Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste: an International Journal of Mathematics vol.19 (1987)
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Karolos Serafimidis
Certaines propriétés supplémentaires des hypergroupoїdes réticulés. Éléments premiers et étrangers entre eux
G. Di Lena, Baislio Messano
Alberi connessi per archi. Punti periodici di una funzione continua di un albero connesso per archi in sé / Arcwise connected trees. Periodic points of a continuous function
Sergio Invernizzi
On the periodic BVP for the forced Duffing equation
Fabio Zanolin
Bound sets, periodic solutions and flow-invariance for ordinary differential equations in Rn: some remarks
Pavel Drábek
On the Fredholm alternative for a-homogeneous operators
J. Mawhin
Recent results on periodic solutions of the forced pendulum equation
C. A. Stuart
The behaviour of branches of solutions of nonlinear eigenvalue problems
Michel Willem
Aspects of Morse theory
Piotr Mikusinski
On delta sequences
Maria Konstantinidou
Certaines conditions d'existence des résiduels généralisés
Pier Mario Gandini
On uniformly paralindelöf spaces
Philippe Clément, Guido Sweers
Getting a solution between sub- and supersolutions without monotone iteration
Paolo Ghelardoni
Su una generalizzazione delle formule di quadratura di Gauss-Jacobi / A generalization of Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formulas
Editorial policy The journal Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’università di Trieste publishes original articles in all areas of mathematics. Special regard is given to research papers, but attractive expository papers may also be considered for publication. The journal usually appears in one issue per year. Additional issues may however be published. In particular, the Managing Editors may consider the publication of supplementary volumes related to some special events, like conferences, workshops, and advanced schools. All submitted papers will be refereed. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the work has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Our journal can be obtained by exchange agreements with other similar journals.
Instructions for Authors Authors are invited to submit their papers by e-mail directly to one of the Managing Editors in PDF format. All the correspondence regarding the submission and the editorial process of the paper are done by e-mail. Papers have to be written in one of the following languages: English, French, German, or Italian. Abstracts should not exceed ten printed lines, except for papers written in French, German, or Italian, for which an extended English summary is required. After acceptance, manuscripts have to be prepared in LaTeX using the style rendiconti.cls which can be downloaded from the web page. Any figure should be recorded in a single PDF, PS (PostScript), or EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file.