Poliarchie / Polyarchies volume 7 n. 2/2024
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Edoardo Lavezzo
Shelter Theory Understood by Middle Powers: Analysis of Türkiye’s Foreign Policy in Libya and Somalia
Francesco Recanati
Governance and Digitalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Administration
Matteo Sema, Sara Cervai
Job Satisfaction in Public Administration: The Role of Social Utility
Gabriele Blasutig, Lucio Ulian
Responding to Fire: The Crucial Role of Organizational Networks in Wildfire Management
Giuseppe Mariano Delogu
Organizational Patterns of Fire Management in Mediterranean Europe
Recent Submissions
- PublicationOrganizational Patterns of Fire Management in Mediterranean Europe(2024)Delogu, Giuseppe MarianoFire management in the European context, and specifically in the Mediterranean environment, often addresses the symptom rather than the root causes. The accumulation of flammable vegetation, global warming, land abandonment, and urban sprawl together create the perfect conditions for increasingly intense and complex fires. A profound structural prevention approach, involving planning of both mountainous and lowland areas to organically reduce excess vegetation, is necessary to make fires — which cannot be completely eradicated under current and future conditions — more manageable. In addition, it is necessary to redefine the approach to fire management, which still relies on techniques from the 1960s and 1970s when fires were primarily rural in nature. The Incident Command System, designed and developed in the USA and adopted in many parts of the world and in some European Regions (e.g., Catalonia and Andalusia), is the new integrated and organizational approach to fight against fire. Among the Italian Regions, Tuscany Region has implemented an initial structure in this direction, with the so-called Assisted Operations Direction. However, much work remains to be done, particularly in other regions, to enable more effective operational and methodological exchanges while still respecting regional competencies on the matter.
17 451 - PublicationResponding to Fire: The Crucial Role of Organizational Networks in Wildfire Management(2024)
;Blasutig, GabrieleUlian, LucioThis paper analyzes organizational systems dedicated to wildfire suppression operations. These systems are particularly complex, comprising a wide and heterogeneous range of agencies, operators, resources, processes, and operational practices. They are often described as “hybrid” structures, as they combine a hierarchical profile with a network-based organizational structure. The analysis, grounded in empirical investigation and a literature review, highlights the crucial role of the networked configuration of these organizations, which must manage complex interdependencies, especially during large-scale fires. In such situations, severe coordination and integration issues frequently arise, attributable to a form of “ network ailment” that these systems experience. In light of this, policy actions are proposed to strengthen the organizational network, both by providing shared resources and enhancing the connections between the “nodes” within it.64 739 - PublicationJob Satisfaction in Public Administration: The Role of Social Utility(2024)
;Sema, MatteoCervai, SaraSome phenomena such as the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting are emerging as alarming factors in Italy, even within the Public Administration (Formez 2023). Taking care of organizational wellbeing and, consequently, of the persons who work in those organizations, is one of the possible strategies to try to contain, as well as understand, such phenomena. Within a Regional Directorate of the Italian Revenue Agency, an analysis on organizational wellbeing, conducted on a sample of 336 persons (response rate 45.8%), highlighted that job satisfaction - a construct enduring linked to organizational wellbeing (Warr 1999) - is strongly connected to social utility, to the extent that it is the factor that most explains the level of job satisfaction (mixed model ß=5.98, p-value<.001). The survey included a questionnaire with validated scales from MOHQ (Avallone and Paplomatas 2005), from the ECPT Scale (Tous-Pallarés et al. 2011, Italian validation by Magnano et al. 2020), one item measuring Job Satisfaction (D’Amato and Majer 2005) and one item on future utility towards data (Majer et al. 2002). The result is consistent with international studies on Public Service Motivation (PSM, Perry 1996;1997; Naff and Crum 1999; Vandenabeele 2007; Bright 2008; Taylor and Westover 2011; Giaque et al. 2012; Quratulain and Khan 2015; Hollόsy-Vadász 2018) expanding the reflection also in the Italian public administration context.31 10 - PublicationGovernance and Digitalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Administration(2024)Recanati, FrancescoIn recent decades, political theory and law have undergone significant evolution as a result of globalization and socio-economic transformations, leading to a rethinking of the role of the state and power dynamics. These changes have triggered a need to adapt institutional structures and governance methods to effectively respond to new challenges. At the same time, technological advances in the fields of information technology and communications are redefining management and control models, fostering the emergence of new forms of governance and political participation, such as participatory budgeting, digital democracy platforms, Open Government, and e-Government initiatives. This article aims to examine how the integration of digital technologies into political and administrative practices is transforming the ways in which people interact with institutions and participate in public life. Indeed, it seems that adequate governance is essential to fully exploit the potential of digital technology while safeguarding rights and transparency in an increasingly complex and interconnected context.
40 26 - PublicationShelter Theory Understood by Middle Powers: Analysis of Türkiye’s Foreign Policy in Libya and Somalia(2024)Lavezzo, EdoardoTürkiye has earned a particular place among middle powers who exercise an extra-regional foreign policy in Africa, going beyond its geopolitical area. The scholarship has described Türkiye as an established middle power, exposing its grand strategy in the Middle East to evidence how the country has embraced its ‘peacekeeper’ role in security policies especially with two countries: Somalia and Libya. However, a few studies have analysed Ankara’s behaviour by looking at the security dimension in the form of a shelter-offer as a middle power. Moreover, fewer studies have considered how Ankara’s aid towards small states in Africa has altered the systemic environment. By examining how Türkiye has intertwined bilateral relations with Somalia and Libya, it is possible to observe a new pattern of how a middle power can adapt its peacekeeping and mediating behaviour to expand its influence in the North and Horn of Africa. The analysis adopts a method of inquiry based on the behavioural and systemic-impact model, investigating the consequences of the Turkish security policies in Libya and Somalia and examining the behavioural patterns of Türkiye’s middlepowerness as a security- builder. The paper concludes that Türkiye’s shelter offer diverges in the two case studies, manifesting a more aggressive form of shelter in Libya, while maintaining a more balanced approach in Somalia.
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