01. Archives and archival documents in ancient societies
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Michele Faraguna
Dennis Kehoe
Archives and Archival Documents in Ancient Societies: Introduction
Ancient Near East
Sophie Démare-Lafont
Zero and Infinity: the Archives in Mesopotamia
Klaas R. Veenhof
The Archives of Old Assyrian Traders: their Nature, Functions and Use
Antoine Jacquet
Family Archives in Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian Period
Susanne Paulus
The Limits of Middle Babylonian Archives
Classical Greece
Christophe Pébarthe
Les archives de la cité de raison. Démocratie athénienne et pratiques documentaires à l’époque classique
Shimon Epstein
Attic Building Accounts from Euthynae to Stelae
Edward M. Harris
The Plaint in Athenian Law and Legal Procedure
Michele Faraguna
Archives in Classical Greece: Some Observations
The Persian Tradition and the Hellenistic World
Ingo Kottsieper
Aramäische Archive aus achämenidischer Zeit und ihre Funktion
Laura Boffo
La ‘presenza’ dei re negli archivi delle poleis ellenistiche
Lucia Criscuolo
Copie, malacopie, copie d'ufficio e il problema della titolarità di un archivio nell’Egitto tolemaico
Mark Depauw
Reflections on Reconstructing Private and Official Archives The Roman Empire
Éva Jakab
Introduction: Archives in the Roman Empire
Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Epigraphische Quellen zum Archivwesen in den griechischen Poleis des ausgehenden Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit
Thomas Kruse
Bevölkerungskontrolle, Statuszugang und Archivpraxis im römischen Ägypten
Rudolf Haensch
Die Statthalterarchive der Spätantike
Uri Yiftach-Firanko
Michele Faraguna is associate professor of Greek history at the University of Trieste. His work has focused on Greek political, administrative, economic, and legal history from the Archaic age to early Hellenism. He is the author of Atene nell’età di Alessandro. Problemi politici, economici, finanziari (1992) in addition to many articles. He edited Dynasthai didaskein. Studi in onore di Filippo Càssola (2006) and Nomos despotes. Law and Legal Procedures in Ancient Greek Society (2007). He is a member of the Editorial board of the Encyclopedia of Ancient History (2013). He is currently working, together with Laura Boffo, on a book on public archives in the Greek cities.