1995 / 2 Prospero. Rivista di culture anglo-germaniche
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Knape Joachim
Petrarca in Germania fino alla fine del Cinquecento
Meroni Sarah Jackson
Gertrude Stein and Expatriation
Kroell Sonja
A Bitter Journey: The "Passing" Mulatta as "Expatriate": in Jessie Redmon Fauset's Plum Bun
Proctor Nancy
Traveling between the Borders of Gender and Nationality: 19th Century American Women Artists in Rome
Vincent Bernard
A National Hero in Transit: The Problem of Thomas Paine's American Citizenship
Bottalico Michele
Buonomo Leonardo
A Frenchman Abroad: The Construction of National Identity in Cooper's The Wing-and-Wing
Wimmer Adi
Mortara Di Veroli Elèna
Travel and Metamorphosis in I.B. Singer's Fiction
Zaccaria Paola
Dallapiazza Michael, Classen Albrecht, Pettener Anna
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