Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.09 - 2006


The translation market is changing, and is doing so at a pace that was inconceivable even a few years ago. The new technologies, Internet, globalisation and the increasingly closely intertwined economic, political and cultural relations call for radical changes in the role of translators, in their working procedures, and in their competences. This is inevitably affecting research in translation as well, where two trends are evident: first, studies are increasingly making use of principles, methodologies and concepts derived from other disciplines; and second, there is a growing interest in the problems and characteristic features of the professional itself. While RITT has always advocated the need for constructive dialogue between theorists and practitioners – even during the times of deep mutual distrust – the current issue is a particularly clear example of these trends and of their relevance for the teaching and training of translators.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 12
  • Publication
    Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione, n.9 (2006)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2006)
    Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste (Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione) is a refereed international journal published once a year. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum of discussion for the multifaceted activity of translation as well as related issues such as terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, contrastive analysis, corpus linguistics, and intercultural communication. The journal is mainly focused - but not limited to – specialized, i.e. non-literary, translation and is open to different theoretical approaches including contributions from qualified professionals operating on the translation market. Articles are mainly published in Italian and English, but articles in other European languages are also accepted, provided they are preceded by an Abstract in English. Each issue of the journal contains a section devoted to a specific topic, but contributions on other subjects as well as papers by young researchers and reviews are also very welcome.
      815  3602
  • Publication
    Recensioni - Book Reviews
    (EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2006)
      968  802
  • Publication
    Technology and Tradition in Port Wine Making and Marketing Terminology
    (EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2006)
    Caregnato, Massimo
    This research project was inspired by the increasing importance wine trade has acquired on the economic scene worldwide. In particular, the most traded and renowned Portuguese wine is port, whose history dates back to the 17th century. In its producing country, this long tradition brought about a related special language very rich in popular influences. Research was therefore undertaken to verify whether port language is domain-specific as opposed to the more general Portuguese terminology of wine-making. As Italy and Portugal are both wineproducing countries, this research aimed also at comparing wine terminology in Italian and Portuguese, creating a term collection and finding possible translating solutions for port domain-specific terms. The starting point was a visit to the port production areas. Interviews with local wine makers and marketing technicians were carried out and recorded on tape to be analysed from a terminological viewpoint. The information gathered was used as teaching material during the 2004/2005 academic course of Portuguese-Italian Liaison Interpreting 2 in the third year of the degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Trieste in order to train future interpreters to handle domain-specific terminology.
      1388  4677
  • Publication
    Analisi di un corpus parallelo inglese-italiano di pubbblicazioni dell'OMS: sintassi, lessico e resa della modalità
    (EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2006)
    Ianich, Erica
    This paper deals with a computer-assisted study of a corpus of WHO publications in English and their translations in Italian, and describes a method of using a parallel corpus to investigate both linguistic and translation phenomena, with particular reference to modal auxiliaries. The analysis focuses on the WordList function of the WordSmith Tools suite to create alphabetical and frequency-ordered lists of the words found in the corpus, and statistical information. First, the general features of the source and target texts are investigated, such as sentence number, mean sentence length, lexical variety and density, and the incidence of nouns and verbs. Inferences are then made about the systemic differences between English and Italian as well as the “universals” of translation. Secondly, the study concentrates on modality, and wordlists are again used to analyse the presence of modal expressions in the corpus, and in particular to compare the incidence of English modals in the source texts and their most “direct” translations in the target texts. Given the imbalances found, each modal auxiliary is also analysed through semi-automatic alignment to identify the main translation strategies used.
      2063  17784
  • Publication
    I connettivi condizionali complessi nei testi normativi spagnoli
    (EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2006)
    Garofalo, Giovanni
    The higher degree of morphosyntactical complexity that “Complex Conditional Connectors” (CCC) show in comparison with “if clauses” is due to the higher specificity of the syntactical functions which they perform. In fact, the high CCC frequency in specialised genres, such as legal or bureaucratic texts, is related to their expression of “necessary and sufficient condition”. Starting from the taxonomies suggested by Montolío (1991, 1999) and Venuti (2000) and from the analysis of two homogeneous corpora, this paper analyses the typology of CCC used in Spanish and Italian Criminal Legislation. The observation of typical contexts of occurrence reveals that the semantic traits of each CCC determine its appropriateness conditions and justifies its possible absence in the textual genre of reference. The conventions of Spanish and Italian legislative genre favour the occurrence of CCCs which are neutral towards the epistemic status of the statement (p) and which rigorously express the point of view of the institutional norm – hence avoiding exposing the writer’s attitude. Contrastive analysis of both corpora also shows that a different “coercive force” in Spanish and Italian may be associated to identical signifiers, for example “a condizione che” and “a condición de que”.
      1444  3974