2021 / 26 Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere
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Gefter Wondrich Roberta, Foi Maria Carolina
Pageaux Daniel-Henri
“Soudaine sera la fin/comme il en a été du commencement” (Meddeb 141) - In Memoriam Anna Zoppellari
Todesco Francesca
“Pour tous ceux dont l’esprit se promène”: in memoriam Anna Zoppellari
Selbmann Rolf
Paleari Moira
Erzählen und Reisen als Bildungskategorien: Felicitas Hoppes Johanna und Hoppe
Squeo Alessandra
Mending Fragments of the Self. The Bildungsroman as Kintsugi in Jack Maggs and Mister Pip
Sciarrino Chiara
Monaco Angelo
A Vulnerable Heroine?: Trauma and Self-Begetting in William Trevor’s The Story of Lucy Gault
Pierini Francesca
“Sharing the Same Soil:” Sally Rooney’s Normal People and the Coming-of-Age Romance