Slavica Tergestina 20 (2018/I)


Literary Theory in Bulgaria

Tenev Darin

What is it That is Being Threatened? Introductory Words

Stoyanov Enyo

Poststructuralist Backgrounds: the Political Strategies of Resistance in the Literary- Theoretical Debates during the 1960–1970s in Bulgaria

Nikolchina Miglena

Anti-Odysseus: Orphism and Late Communism in Bulgaria

Spassova Kamelia

Authentic and Heterogeneous Mimesis: Reflection and Self-reflexivity in Todor Pavlov and Yuri Lotman

Kalinova Maria

Exotopy: Mikhail Bakhtin and Jacques Lacan on the Outside Context of Discourse

Tenev Darin

Tension Episodes (A Fragment of the History of Literary Theory in Bulgaria. The Case of the Bulgarian Guillaumist School)


Skubaczewska-Pniewska Anna

Between the Sureness of Theory and the Folly of Literature. A commentary to the reception of Saussure’s theory of language (from Jakobson to Bagić)

Rezoničnik Lidija

Das slowenische Gesicht': Literarische Reportage über Auswandereridentitäten

Благојевић Ненад

«Четыре жизни» Василия Ивановича Чапаева (об одном мифотворческом феномене Гражданской войны в России 1917–1923 гг)

Викторович Филиппов Юрий

(Еще раз) о перспективах российской лингвокультурологии

Penta Lorenzo

Tendenze recenti nella formazione delle parole del russo contemporaneo


Verč Ivan

Ritorno alla filologia

Poniž Denis

Monografija o pesnici Anni A. Ahmatovi


Slavica Tergestina volumes usually focus on a particular theme or concept. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the journal remains open to other approaches and methodologies.

The theme of the upcoming volume along with detailed descriptions of the submission deadlines and the peer review process can be found on our website at All published articles are also available on-line, both on the journal website and in the University of Trieste web publication system at

Slavica Tergestina is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS).


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 14
  • Publication
    Slavica tergestina 20 (2018/I)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione
    Fachbereich Literaturwissenschaft
    Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slavistiko
    Slavica Tergestina was founded in 1987 at the University of Trieste by scholars of the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT – Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori). After the introductory volume published in 1987, the journal appeared regularly beginning in 1994. Since then, eighteen volumes have been published, adding up to over 250 articles written by researchers from different countries (mostly Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian and Italian Slavic scholars). The volumes were reviewed in several scientific publications in Russia, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia. Some volumes focused on a monographic topic: Наследие Ю.М. Лотмана, 1996; Славянские языки и перевод, 1997; Художественный текст и его гео-культурные стратификации, 2000; Литературоведение XXI века. Письмо – Текст – Культура, 2002, Law & Literature, 2011; The Great Story, 2012; Slavia Islamica, 2013; The Yugoslav Partisan Art, 2016. Most of the articles published so far deal with the cultural realm of the Slavic world from the perspective of modern structuralist, semiotic and cultural methodological approaches, but the Journal Slavica TerGestina remains open to other approaches and methodologies.
      248  4543
  • Publication
    Monografija o pesnici Anni A. Ahmatovi
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Poniž, Denis
      322  222
  • Publication
    Ritorno alla filologia
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Verč, Ivan
      311  593
  • Publication
    Tendenze recenti nella formazione delle parole del russo contemporaneo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Penta, Lorenzo
    Nell’articolo vengono illustrati gli sviluppi più recenti nel sistema di formazione delle parole del russo contemporaneo, contestualizzandoli all’interno dell’attuale quadro sociolinguistico. Una particolare attenzione viene data a quei tratti linguistici periferici che affiorano nello standard a seguito del processo di democratizzazione della lingua, spesso veicolati dalla lingua dei mass-media, rappresentante del nuovo modello linguistico.
      585  3148
  • Publication
    (Еще раз) о перспективах российской лингвокультурологии
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Викторович Филиппов, Юрий
    В статье предлагается критический разбор современного состояния изучения взаимосвязи языка и куль- туры в российской науке и аргумен- тируется точка зрения, состоящая в том, что научная и учебная дисци- плина, именуемая в отечественной академической традиции лингво- культурологией, может развиваться более успешно в контексте не только лингвистического, но и собствен- но культурологического знания, ориентируясь на соответствующие теоретические и методологические установки и используя понятия, тер- мины и исследовательские приемы, разработанные в науках о культуре.
      343  733