Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2019) XXI/3

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Monographica I.

Manca Danilo, Menon Marco

The Dialectical Link Between Political Philosophy and the Unpolitical

Alessiato Elena

Considerazioni su un concetto ambiguo: l'impolitico

Menon Marco

Tra inattualità e connessione spirituale. Nota sull'apolitia di Jacob Buckhardt

Manca Danilo

Il disincanto del filosofo

Chacón Rodrigo

Between Conservatism and Utopia, or, Leo Strauss’s Quest for a Nonpolitical Foundation of the Political

Ciccarelli Pierpaolo

The "Concept of the Political" in Its Genesis

Motuzaite Ieva

Die Doppeldeutigkeit des Politischen, am Beispiel von Carl Schmitt und Leo Strauss

Pageau St-hilare Antoine

Philosophy and Politics in Gadamer’s Interpretation of Plato’s Republic

Pinkoski Nathan

The Allegory of the Cave and the Problem of Platonism in Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss

Conway Daniel

The Voice of Politics and the Tremor of Justice: Arendt, Eichmann, and the Future of Evil

Monographica II.

Ciaramelli Fabio, Marino Piero

Normativity and Vulnerability: Starting from Legal Practices

Schiavello Aldo

Vulnerabilità, concetto di diritto e approccio clinico-legale

Blengino Cecilia

Lo sguardo della clinica legale sulla vulnerabilità: tracce per una riflessione a partire dall'esperienza con vittime di tratta

Blando Giovanni

Appunti per una riflessione su diritto, amore e vulnerabilità

Conza Giusy

Vulnerabilità e cura. Argomentare in bioetica

Nitrato Izzo Valerio

Note su vulnerabilità del diritto e indecidibilità

Savona Pier Francesco

Sulla vulnerabilità istituita: il doppio vincolo della soggettivazione tra affidamento e riconoscimento

Rigo Enrica

La vulnerabilità nella pratica del diritto d’asilo: una categoria di genere?

Hans Lindahl, Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion

Menga Ferdinando G.

Contextualizing Hans Lindahl’s Legal-Philosophical Oeuvre

Ferrara Alessandro

A Crypto-Liberalism of Collective Self-Restraint?

Fossen Thomas

Collective Action, Constituent Power, and Democracy: On Representation in H. Lindahl’s Philosophy of Law

Owen David

From Justification to Vindication: Lindahl and Asymmetrical Recognition

Patberg Markus

Constituent Power and Struggles for Representation in a Global Context

Zanetti Gianfrancesco

A New Book by Hans Lindahl

Lindahl Hans

A-Legality, Representation, Constituent Power. Reply to Critics


Balistreri Maurizio

È giusto che le donne abbiano l’ultima parola sugli embrioni in vitro?

Corvino Fausto

Utility, Priorities, and Quiescent Sufficiency

De Mori Barbara

Animal Testing: The Ethical Principle of the 3Rs from Laboratories to “Field” Research with Wild Animals

Konrádová Veronika

The Concept of Punishment in Plato’s Eschatological Myths

Mandara Luca

“I like it”: tempo libero e società capitalistica

Russo Maria

Una fede che fu combattuta. Il rapporto tra esistenzialismo e marxismo in Jean-Paul Sartre

Slongo Paolo

Homo sacer e la produzione della nuda vita. Agamben e la “correzione” di Foucault

Vergani Mario

Husserl’s Approach to the Theme of the Person


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 34
  • Publication
    Appunti per una riflessione su diritto, amore e vulnerabilità
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
    Blando, Giovanni
    The relation between law and love is closely linked to vulnerability. Love can rule out the certainties of the people who are in love increasing their insecurities. The paper aims to briefly describe the modalities through which vulnerability seizes love, questioning on the role played by law in this problematic relation.
      166  545
  • Publication
    A-Legality, Representation, Constituent Power
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
    Lindahl, Hans
    In different ways and from different angles, the participants in this special issue critically probe the conceptual and normative underpinnings of the model of legal order developed in to Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion and other writings. This offers me the opportunity to flesh out these underpinnings more fully and to draw out some of their implications which were not discussed in the book. In particular, my response focuses on the concepts of, and systematic relation between, representation, recognition, constituent power, equality, restrained collective self-assertion, and a-legality.
      381  405
  • Publication
    Note su vulnerabilità del diritto e indecidibilità
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
    Nitrato Izzo, Valerio
    The article deals with the relationship between vulnerability in the legal realm and undecidability. In the first part I introduce the link between vulnerability and the idea of a legal order. Moving from an understanding of vulnerability as a character of the law, in the second part I focus on the methodological crisis in legal science. In the last part a connection with the issue of undecidability is established in order to show the boundaries of objective and subjective dimensions of legal vulnerability.
      193  856
  • Publication
    Normativity and Vulnerability: Starting from Legal Practices
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
    Ciaramelli, Fabio
    Marino, Piero
    Over the last decade, the juridical-philosophical notion of vulnerability has met with considerable success, both in terms of theoretical reflection and of concrete legal application. Much of this success is due to its critical-hermeneutical use, aimed not only at identifying and protecting individuals or groups particularly exposed and vulnerable, but also and above all, at adapting and directing the legislation concerning the protection of fundamental human rights. In this sense, the legal use of the notion of vulnerability is an integral part of the process of constitutionalization of the human person that characterizes the European legal systems since the second post-war period and which assumes, as its main purpose, the application of the protective mask of the law to the concrete individuals.
      188  594
  • Publication
    Between Conservatism and Utopia, or, Leo Strauss’s Quest for a Nonpolitical Foundation of the Political
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
    Chacón, Rodrigo
    Leo Strauss has been read as the author of a paradoxically nonpolitical political philosophy. This reading finds extensive support in Strauss’s work, notably in the claim that political life leads beyond itself to contemplation and in the limits this imposes on politics. Yet the space of the nonpolitical in Strauss remains elusive. The “nonpolitical” understood as the natural, Strauss suggests, is the “foundation of the political”. But the meaning of “nature” in Strauss is an enigma: it may refer either to the “natural understanding” of commonsense, or to nature “as intended by natural science,” or to “unchangeable and knowable necessity.” As a student of Husserl, Strauss sought both to retrieve and radically critique both the “natural understanding” and the “naturalistic” worldview of natural science. He also cast doubt on the very existence of an unchangeable nature. The true sense of the nonpolitical in Strauss, I shall argue, must rather be sought in his embrace of the trans-finite goals of philosophy understood as rigorous science. Nature may be the nonpolitical foundation of the political, but we can only ever approximate nature asymptotically. The nonpolitical remains as elusive in Strauss as the ordinary. To approximate both we need to delve deeper into his understanding of Husserl.
      179  512