The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 01 Special Issue - 1992
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Bee Chin Ng
Peter M. Davidson
Segmentation of Japanese Source Language Discourse in Simultaneous Interpretation
Daniel Gile
Predictable Sentence Endings in Japanese and Conference Interpretation
Masaomi Kondo
"Cassette Effect" in Japanese Translation Words
Bee Chin Ng
End Users' Subjective Reaction to the Performance of Student Interpreters
Bee Chin Ng, Yasuko Obana
The Significance of Speech Levels in English-Japanese Interpretation
Hiromichi Uchiyama
The Effect of Syntactic Differences on English-Japanese Interpreting: Premodifying Adjectives in English
Judy Wakabayashi
Some Characteristics of Japanese Style and the Implications for Japanese-English Translation
Daniel Gile
Book Review
The Interpreters' Newsletter of the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio, dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione and the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste, is an international journal promoting the dissemination and discussion of research in the field of interpreting studies.