
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 9
  • Publication
    Esercizi filosofici 7, 1/2 (2012)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-12)
      520  1641
  • Publication
    Lokāyata and Its Derivatives in the Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-12)
    Bhattacharya, Ramkrishna
    The word lokāyata both in Pali and Buddhist Sanskrit is generally used as substantive to mean disputatio. It is attested by the Suttas in the Tipiṭaka as well as the Śārdūla-karṇāvadānasūtra (in Divyāvadāna). The emendations made by Cowell and Neil, Mukhopadhyaya, and Vaidya in the latter text clearly show that in all cases of its occurrence lokāyata is to be taken as a Brahminical subject of study. In view of this, the only solution to the reading of a problematic passage in the Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra is to emend the text, not on the basis of further manuscript evidence but by such evidences as are found in other Pali and Buddhist Sanskrit texts. Since lokāyataṃ in all available sources stands for the science for disputation, there is no reason why it should mean something else in this instance. In the Milindapañha the king is described as «fond of wordy disputation and eager for discussion with casuists, sophists, and gentry of that sort» Similarly, Milinda is «skilled alike in casuistry and in the knowledge of the bodily marks that foreshadow the greatness of a man» As Rhys Davids has noted: «The above are the stock phrases for the learning of a scholarly Brahman […]». What seems to have happened in the case of the Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra is this: the scribe has mistakenly written the word lokāyatamantradhārakān in place of lokāyatayajñamantradhārakān (or °pāragān), and without noticing his own error went on copying. The basis of this emendation is that lokāyata, yajñamantra, and mahāpuruṣalakṣaṇa are found mentioned in Buddhist literature while enumerating the curriculum for a Brahmin or a prince.
      534  419
  • Publication
    L’esperienza del leone. Tempo e soggetto nella lettura deleuziana di Kant
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-07)
    Marra, Emilia
      519  598
  • Publication
    L’animale acrobatico. Origini e sviluppo del concetto di antropotecnica nel pensiero di Peter Sloterdijk
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-07)
    Lucci, Antonio
    Il testo rappresenta una ricostruzione del concetto di “antropotecnica” nel pensiero di Peter Sloterdijk. A partire dal testo del 2009 Du musst dein Leben ändern vengono ricostruite a ritroso le tappe che dal 1993 hanno portato Sloterdijk alla formulazione (per la prima volta nel 1997) del concetto e allo sviluppo di una teoria filosofica che nell’antropotecnica trovasse il suo cardine principale. Nel saggio vengono presi in considerazione i testi di antropologia religiosa di Sloterdijk (Weltrevolution der Seele, Weltfremdheit) e quelli relativi all’antropogenesi sociale e individuale (Im selben Boot, Nicht gerettet) quali precursori del concetto di antropotecnica collegato a quello di esercizio, che è al centro della speculazione sloterdijkiana recente.
      858  712
  • Publication
    La nozione di performatività: un confronto tra Judith Butler e John L. Austin
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012-07)
    Ginocchietti, Marianna
    Judith Butler’s investigation of gender identities – and of their being socially and culturally constructed – is grounded on the concept of performativity. In this paper I outline Butler’s elaboration of gender performativity in connection with John L. Austin’s analysis of performative utterances. The aim of this paper is to highlight the gap between these two elaborations of the notion of perfomativity which are usually understood as constituting a theoretical continuum.
      1181  3358