06. Incontri triestini di filologia classica (2006-2007)

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Per Laura Casarsa. Studi filologici e letterari. Atti della giornata di studio

Gianfranco Agosti

Cultura greca negli epigrammi epigrafici di età tardoantica

Marco Fernandelli

Fortuna delle eroine d’un tempo. Da Omero a Villon

Giuliana Crevatin

Nicola Trevet, Landolfo Colonna, Francesco Petrarca

Francesco Stella

Spazio geografico e spazio poetico nel Petrarca latino: Europa e Italia dall’Itinerarium alle Epistole metriche

Lucio Cristante

Due schede su Marco Antonio Amalteo (1475-1558)

Donatella Coppini

Cosimo togatus. Cosimo dei Medici nella poesia latina del Quattrocento

Barbara Zlobec del Vecchio

Talia diuino dum fundit Sontius ore. Nota in margine a un carme di Francesco Robortello

Rienzo Pellegrini

Classici latini e greci in redazione friulana. Esempi e sondaggi

Franco Serpa

Senex Corycius di Pascoli

Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 2006-2007

Philippe Mudry

L’énigme de la 3e satire de Juvenal

Anna Pontani

Ancora su Pallada, AP IX 528, ovvero il bilinguismo alla prova

Simonetta Randino

La piena e perfetta imitazione

Rita Lucarelli

Per una lettura della cultura funeraria dell’Egitto greco-romano: la tradizione dei papiri del Libro dei Morti

Alberto Camerotto

Come diventare un eroe. Le virtù e le imprese di Trygaios Athmoneus

Fabio Vendruscolo

Codici dell’Argiropulo tra gli Utinenses Graeci

Mario De Nonno

Due casi di allusività ciceroniana

Manuela Bergamin

Eucherio di Lione e la poesia epigrammatica. Materiali per un’indagine

Ileana Chirassi Colombo

Alexandria, Alexandros. Un progetto sognato

Indice dei nomi antichi, medievali, bizantini, rinascimentali, moderni, dei poeti,

degli scrittori, delle opere anonime e degli artisti

Indice degli studiosi citati


Il volume n. 6 contiene anche gli Atti della giornata di studio in onore di Laura Casarsa (Trieste, 19 gennaio 2007) a cura di Lucio Cristante e Ireneo Filip.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 18
  • Publication
    Alexandria, Alexandros. Un progetto sognato
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Chirassi Colombo, Ileana
    The project of Alexander was to unite the world under the law of Greek arete presented as political virtue. Alexandria became instead the starting point of a symbolic system globalizing deeply different, based on the obedience to a law that drew its authority not from human nous and material physis, but from the 'word' writed by an extra-human Being without rivals, the one and only God.
      1561  3658
  • Publication
    Eucherio di Lione e la poesia epigrammatica. Materiali per un'indagine
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Bergamin, Manuela
    Among the Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae of Eucherio from Lyon and the Aenigmata Symposii, a collection of epigrams of at least half a century later, belonging to the so-called Anthologia Latina, there are significant coincidences in the series of images; moreover, both texts have in common a tendency towards iteration of themes whose inner organization is catalogue-like; some allegorical interpretations are shared too.
      1496  6411
  • Publication
    Due casi di allusività ciceroniana
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    De Nonno, Mario
    Cicero’s habit of citing phrases and poetically derived concepts justifies the critic in reading Cicero’s texts with special attention to reminiscences, reuses and paraphrastic re-elaborations of loci known from other sources, and even invites him to suspect and detect textual presences for which the tradition gives us no other evidence. This paper proposes the identification and a brief assessment of two Ciceronian passages variously alluding to the texts of two archaic poets. These references have gone unnoticed so far: Enn. ann. 234 ff. V.2 (= 268ff. Sk.) and Cic. Att. 1.18; Cic. Cael. 37 and Com. inc. inc. 51 ff. R.3, where the author is, presumably, Cecilius Statius.
      1735  4583
  • Publication
    Codici dell'Argiropulo tra gli Utinenses Graeci
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Vendruscolo, Fabio
    Ten out of Utinenses Graeci, half humanistic codes, with Aristotelian texts or comments, the other half Byzantine (dating from the tenth to fourteenth centuries) with patristic or ascetic content, back to a single book collection of the first '500, that of illustrious Venetian cardinal and patriarch of Aquileia Domenico Grimani, perhaps the largest library of the Europe in that age: of these, at least eight (Utinn. 254, 255, 256II, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263) were already associated in the vast library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, who after his death it was purchased in 1498 by Grimani. It is possible that the three Aristotelian codes (264, 265, 266) – in Florence with Pico, in Rome with Grimani, in Venice at San Giovanni di Castello, then at Antonio Capello, finally, with the patriarch Dolfin, in Udin, in the public library inaugurated in 1711 - were united from the humanistic origin, at one of the protagonists of the cultural hand over between Byzantium and modern Europe: Johannes Argiropulos.
      1604  2466
  • Publication
    Come diventare un eroe. Le virtù e le imprese di Trygaios Athmoneus
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008)
    Camerotto, Alberto
    From the multifaceted hero of the myth to the poikilia of comic hero: quality and nature of his erga with particular reference to the action of Trigeus in the Peace of Aristophanes. The ambiguity appears to be the dominant stretch that brings together all the different qualities of the comic hero; this joins the fact that he is usually an individual marked by a marginality, with many positive virtues, but also negative, he distinguishes himself by its extraordinary natural exuberance and he is the only architect of his erga with which it reaches the kleos.
      1625  6113