Science diplomacy. Foundations and practice
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Simone Arnaldi
Part I. Foundations of science diplomacy
Pierre-Bruno Ruffini
Science diplomacy. On several basic notions and key questions
Mitchell Young
Science diplomacy and the European Union
Simone Arnaldi
The science diplomacy discourse and science policy
Part II. Science diplomacy in actionMounir Ghribi
The role of science diplomacy in strengthening cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean
Alessandro Lombardo
Science diplomacy through the lens of regional cooperation: the experience of the Central European Initiative
Peter F. Mcgrath
The Sustainable Development Goals, science diplomacy and TWAS
Giorgio Paolucci
SESAME, a new light for the Middle East
The Authors
What is science diplomacy? Why is it important in a world marked by global challenges such as climate change and confrontation between great powers? What knowledge can be mobilised to study this emerging field of practice and research? The chapters in this volume provide initial answers to these questions, examining different aspects of science diplomacy, both from a theoretical point of view and by presenting real world case studies. The intent of the book is to offer an introduction to an increasingly important theme in the relations between science, society and politics. Consequently, it is addressed to all those (students, researchers, decision-makers) who are approaching science diplomacy for the first time.
Simone Arnaldi is associate professor of sociology at the University of Trieste. His main research interests concern responsible innovation, science policy and science diplomacy. His publications include: Co-creation and responsibility in techno-scientific innovation from below (in Italian, Mimesis Edizioni, 2023, with Stefano Crabu and Paolo Magaudda) and Responsibility in science and technology. Elements of a social theory (Springer VS, 2016, with Luca Bianchi).