Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste: an International Journal of Mathematics vol.48 (2016)


Section 1

Nakamura Gen, Oliva Marcos

Exponential decay of solutions to initial boundary value problem for anisotropic visco-elastic systems

Lakshtanov Evgeny L., Novikov Roman G.||Vainberg Boris R.

A global Riemann-Hilbert problem for two-dimensional inverse scattering at fixed energy

Belishev Mikhail I., Vakulenko Aleksei F.

On characterization of inverse data in the boundary control method

Guo Chang-Yu, Kar Manas||Salo Mikko

Inverse problems for p-Laplace type equations under monotonicity assumptions

Morassi Antonino, Rosset Edi

Stable determination of an inclusion in an inhomogeneous elastic body by boundary measurements

Magnanini Rolando

An introduction to the study of critical points of solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations

Sakaguchi Shigeru

Two-phase heat conductors with a stationary isothermic surface

Banerjee Agnid, Garofalo Nicola

Quantitative uniqueness for zero-order perturbations of generalized Baouendi-Grushin operators

Beretta Elena, Francini Elisa

Asymptotic formulas for steady state voltage potentials in the presence of thin inhomogeneities. The complex case.

Sincich Eva, Vessella Sergio

Wave equation with Robin condition, quantitative estimates of strong unique continuation at the boundary

Di Benedetto Emmanuele, Gianazza Ugo

Some properties of De Giorgi classes

Chitour Yacine, Sigalotti Mario

Generic controllability of the bilinear Schroedinger equation on 1-D domains: the case of measurable potentials

Inglese Gabriele, Olmi Roberto

Nondestructive evaluation of inaccessible surface damages by means of active thermography

Rondi Luca

Discrete approximation and regularisation for the inverse conductivity problem

Kang Hyeonbae

On coated inclusions neutral to bulk strain fields in two dimensions

Heck Horst, Wang Jenn-Nan

Optimal stability estimate of the inverse boundary value problem by partial measurements

Clerc Maureen, Leblond Juliette, Marmorat Jean-Paul, Papageorgakis Christos

Uniqueness result for an inverse conductivity recovery problem with application to EEG

Di Cristo Michele

Stability analysis of the inverse inclusion problem

Gianazza Ugo, Salsa Sandro

On the boundary behaviour of solutions to parabolic equations of p−Laplacian type

Section 2

Hayashi Makoto

On the improved Massera’s theorem for the unique existence of the limit cycle for a Lienard equation

Guerra Lucio

On elliptic curves of bounded degree:a polarized Abelian surface

Cahen Benjamin

Schrödinger model and Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for Heisenberg motion groups

Alzer Horst, Prodinger Helmut

Notes on a combinatorial identity

Lopez-Gomez Julian

Global bifurcation for Fredholm operators

Iena Oleksandr

On the singular 1-dimensional planar sheaves supported on quartics

Pahan Sampa, Pal Buddhadev, Bhattacharyya Arindam

Multiply warped products quasi-Einstein manifolds with quarter-symmetric connection

Gaburro Romina

Stable determination at the boundary of the optical properties of a medium: the static case

Isakov Viktor

Carleman estimates with two large parameters for an anisotropic system of elasticity

Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste. An International Journal of Mathematics


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 29
  • Publication
    Rendiconti dell’Istituto di matematica dell’Università di Trieste. An International Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 48 (2016)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
    Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste was founded in 1969 by Arno Predonzan, with the aim of publishing original research articles in all fields of mathematics and has been the first Italian mathematical journal to be published also on-line. The access to the electronic version of the journal is free. All published articles are available on-line. The journal can be obtained by subscription, or by reciprocity with other similar journals. Currently more than 100 exchange agreements with mathematics departments and institutes around the world have been entered in.
      374  1720
  • Publication
    Carleman estimates with two large parameters for an anisotropic system of elasticity
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Isakov, Viktor
    We consider the system of partial differential equations of transversely isotropic elasticity with residual stress. Completing previous results we derive Carleman estimates for this system containing time derivatives. This permits to obtain exact observability inequalities for this system with the Cauchy data on the whole lateral boundary.
      593  490
  • Publication
    Stable determination at the boundary of the optical properties of a medium: the static case
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Gaburro, Romina
    Abstract. The problem of the stable determination of the coefficients of second order elliptic partial differential equations arising in inverse problems is considered. Results of uniqueness and stability at the boundary were obtained in [3] and extended in [8,9] for the conductivity equation. The common features of these papers are the employment of the singular solutions and the monotonicity assumption introduced in [3]. We revisit the techniques adopted in these papers to stably determine the absorption coefficient in anisotropic media by means of Optical tomography (OT) in the so-called static case. This also shows that the monotonicity assumption is realistic at least in the context of OT.
      701  431
  • Publication
    On the singular 1-dimensional planar sheaves supported on quartics
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Iena, Oleksandr
    In the case of the fine Simpson moduli spaces of 1-dimensional planar sheaves supported on quartics. the subvariety of sheaves that are not locally free on their support is connected, singular, and has codimension 2.
      574  358
  • Publication
    Global bifurcation for Fredholm operators
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Lopez-Gomez, Julian
    This paper reviews the global bifurcation theorem of J.Lopez-Gomez and C. Mora-Corral [18] and derives from it a global version of the local theorem of M. G. Crandall and P.H. Rabinovitz [5] on bifurcation from simple eigenvalues, as well as a refinement of the unilateral bifurcation theorem of [14, Chapter 6].
      663  648