Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione n.14 - 2012


Magris Marella, Lozano Miralles Helena

Prefazione/Editorial Preface

A. Fiola Marco

Translator education: for a praxeological approach

Parlak Betül, Bulut Alev

The symbolic power of academic translator training institutions: The case of the Translation Studies Department at Istanbul University

Mileto Fiorenza

Professionisti in prestito alla docenza

Shahabi Mitra, Tataei Gilda,Roberto Maria Teresa

Translation studies as academic education

Angelone Erik

The place of screen recording in process-oriented translator training

Kourouni Kyriaki

(Killing) two birds with one stone: Tools for translation process research and the translation classroom

Meiwes Emmanuela E.

Tradurre in/a rete: un percorso collaborativo di apprendimento

Martín-Mor Adrià

Le tecnologie della traduzione e il loro effetto nei testi. Design sperimentale e risultati preliminari di uno studio con strumenti CAT

Valli Paola

Translation practice at the EU institutions: focus on a concordancing tool

Mikolič Južnič Tamara

I corpora nell’insegnamento della traduzione: un approccio a problemi di stile e sintassi

Pontrandolfo Gianluca

Legal Corpora: an overview

Vicente Christian

Didattica della traduzione e terminologia come disciplina accademica: tra teoria e realtà

Lombardi Alessandra, Peverati Costanza

TouriTerm: un database terminologico per la traduzione e redazione di testi turistici

Peruzzo Katia

Terminological equivalence in European, British and Italian criminal law texts: A case study on victims of crime

Recensioni/Book reviews

Dodds John

Their Truths Live On Remembering Eugene Nida (1914-2011) and Peter Newmark (1916-2011)

Viaggio Sergio

In memoriam Peter Newmark


Information on the Journal

Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Trieste ( Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione ) is a refereed international journal published once a year. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum of discussion for the multifaceted activity of translation as well as related issues such as terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, contrastive analysis, corpus linguistics, and intercultural communication. The journal is mainly focused - but not limited to – specialized, i.e. non-literary, translation and is open to different theoretical approaches including contributions from qualified professionals operating on the translation market. Articles are mainly published in Italian and English, but articles in other European languages are also accepted, provided they are preceded by an Abstract in English. Each issue of the journal contains a section devoted to a specific topic, but contributions on other subjects as well as papers by young researchers and reviews are also very welcome

Our position on publishing ethics: Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione is a peer-reviewed journal. We believe that the review process promotes continuous quality improvement and therefore aim for it to be thorough, objective and fair. Each contribution is reviewed by both a member of the Editorial or Scientific Board of the journal and an external expert. We further put great value on the respect of ethical standards such as originality, clear definition of authorship, avoidance of plagiarism and distortion of data.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 19
  • Publication
    In memoriam Peter Newmark
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Viaggio, Sergio
      919  576
  • Publication
    Their Truths Live On Remembering Eugene Nida (1914-2011) and Peter Newmark (1916-2011)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Dodds, John
      1061  1408
  • Publication
    Recensioni/Book reviews
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
      972  543
  • Publication
    Terminological equivalence in European, British and Italian criminal law texts: A case study on victims of crime
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Peruzzo, Katia
    Since the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs has become a matter of high priority for all Member States of the European Union. This cooperation finds its concrete expression in a number of im - portant legal instruments adopted by EU institutions, which are already, or are currently being, implemented in the Member States. EU legal instruments represent sources of law used to approximate the laws and regulations of the Member States. However, the EU’s intervention in different legal subfields cannot prevent differences from being identified among the legal systems involved (EU’s supranational and Member States’ national legal systems). A terminological analysis of an English-Italian corpus of EU texts dealing with the legal subfield of the standing of victims in criminal proceedings and their rights allows the identification of differences in the Italian and British implementation strategies and in their way of conceptualising even relevant key elements such as “victim”. This paper, which is part of an ongoing PhD research project, illustrates the main characteristics of bilingual legal terminology in a multi-judicial framework (conceptual asymmetries, different degrees of equivalence, synonymy and polysemy) and presents the current research work by showing a few examples of legal/cultural gaps, which necessarily need to be taken into account when translating or mediating between the two cultures/languages.
      1558  2105
  • Publication
    TouriTerm: un database terminologico per la traduzione e redazione di testi turistici
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2012)
    Lombardi, Alessandra
    Peverati, Costanza
    Tourist communication is notably bedevilled by poor quality translations. This paper reports on the development of a multilingual terminological and textual database, intended as a performance-enhancing tool in the process of translating tourist texts. Beside a cursory description of the project (i.e. data collection, corpus design and analysis, term extraction, data input), focus will be placed on the tool’s distinguishing feature, namely the integration of rich phraseological, textual and pragmatic information (e.g. collocations, communicative functions, usage notes, co-textual setting). Finally, translation-specific aspects will be highlighted by means of representative examples of how the database is going to record functional equivalents, especially with respect to the phraseological component that so remarkably contributes to the effectiveness of tourist communication.
      1970  6180