Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2022) XXIV/2

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Modugno Roberta Adelaide

Political Correctness. Guest Editor’s Preface

Bassani Luigi Marco

Brevi riflessioni sull’umanesimo totalitario, la libertà accademica e un case study milanese

Block Walter E.

Thick and Thin Libertarianism and the Non-Aggression Principle

Deist Jeff

Evolution or Corruption? The Imposition of Political Language in the West Today

Gordon David

Gerard Casey on Political Correctness

Lottieri Carlo

Quale tolleranza? Pluralismo e censura, scambi culturali e conformismo di Stato


Symposium I
Pierpaolo Cesaroni, La vita dei concetti. Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem


Slongo Paolo

I concetti e il vivente: Canguilhem oltre Canguilhem

Rustighi Lorenzo

Il bene politico e il concetto politico. Considerazioni a partire da Pierpaolo Cesaroni, 'La vita dei concetti. Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem'

Fanciullacci Riccardo

La necessità dell’invenzione concettuale. Una discussione con Pierpaolo Cesaroni (e l’epistemologia storica francese) su scienza, filosofia e politica

Callegaro Francesco

La singularité du sociale. Réstistance de la philosophie, persistance de la sociologie

Cesaroni Pierpaolo

Il concetto, la scienza, la politica. In dialogo con i miei critici


Symposium II
Rosaria Caldarone, La filosofia in fiamme. Saggio su Pascal


Bellantone Andrea

La reprise – de la métaphysique. Le site de Pascal et la pensée de Rosaria Caldarone

Canullo Carla

La lingua che è fuoco

Frigo Alberto

“Qu’est-ce donc que nous crie cette avidité et cette impuissance” Pascal e il desiderium dei. A proposito di La filosofia in fiamme di R. Caldarone

Paltrinieri Gian Luigi

Pascal filosofo duplice e mosso. Il contrasto con Heidegger a partire dalle riflessioni di Rosaria Caldarone

Caldarone Rosaria

Pascal e la ritrattazione dell’amore: questioni aperte. Repliche ai miei critici


Symposium III
Fabio Ciaramelli, L’ordine simbolico della legge e il problema del metodo


Pastore Baldassarre

La metodologia giuridica nelle democrazie costituzionali

Re Lucia

Affrontare la crisi: il costituzionalismo democratico fra conservazione e creazione

Schiavello Aldo

L’eterno ritorno del problema del metodo

Thanopulos Sarantis

La differenza, il simbolo e il diritto

Velluzzi Vito

Metodo giuridico, legge e stato costituzionale: note (convergenti) sulle riflessioni di Fabio Ciaramelli

Ciaramelli Fabio

La legalità istituita e la sua mai definitiva giustificazione pubblica. Risposta ai miei interlocutori


Barbi Guida Niccolò

Technocracy and the Public Sphere

Gotteland Mathieu

Aspectes éthiques du terrorisme vietnamien, 1908 et 1913

Greblo Edoardo

L’etica della vulnerabilità come paradigma politico

Praeg Leonard

Constitutive Causes of Colonial and Decolonial Reasoning

Umbrello Steven

Designing Genetic Engineering Technologies for Human Values


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 28
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2022) XXIV/2
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Monographica. Political Correctness - Symposium I. Pierpaolo Cesaroni, La vita dei concetti. Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem, Quodlibt, Macerata 2020 - Symposium II. Rosaria Caldarone, La filosofia in fiamme. Saggio su Pascal, Morcelliana, Brescia 2020 - Symposium III. Fabio Ciaramelli, L’ordine simbolico della legge e il problema del metodo, Giappichelli, Torino 2021. Varia
      77  1189
  • Publication
    Designing Genetic Engineering Technologies for Human Values
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Umbrello, Steven
    Genetic engineering technologies are a subclass of the biotechnology family, and are concerned with the use of laboratory-based technologies to intervene with a given organism at the genetic level, i.e., the level of its DNA. This class of technologies could feasibly be used to treat diseases and disabilities, create disease-resistant crops, or even be used to enhance humans to make them more resistant to certain environmental conditions. However, both therapeutic and enhancement applications of genetic engineering raise serious ethical concerns. This paper examines various objections to genetic engineering (as applied to humans) which have been raised in the literature, and presents a new way to frame these issues, and to look for solutions. Specifically, this paper frames genetic engineering technologies within the ‘design turn in applied ethics’ lens and thus situates these technologies as covarying with societal forces. The value sensitive design (VSD) approach to technology design is then appropriated as the conceptual framework in which genetic engineering technologies can be considered so that they can be designed for important human values. By doing so, this paper brings further nuance to the scholarship on genetic engineering technologies by discussing the sociotechnicity of genetic engineering systems rather than framing them as value-neutral tools that either support or constrain values based on how they are used.
      68  148
  • Publication
    Constitutive Causes of Colonial and Decolonial Reasoning
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Praeg, Leonard
    The work of both the philosophers of Western modernity and modern African(a) philosophers is premised on a fundamental reimagining of the foundations of the discipline. In both cases this has, and for African(a) philosophers continues to assume, the form of an appeal to First Philosophy. The shared interest in First Philosophy leaves the two canons irrevocably intertwined and invites the African(a) scholar to be creative when it comes to engaging Western theorists such as Hobbes whose reimagining of the social contract has been foundational to the contemporary world order: its universalist assumptions must be negated but not at the cost of dispensing with what is valuable about the particular, Western insight into the human condition. In this article I argue that the reasoning deployed by African(a) philosophers can ironically be represented in terms of the very “constitutive causes” introduced by Hobbes. First, I discuss Hobbes’s appeal to First Philosophy and how this yielded the notion of “constitutive causes”. I then show how decolonial theorists radicalized the appeal to First Philosophy in order to expose the universalist assumptions at work in Western philosophy before I outline what I consider to be “constitutive causes” of both colonial and decolonial reasoning.
      46  89
  • Publication
    L’etica della vulnerabilità come paradigma politico
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Greblo, Edoardo
    In recent years, vulnerability has acquired an increasingly relevant political-moral significance. Its renewed interest is due to the idea that if you focus the attention on what constitutes the ideal capable of making people's lives truly "human", a theme like the one of vulnerability represents more an obstacle to be removed in respect to a condition of perfection than a normative resource. This does not mean that you cannot approach an ethic of vulnerability without caution and some reservations. Summarising: the category of vulnerability can be used as a strategic resource of critical value able to foster transformation of the unjust social situation, or is it inevitably associated with a relationship of domination and subordination, or even of violence? The thesis of the present paper is that it is twofold. However, if included in the conceptual framework of the theory of recognition, vulnerability is not necessarily a limiting condition; rather it is an ontological feature that can help recover the intrinsic social dimension typical of the human condition.
      71  336
  • Publication
    Aspectes éthiques du terrorisme vietnamien, 1908 et 1913
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022)
    Gotteland, Mathieu
    This article aims, based on the historical case of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Vietnamese independentists in French Indochina in 1908 and in 1913, as well as on the ethics of war as defined through Michael Walzer's classical stance as well as the recent challenge posed to that stance by Jeff McMahan, to research the ethical aspects of "terrorism". We will first try to find if there is an objective concept covered by this controversial term of "terrorism", then research if and when "terrorism" can be ethically justified, to finally bring our theory to the test through our historical example, thus replacing "terrorism" as a legitimate object of the ethics of war.
      43  115