Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto


Il progetto Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo, finanziato dall’Università di Trieste, è volto a valutare se e come le varianti “comunitarie” di alcune lingue europee (l’inglese, l’italiano e lo spagnolo) differiscano dall’uso linguistico all’interno dei confini nazionali. I saggi in questo volume sono il risultato della parte più applicativa del progetto e conducono un confronto tra generi testuali comunitari e generi testuali paragonabili prodotti nei Paesi membri. Lo scopo è valutare almeno alcuni aspetti derivanti dall’ibridazione determinata dal contesto multilingue delle istituzioni europee, nella presunzione che questa ibridazione abbia una certa influenza sulle lingue nazionali. Se è infatti certo che molti testi, soprattutto normativi, prodotti dall’UE hanno un impatto diretto sulla vita dei cittadini, è sicuramente ipotizzabile che ne possano influenzare anche le aspettative testuali e le abitudini linguistiche.

The research project Hybrid Texts Types in a European Context, funded by the University of Trieste, was aimed at describing the possible differences between the EU and national varieties of three languages (English, Italian and Spanish) as observed in selected genres and text types. The essays collected in this volume report on studies applying the theoretical tenets of the research. The studies contrast corpora of texts drafted within EU institutions (a multilingual environment) with comparable corpora of texts produced in the relevant member states. The purpose is to characterize the hybrid features emerging in multilingual contexts and the influence they may be exerting on similar texts produced at national level. Many EU texts – particularly those of a regulatory nature – are known to have a direct practical impact on the lives of European citizens; from a linguistic point of view, these texts may be changing their expectations in terms of textual structure and language usage.

Stefano Ondelli è ricercatore di Linguistica italiana nel Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, del linguaggio, dell’interpretazione e della traduzione dell’Università di Trieste. Si è occupato di italiano L2, della produzione linguistica di interpreti e traduttori, dell’italiano giuridico-burocratico e delle istituzioni europee, della lingua dei giornali e dei problemi legati alla scrittura professionale.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
  • Publication
    El español de los textos jurídicos comunitarios y españoles: el caso de los marcadores del discurso presentes en un corpus de reglamentos del DOUE y en otro de leyes del BOE
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Medina Montero, José Francisco
    In recent years, the analysis of discourse markers in peninsular Spanish has drawn the interest of researchers and stimulated the productions of a considerable number of studies. This articles analyzes the discourse markers included in two subcorpora of legal texts, one retrieved from the BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado) and the other from the DOUE (Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea). The analysis identifies the most frequent classes of discourse markers in both subcorpora and assesses whether the DOUE texts, which are actually translations, are characterized by the same distribution of discourse markers as the texts originally written in Spanish included in the BOE subcorpus.
      941  838
  • Publication
    Valores deónticos en un corpus comparable
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Anna, Polo
    In recent years, translation studies have abandoned prescriptive theoretical approaches in favour of descriptive ones focussing on the observation of translated texts as autonomous language products characterized by specific traits deriving from the translation process itself. In addition to this new trend, researchers have shown renewed interest in the translation of language for special purposes, as is the case with the legal language dealt with in the present study. This article illustrates data obtained by analyzing a corpus of comparable legal texts comprising texts originally written in Spanish and published in the BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado) and texts translated into Spanish from unknown source languages and published in the DOUE (Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea).
      896  1346
  • Publication
    Las construcciones con verbos de apoyo en un corpus comparable de textos jurídicos
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Castillo Peña, Carmen
    The aim of this work is to propose a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the differences related to light verb constructions (CVA) in a corpus of comparable legal texts originally written in Spanish and published in the BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado) and texts translated into Spanish from unknown source languages and published in the DOUE (Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea). This paper shows that there are significant differences in the DOUE as far as the number and type of CVA with verbs dar, hacer, tener, poner are concerned. This may be due both to the fact that these are translated texts and that particular attention has been devoted to the behavior of these constructions in legal texts.
      928  1426
  • Publication
    Un genere testuale oltre i confini nazionali: la sentenza
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Ondelli, Stefano
    This article illustrates the results of the third stage of a research project on the generic structure and linguistic traits of court judgments written in Italian. Four corpora in electronic format have been compiled, including texts by the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Italian Court of Cassation, the Swiss Federal Court and the Appeal Court of Canton Ticino. Statistical software was used to assess differences in terms of lexical richness, lexical density and readability and to calculate verb tense frequencies and distribution patterns. The shortcomings of automatic quantitative analysis may be redressed through qualitative surveys and, in addition to highlighting differences in the Italian written in Italy, Switzerland and the EU institutions, data can provide insights and suggestions for more effective drafting techniques.
      1228  1995
  • Publication
    Leggi italiane e direttive europee a confronto
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013)
    Michele, Cortelazzo
    This article investigates the differences between the Italian translations of European Union (EU) directives and the Italian used in national laws. It focuses on the lexical features of comparable and parallel corpora and their mutual influence. Differences emerge in terms of both lexical richness (greater in national laws) and register (also higher in national texts). Moreover, the specific text-structure of EU directives is signalled by a greater number of connectors. Lexical differences also involve repeated segments: national laws show greater variation, whereas the segments used in EU directives are more specific. In terms of style, features used at national level impact on the Italian translations of EU texts. For example, in parallel corpora, the style of Italian texts is more formal than the style of their English counterparts. This shows that Italian translators of EU directives are heavily influenced by the stylistic choices made when drafting national laws. So it is Italian law-makers who need to relinquish stylistically marked features when drafting legal texts. Then, translators can follow suit. The opposite would be – of course – unimaginable.
      1084  2824