The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 23 - 2018
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Kellett Cynthia J., Riccardi Alessandra
Määttä Simo K.
Accuracy in telephone interpreting: the case of French as a lingua franca in Finland
Iglesias Fernández Emilia, Ouellet Marc
From the phone to the classroom: categories of problems for telephone interpreting training
Spinolo Nicoletta, Bertozzi Michela||Russo Mariachiara
Shaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today: Preliminary results of the SHIFT Project
Mahasneh Anjad A., Obeidat Mohammed M.
Conflict zones: a training model for interpreters
Dal Fovo Eugenia
The use of dialogue interpreting corpora in healthcare interpreter training: taking stock
Defrancq Bart
Fantinuoli Claudio
The use of comparable corpora in interpreting practice and training
Riccardi Alessandra