
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 7
  • Publication
    Conversation with Graham Priest
    Visintini, Andrea
    Graham Priest is a philosopher and a logician. He is Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is a past president of the Australasian Association for Logic, and the Australasian Association of Philosophy, of which he was Chair of Council for 13 years. Much of his work has been in logic, especially non-classical logic, and related areas. He is perhaps best known for his work on dialetheism, the view that some contradictions are true. This interview offers an overview of his views on philosophy and academia, as well as his personal journey within the academic world.
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  • Publication
    Conversation with Greg Currie
    Ichino, Anna
    Greg Currie is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of York and a fellow of the British Academy and of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He is a leading figure in debates in the philosophy of mind and language and in aesthetics on a wide range of topics, including imagination, fiction, narratives, cinema, photography, irony and much more. His most recent book is Imagining and Knowing (Oxford University Press, 2020). He is the editor-in-chief of the journal Mind & Language. Here I interview him about his philosophical research, experiences, and career.
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  • Publication
    Simone Pollo, Manifesto per un animalismo democratico, Carocci, Roma, 2021, pp. 218.
    Russo, Asia
    Nel libro Manifesto per un animalismo democratico si esemplifica il tipo di azione che, “dal basso”, dovrebbe sostenere un tipo di animalismo in un contesto di democrazia. In questa prospettiva si analizzano i progressi raggiunti nel corso della storia dei rapporti tra umani e animali non umani, partendo dall'intuizione di Bentham di assimilare la condizione degli animali alla schiavitù e le ricerche di Darwin sulle emozioni, passando poi per contrasto agli animalismi antidemocratici nei totalitarismi europei, fino alla nascita dell'animalismo democratico vero e proprio negli anni Sessanta del Novecento. L’autore assume una posizione moderata e realistica, basata sul resoconto convenzionalista che vede la giustizia come un prodotto della stratificazione storica e adatto al contesto socio-culturale della democrazia, in cui la pluralità di voci e interessi hanno valore.
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  • Publication
    Valentin Goranko, Temporal Logics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2023, pp. 75.
    Matteo, Angelo
    In questa Lettura Critica viene analizzato Temporal Logics, di Valentin Goranko. L’opera viene inquadrata nella collana di cui è parte e nella letteratura esistente sull’argomento. Viene brevemente esposto e commentato il contenuto del libro, cercando di metterne in luce i meriti e comprenderne le scelte. Il pregio principale del volume è quello di fornire al filosofo non ancora esperto di logica temporale una valida guida introduttiva all’argomento, oltre che una panoramica sui numerosi sviluppi e direzioni della ricerca recente su di esso.
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  • Publication
    What Makes a Meaningful Life Meaningful? Towards a Multidimensional Approach
    Cardinale, Giuseppe
    Naturalist debate about meaning in life got stuck in an aporetic status. Objectivists, subjectivists, and hybridists cannot respond satisfactorily to some strong objections which undermine the further development of analytical investigation on the subject. After describing the core aspects of traditional theories and the related objections, I survey some recent remarks which suggest that meaning is a polysemic concept. Finally, I propose a multidimensional approach, arguing that we have several reasons to adopt it both to overcome the debate’s current problems and to better understand standard theories’ intuitions.
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