Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2024) XXVI/2

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Matteo Galletti, Dino Galli
Manipulation, Lies, Deception. Ethics and Transparency. Guest Editors’ Preface

Alexander Fischer, Christian Illies
A Plea for a “Good” Manipulation in Mass Democratic Societies

Fabio Fossa
Etica dell’inganno e intelligenza artificiale: il caso della robotica sociale

Matteo Galletti
Etica della manipolazione. Relazioni, contesti e norme

Dino Galli
Omissione e nascondimento. Il segreto fra inganno e fiducia

Vincenzo Sorrentino
La verità fragile tra menzogna e neutralizzazione

Daniela Tafani
Do AI Systems Have Politics? Predictive Optimisation as a Move Away from Liberalism, the Rule of Law and Democracy


Antonio Tucci
La macchina della legge. Colpa e violenza in Kafka

Ernesto Calogero Sferrazza Papa
La vergogna di Josef. Tentativo di comprendere il finale de Il processo

Paolo Vignola
Le conseguenze della legge. Josef K personaggio concettuale del diritto in Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari

Symposium I - Nancy Fraser, Cannibal Capitalism

Caterina Botti
On Nancy Fraser’s Cannibal Capitalism and the Possibility of a New Alliance

Marina Calloni
Challenging the Idea of Culture and Imagination as a Critique of Violence

Massimo De Carolis
The Sterility of Capital

Giorgio Fazio
Social Theory, Normative Criteria, Political Diagnosis. Questioning three levels of Nancy Fraser’s Critical Theory of Capitalism

Anna Loretoni
Emancipation and Social Struggles against Cannibal Capitalism

Roberto Mordacci
Connecting the Dots and Utopia: How Do We Win the Ouroboros?

Stefano Petrucciani
Fraser’s Capitalism: Definition, Critique and Transformation

Elettra Stimilli
Neo-liberal Capitalism and the Political Role of Bodies

Nancy Fraser
A Critical Theory of Society for Our Time. Reply to my Critics

Symposium II - Miguel Vatter, Divine Democracy. Political Theology after Carl Schmitt

Petra Brown
Revelation, Exception and ‘Indirect Communication’: On Political Theology without Sovereignty

Daniel Mcloughlin
Opposition or Indistinction? Authoritarianism and Liberal Democracy in Miguel Vatter’s Divine Democracy

Alessandro Mulieri
Beyond Carl Schmitt (and Giorgio Agamben). The Democratic Political Theology of Miguel Vatter

Steven G. Ogden
Problematising Theism: Miguel Vatter, An-Arche, and Its Implications

Ely Orrego Torres
Exploring Democratic Turns in Political Theologies after Schmitt

Timothy D. Peters
On ‘Divine Democracy’ and “Corporate Bodies’

Miguel Vatter
The Legitimacy of Political Theology. Reply to my Critics

Symposium III - Alberto Mingardi, Capitalismo

Sergio Belardinelli
I meriti del capitalismo e l’ideologia del merito

Amedeo Lepore
L’evoluzione del capitalismo, la sua capacità di cambiamento e la definizione di nuovi paradigmi economici

Francesco Magris
Il capitalismo dal volto umano di Alberto Mingardi fra pragmatismo e disincanto

Alberto Mingardi
Esiste ancora un capitalismo di mercato? Risposte ai miei critici


Paolo Bodini
Political Representation and Lay Expertise

Marco Ferrari
Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di cibernetica (e perché è decisivo per la filosofia politica)? Prolegomeni per un lavoro a venire

Pierpaolo Marrone
Reasons, Actions, Expected Utility, Motivation

Matteo Pietropaoli
“Eco-ansia” e soglia d’allerta. Una lettura socio-culturale del fenomeno

Alessandra Scotti
Di guerra, di amori e di altre contingenze: l’istituzione tra politica e libertà in Maurice Merleau-Ponty

José Antonio Valdivia Fuenzalida
Usura y capital en Pedro Olivi

Francesca Varesi
Proposta per un’etica dei social media: un approccio value sensitive design

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 38
  • Publication
    Proposta per un’etica dei social media: un approccio value sensitive design
    Varesi, Francesca
    This paper is the first attempt to systematically apply Value Sensitive Design to social media. Moving from the claim that social media are morally relevant technologies, the paper aims to demonstrate their interactional nature and to provide a working definition of them as “communicative environments that allow a scalable sociality.” Both anthropological and ontological evidence are provided to support this purpose. The interactional stance allows social media to be designed according to the principles of built-in values and the VSD approach. After stating the VSD principles, a deeper investigation of its moral foundations is conducted. It is observed that while VSD sustains universal values, it does not give a sufficient rationale for them. The paper aims to provide a more robust foundation by integrating VSD with the moral imagination theo ry. This also permits revising the overall conceptual investigation of VSD and developing some specific tools for social media design. Finally, the moral relevance of social media is reconfirmed, given that they are conceived as imaginative technologies with a moral impact on their users’ lives.
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  • Publication
    Usura y capital en Pedro Olivi
    Valdivia Fuenzalida, José Antonio
    Because of its great influence on later treatises on economic morality, the present study will offer a systematic exposition of the doctrine of usury that Pedro Olivi (13th Century) develops in his famous De contractibus. Our purpose is to identify the ultimate foundations of a condemnation that may be difficult to understand from contemporary economic assumptions and yet was persistent among scholastic theologians and jurists. We will defend the thesis according to which the condemnation of usury is based on a well-defined utilitarian criterion. According to this criterion, the malice of this practice lies in the fact that, by its nature, it makes it impossible for the lender to generate a profit for the borrower. Therefore, usury would be a practice unable of generating value that contributes to the common good. On the contrary, it would only be apt to generate an exploitative relationship between the lender and the borrower. By the application of this criterion, it will be explained why other practices that externally have the appearance of a loan with interest are considered legitimate, for which one of the most interesting aspects of the Franciscan's text will be exposed, namely, his doctrine on capital.
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  • Publication
    Di guerra, di amori e di altre contingenze: l’istituzione tra politica e libertà in Maurice Merleau-Ponty
    Scotti, Alessandra
    The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the philosophical and political significance of a meaningful love analogy that Merleau-Ponty establishes between a certain way of understanding history and the institution of a feeling of love: just as all love takes place through an encounter and is the expression of a sensitive idea and the reactivation of a tradition, which may certainly be motivated by the individual’s past but which each time carries with it more than it originally promised, so politics must be understood as the capacity to create meaning, to overwrite the sedimented past. In doing so, we will analyse the concept of the institution as a fundamental mode of time – a particular way of inhabiting time – in order to draw from it a lesson about hi story and politics. Politics will then emerge as the theatre of contingency, and Merleau-Ponty’s reflections will be seen to shape not so much a philosophy of history as a philosophy of freedom and contingency.
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  • Publication
    “Eco-ansia” e soglia d’allerta. Una lettura socio-culturale del fenomeno
    Pietropaoli, Matteo
    This paper intends to address, from a mainly socio-cultural point of view, the issue of eco-anxiety. With this term, coined only recently by psychology, we mean the state of agitation and arousal caused in the individual by global and personal threats related to climate change and environmental disasters in general. This phenomenon will be reread here both from the point of view of the relationship between the individual and society, i.e. how the first perceives it differently from the second, and from the cultural and generational point of view, in order to understand its motivations, removals and collective effects. We will first proceed with the analysis of the issue in qualitative and quantitative terms, also in relation to the public diffusion of the problem relating to mental health, up to extreme cases of suicides, and then proceed to contextualize eco-anxiety in the socio-political scenario as much as more contemporary, outlined by crisis, pandemic and war. At the end, a reflection will be proposed which, although not conclusive, will try to understand the phenomenon in cultural and at times existential terms, through the question of “arousal”.
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  • Publication
    Reasons, Actions, Expected Utility, Motivation
    The paper deals with the received view, shared by many social scientists, of expected utility theory as a descriptive and prescriptive vision both of right action and of right procedure of thought. It states that in the classical formulation of the theory there are scarce hints for such a monistic interpretation, which does not pay justice to the pluralistic reality of the reason for action.
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