilla Arenaria and Pulsatilla alba are new for the flora of the territory: for Androsace Helvetica a second locality is given. The sociological value of these species and their distribution in Slovenija are discussed.
285 363 - PublicationÜbersicht über die Vegetation Vegetation des Karstes von Triest und Görz (NO-Italien)(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Poldini, LivioOUTLINES OF THE VEGETATION OF THE KARST OF TRIESTE AND GORIZIA (NE-ITALY). A brief account of the vegetation of the Karst in the surroundings of Trieste and Gorizia (Northeastern-Italy) is given here based on a phytosociological survey of the country. In the appendix there are some relevés of new associations.
316 857 - PublicationValutazione fitosociologica degli aggruppamenti a Carex brachystachys nelle Alpi Giulie occidentali(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Lausi, DuilioGerdol, RenatoPHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE CAREX BRACHYSTACHYS COMMUNITIES IN THE WESTERN JULIAN ALPS. The mountain Carex brachystachys communities which colonize the cool, wet and shady rocks of the Western Julian Alps are phytosociologically described. On the basis of a numerical classification this vegetation type has been assigned to Caricetum brachystachyos Lüdi 1921 and its endemic component discussed. Theoretical remarks about the use of corological criteria in syntaxonomy are put in evidence.262 356 - PublicationZum Gedenken an K. und K. Statthalterei-Rath in Triest Dr. Mutius Ritter von Tommasini(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)Aichinger, ErwinIN THE MEMORY OF DR. M. DE TOMMASINI IMPERIAL MAGISTRATE IN TRIESTE. Critical enumeration of the Orchids growing in the Illyrian region on the basis of an original list published by Tommasini in 1851. The problem of the vegetation belts of this region is discussed. Ecology and geographical distribution of each species are indicated.
267 346 - PublicationZur Verbreitung und Biologie der Flechte Caloplaca anularis(EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1980)
;Poelt, JosefHafellner, JosefDISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY OF THE LICHEN CALOPLACA ANULARIS. Caloplaca anularis, described from the Western Alps in 1972, is reported for the first time from the Eastern Alps and the Balkan peninsula. The species grows always on steep calcareous rocks. There garlandlike, centrifugal, rarely fruiting thalli are built. On small projections of the rocks it grows rosulate and many apothecia are developed. The form of growing is connected with a deposit of excrets in the medulla and the hypothallus increasing towards the older parts of the thallus. The excrets deposited in the medulla and the hypothallus differ with the optical activity.359 248