Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2020) XXII/2

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Monographica I.

Baranzoni Sara, Fitzpatrick Noel, Vignola Paolo

From the Data City to the Living Archipelago

Fitzpatrick Noel

The Data City, The Idiom and Questions of Locality

Kelleher John D., Kerr Aphra

Finding Common Ground for Citizen Empowerment in the Smart City

Toribio-roura Ester

Living with Machines. Ethical Implications and Imaginative Agency as Local Tactic[s] of Dwelling and Resistance in Everyday Interactions with Artificial Intelligence

Cagigal Pedro

Sintiendo a los datos: el dato como medio corporal

Baranzoni Sara

Archipiélago. El ritmo de la ciudad

Loughran Glenn

Archipelagic Imaginaries: A World-Centred Art Education at the End of the World

Vignola Paolo

Archipiélago y archi-pliegue. Repensar las relaciones humanas desde la multiplicidad insular

Stiegler Bernard

L’archipel des Vivants. Des territoires laboratoires en archipel pour une politique et une économie des formes de vie

Monographica II.

Brindisi Gianvito

Responsibility: Concept, Social Fact or Political Technology?

Bazzicalupo Laura

Paradossi della responsabilità di governare tra autorità e legittimazione tecnica

Tucci Antonio

Abitare lo spazio politico. Soggettivazioni responsabili e consavepoli

Colangelo Carmelo

Responsabilità e democrazia. Winnicot interprete del dispositivo elettorale

Prinzi Salvatore

Bestemmiare, piagnucolare o agire? Crisi e responsabilità oggi e nel pensiero di Antonio Gramsci

D'urso Francesco

Responsabilità e danno. Tra modelli tradizionali e tendenze contemporanee

Napoli Paolo

Discernere e correggere. La pedofilia e l’immaginario normativo della Chiesa

Golia Angelo Jr.

Responsabilità come ri-politicizzazione interna. Attori collettivi e processi sociali alla luce di una lettura del post-moderno

Bifulco Daniela

Riflessioni sul rapporto tra potere e responsabilità nella teoria dell’abuso del diritto. Una prospettiva di diritto costituzionale

De Fiores Claudio

Unione europea e legittimazione politica. Un ordinamento “irresponsabile”

Menga Ferdinando G.

Per un’antropologia della responsabilità intergenerazionale. Etica, politica e diritto in questione

De Sanctis Davide

La responsabilità della sociologia. Hans Jonas e Auguste Comte: un incontro mancato

Pelgreffi Igor

Responsabilità verso l’animale. Annotazioni a partire da Jacques Derrida

Bonito Oliva Rossella

Costellazioni della responsabilità

Focus I.

Ferrara Alessandro

Further Thoughts on A-Legality, Exemplarity and Constituent Power: Responding to Hans Lindahl

Lindahl Hans

Representation Redux: A Rejoinder to Alessandro Ferrara

Symposium I.
Matthias Fritsch, Taking Turns with the Earth. Phenomenology, Deconstruction, and Intergenerational Justice

Buddeberg Eva

Justice for Future. Discussing Taking Turns with the Earth by Matthias Fritsch

Marratto Scott

Deconstructing Presentism: Natal-Mortal Being and the Problem of Intergenerational Justice in Matthias Fritsch’s Taking Turns with the Earth

Naas Michael

Their Turn under the Sun: Matthias Fritsch and the Question of Intergenerational Responsibility

Thompson Janna

The Ethics of Intergenerational Relationships. Fritsch’s Answer to Gardiner’s Challenge

Wirth Jason M.

Taking Turns with Fritsch: On Intergenerational Time and Space

Fritsch Matthias

Responses to Critics of Taking Turns with the Earth

Symposium II.
Giorgio Cesarale, A Sinistra. Il pensiero critico dopo il 1989

Mandarini Matteo, Toscano Alberto

The Left Out of History

Cengia Andrea

Bussole possibili per sinistre solide

Reale Mario

Filosofia e postmarxismo nella ricognizione critica di Giorgio Cesarale

Taraborrelli Angela

Pensiero critico e migrazioni: discutendo Giorgio Agamben e Toni Negri a partire da "A sinistra" di Giorgio Cesarale

Cesarale Giorgio

Una nuova stagione per la teoria critica e per la sinistra? Risposta ai miei critici


Angelini Giulia

La phronesis umana. A margine di "La prudenza in Aristotele" di Pierre Aubenque

Effer Tatiana

“Questa è la mia idea”. L’iconografia della giustizia secondo Beccaria

Marchetti Jacopo

“Darwinizing Politics”. Politica, regole e società tra evoluzione biologica ed evoluzione culturale

Marengo Stefano

Lo spirito della rivolta. Michel Foucault e la rivoluzione iraniana

Ruschi Filippo

Giurista del tempo e dello spazio. Riflessioni su Carl von Savigny

Savona Pier Francesco

Tra etica e diritto: coscienza giuridica e costituzionalizzazione della persona


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 43
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2020) XXII/2
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
      146  3796
  • Publication
    Tra etica e diritto: coscienza giuridica e costituzionalizzazione della persona
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Savona, Pier Francesco
    Between the legislative rule of law (Rechtsstaat) of the nineteenth century and the constitutional State of the twentieth century there is a paradigmatic leap, characterized by the transition from a systemic and functionalistic legal consciousness (instrumental to the socio-political order) to a "personalistic" one. In this sense, the very notion of person in the constitutional State receives a new shape, characterized by the unavailable value of the person-in-relation: it constitutes an inclusive notion, always opened to social transformations, through mutual recognition between social institutions and actors. Such a recognition reveals itself as based on the thoughtful protec-tion of fundamental rights universally recognized to all, but at the same time balanced by jurisprudence, in the case of the onset of conflicts, through the principles of proportionality and reasonableness that have always characterized juridical mediations.
      202  677
  • Publication
    Giurista del tempo e dello spazio. Riflessioni su Carl von Savigny
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Ruschi, Filippo
    The famous codification controversy of 1814 between Carl von Savigny and Anton Thibaut has been a turning point in the history of European legal culture. Starting form this remarkable and very passionate debate it is my intention to examine Savigny’s 'Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung', stressing the importance of space and time in his thought. Even today it is a perspective that is very inspiring, being an excellent opportunity to think about the present. Moreover this brilliant pamphlet has raised the most important question of the relationship between the State, its constitution and its territory. In the following years, the issue of how political institutions are rooted in space has been crucial and still echoes in the debate about globalization.
      171  642
  • Publication
    Lo spirito della rivolta. Michel Foucault e la rivoluzione iraniana
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Marengo, Stefano
    Forty years after the establishment of the Islamic Republic and the rise of “theocracy”, we have almost completely forgotten the original role that Islam played in Iranian uprising in 1978-79. Instead, in late 1978, such an originality was grasped by Michel Foucault who, in his analysis of Iranian facts, developed the concept of "political spirituality". This paper aims therefore to show the genesis of this core concept, on the one hand, in the tradition of Shia Islam and, on the other hand, in the research program on the counter-conducts that Foucault himself was developing at the end of the 1970s. The need to clarify this concept is due to at least two reasons: firstly because it provides an hermeneutic key to highlight the irreducibility of the Iranian uprising - and of its Islamic inspiration - to its theocratic results; secondly because it conceptualizes the most radical form of resistance to power in terms of an autonomy that is gained in the exposure of life itself to the risk of death.
      293  664
  • Publication
    “Darwinizing Politics”. Politica, regole e società tra evoluzione biologica ed evoluzione culturale
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Marchetti, Jacopo
    In the last thirty years, it has been identified a theory corresponding to the biological evolution one which concerns the behavioral traits of men and their social organization (institutions, customs, beliefs, social norms, values and technologies). By tracing back the guidelines of cultural evolution and showing how it differs from biological evolution, this paper focuses on the cultural evolution theory and its capability to explain the emergence and the change of rules and institutions at the bottom of social life. In the last part of the paper, recovering F. A. Hayek’s pioneering insights, I will analyze the evolutionary dynamics acting at the level of rules and institutions. I will show, on the one hand, how selection of the rules is driven by a complex process in which emerg-ing macro-systemic effects lend an evolutionary advantage to some human groups and allow us to explain how specific rules have successfully survived over time. On the other hand, I will argue that some behaviors have jointly transformed with the changing of societies by following the increasing degree of complexity in the relationships and human environments.
      164  234