Slavica Tergestina 14 (2012)

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The Return of the Great Story

Natka Badurina
Kraj povijesti i hrvatski novopovijesni roman
The End of History and the new Croatian historical novel

Irina Marchesini
Per un recupero della »izjaščnaja slovesnost’«:osservazioni sul linguaggio »proetico« di Saša Sokolov
The reclaiming of the “izjaščnaja slovesnost’”: observations on the “proethic” language of Sasha Sokolov

Francesca Di Tonno
Il romanzo a teatro. Il ritorno delle grandi narrazioni
The novel in theatre.
The return of the grand narrative

Tunde Szabo
Историзм и реализм в творчестве Л. Улицкой
Historicism and realism in the works of Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Giulia Gigante
Alla ricerca del senso perduto. Il ritorno alla »grande narrazione«:il caso di Zelenyj Šater di Ljudmila Ulickaja
In search of the lost sense.
The return of the grand narrative: the case of Lyudmila Ulitskaya's Zelenyj Šater (Imago)

Dana Hučkova
Ritorni post-ideologici all’ideologia nella letteratura slovacca dopo il 1989
Post-ideological reviews of the ideology in Slovak literature after 1989

Miha Javornik
«Абсурдность» бродячих сюжетов
The “absurdity” of travelling themes

Ivan Verč
Sankt Peterburg in oblikovanje spomina

Saint Petersburg and the formation of memory

Blaž Podlesnik
Просторы поэзии на грани языка (и вопросы перевода)
Spaces of Poetry at the Edges of Language (and the Question of Translation)

С. А. Шульц
П.П. Пазолини и Л.Н. Толстой (Теоремаи СмертьИванаИльича)
Pier Paolo Pasolini and Leo Tolstoy (The Theorem and The Death of Ivan Ilyich)


Slavica Tergestina volumes usually focus on a particular theme or concept. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the journal remains open to other approaches and methodologies.

The theme of the upcoming volume along with detailed descriptions of the submission deadlines and the peer review process can be found on our website at All published articles are also available on-line, both on the journal website and in the University of Trieste web publication system at

Slavica Tergestina is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).
