Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems

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Devising the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy

Walter G. Berendsohn


 Descriptive Data in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy

Maxime Venin, Agnes Kirchhoff, Hélène Fradin, Anton Güntsch, Niels Hoffmann,
Andreas Kohlbecker, Elise Kuntzelmann,Ôna Maiocco, Andreas Müller,
Régine Vignes Lebbe, Walter G. Berendsohn


An online authoring and publishing platform for field guides and identification tools

Gregor Hagedorn, Gisela Weber, Andreas Plank, Mircea Giurgiu, Andrei Homodi, Cornelia Veja, Gerd Schmidt,
Pencho Mihnev, Manol Roujinov, Dagmar Triebel, Robert A. Morris, Bernhard Zelazny, Edwin van Spronsen,
Peter Schalk, Christian Kittl, Robert Brandner, Stefano Martellos, Pier Luigi Nimis


A search tool for the digital biodiversity resources of KeyToNature

Mircea Giurgiu, Andrei Homodi, Cornelia Veja, Gregor Hagedorn, Pier Luigi Nimis


Developing Web-based Search Portals on Birds for Different Target Groups

Renate Steinmann, Andreas Strasser, Andrea Mulrenin, Amy Trayler, Sander Pieterse, Ivan Teage,
Michael De Giovanni, John J. Borg, Noel Zammit


Simple Identification Tools in FishBase

Nicolas Bailly, Rodolfo Reyes Jr., Rachel Atanacio, Rainer Froese


The Catalogue of Life: towards an integrative taxonomic backbone for biodiversity

Frank A. Bisby, Yuri R. Roskov


BHL-EUROPE: Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe

Jana Hoffmann, Henning Scholz


A Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI)

Yde de Jong 


ViBRANT–Virtual Biodiversity Research and Access Network for Taxonomy

Dave Roberts, Vince Smith


Identifications in BioPortals™

Wouter Addink, Edwin van Spronsen, Peter H. Schalk


Types of identification keys

Gregor Hagedorn, Gerhard Rambold, Stefano Martellos


Learning, Identifying, Sharing

Philippe A. Martin, Noël Conruyt, David Grosser


Identification with iterative nearest neighbors using domain knowledge

David Grosser, Noël Conruyt, Henri Ralambondrainy


A MediaWiki implementation of single-access keys

Gregor Hagedorn, Bob Press, Sonia Hetzner, Andreas Plank, Gisela Weber, Sabine von Mering,
Stefano Martellos, Pier Luigi Nimis


Simple matrix keys from Excel spreadsheets

Gregor Hagedorn, Mircea Giurgiu, Andrei Homodi


Wiki keys on mobile devices

Gisela Weber, Gregor Hagedorn

 A Wiki-based Key to Garden and Village Birds

Tomi Trilar

Wiki-keys for the ferns of the Flora of Equatorial Guinea

Francisco Cabezas, Carlos Aedo, Patricia Barberá, Manuel De la Estrella, Maximiliano Fero,
Mauricio Velayos


MyKey: a server-side software to create customized decision trees

David Gérard, Régine Vignes Lebbe


Xper²: managing descriptive data from their collection to e-monographs

Visotheary Ung, Florian Causse, Régine Vignes Lebbe


FRIDA 3.0 Multi-authored digital identification keys in the Web

Stefano Martellos


Flora Bellissima, an expert software to discover botany and identify plants

Thierry Pernot, Daniel Mathieu


Modifiable digital identification keys

Edwin van Spronsen, Stefano Martellos, Dennis Seijts, Peter Schalk, Pier Luigi Nimis


The Open Key Player: A new approach for online interaction and user-tracking in identification keys

Mircea Giurgiu, Andrei Homodi, Edwin van Spronsen, Stefano Martellos, Pier Luigi Nimis


mprovement of identification keys by user-tracking

Gerd Schmidt, Mircea Giurgiu, Sónia Hetzner, Fred Neumann


ARIES: an expert system supporting legislative tasks. Identifying animal materials using the Linnaeus II software

Leo W.D. van Raamsdonk


An integrated system for producing user-specific keys on demand: an application to Italian lichens

Juri Nascimbene, Stefano Martellos, Pier Luigi Nimis


“Flora Italiana Digitale”: an interactive identification tool for the Flora of Italy

Riccardo Guarino, Sabina Addamiano, Marco La Rosa,

Sandro Pignatti


eFlora and DialGraph, tools for enhancing identification processes in plants

Fernando Sánchez Laulhé, Cecilio Cano Calonge, Antonio Jiménez Montaño


A catalogue of bird bones: an exercise in semantic web practice

Gudmundur Gudmundsson, Seth D. Brewington, Thomas H. McGovern, Aevar Petersen 10 years showing Spanish plant diversity information in the Internet

Leopoldo Medina, Carlos Aedo


An interactive tool for the identification of airborne and food fungi

Giovanna Cristina Varese, Antonella Anastasi, Samuele Voyron, Valeria Filipello Marchisio


The Estonian eFlora

Tiina Randlane, Malle Leht, Andres Saag


Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples

Andres Saag, Tiina Randlane, Malle Leht


IIKC: An Interactive Identification Key for female Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the West Palearctic region

Bruno Mathieu, Catherine Cêtre-Sossah, Claire Garros, David Chavernac, Thomas Balenghien, Régine Vignes Lebbe,
Visotheary Ung, Ermanno Candolfi, Jean-Claude Delécolle


Indochinese bamboos: biodiversity informatics to assist the identification

of “vernacular taxa”

My Hanh Diep Thi, Régine Vignes Lebbe, Ha Phuong Nguyen, Bich Loan Nguyen Thi


Identification tools as part of Feedsafety research: the case of ragwort

Leo W.D. van Raamsdonk, Patrick Mulder, Michel Uiterwijk


Two identification tools applied on Mascarene’s corals genera (Xper2) and species (IKBS)

Yannick Geynet, Noël Conruyt, David Grosser, Gérard Faure, David Caron


Interactive, illustrated, plant identification keys: an example for the Portuguese flora

Maria Helena Abreu Silva, Rosa Maria Ferreira Pinho, Lísia Graciete, Martins Pereira Lopes, Paulo Cardoso da Silveira


The ORCHIS software used to identify 100 orchids species of Lao PDR

Pierre Bonnet, André Schuiteman, Boukhaykhone Svengsuksa, Daniel Barthélémy, Vichith Lamxay,

Soulivanh Lanorsavanh, Khamfa Chanthavongsa, Pierre Grard


A collaborative and distributed identification tool for plants

Philippe Laroche


Alternative 2D and 3D Form Characterization Approaches to the Automated Identification of Biological Species

Norman MacLeod


VeSTIS: A Versatile Semi-Automatic Taxon Identification System from Digital Images

Nikos Nikolaou, Pantelis Sampaziotis, Marilena Aplikioti, Andreas Drakos, Ioannis Kirmitzoglou,
Marina Argyrou, Nikos Papamarkos, Vasilis J. Promponas


Iterative Search with Local Visual Features for Computer Assisted Plant Identification

Wajih Ouertani, Pierre Bonnet, Michel Crucianu, Nozha Boujemaa, Daniel Barthélémy


Image data banks and geometric morphometrics

Anna Loy, Dennis E. Slice


Outline analysis for identifying Limodorum species from seeds

Sara Magrini, Sergio Buono, Emanuele Gransinigh, Massimiliano Rempicci, Silvano Onofri, Anna Scoppola


Geometric morphometrics as a tool to resolve taxonomic problems: the case of Ophioglossum species (ferns)

Sara Magrini, Anna Scoppola


Geometric morphometric analysis as a tool to explore covariation between shape and other quantitative leaf traits in European white oaks

Vincenzo Viscosi, Anna Loy, Paola Fortini


Landmark based morphometric variation in Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis L.,1758)

Paola Nicolosi, Anna Loy


DNA barcoding: theoretical aspects and practical applications

Maurizio Casiraghi, Massimo Labra, Emanuele Ferri, Andrea Galimberti, Fabrizio De Mattia


Strength and Limitations of DNA Barcode under the Multidimensional Species Perspective

Valerio Sbordoni


DNA Barcoding and Phylogeny of Patellids from Asturias (Northern Spain)

Yaisel Juan Borrell, Fernando Romano, Emilia Vázquez, Gloria Blanco, Jose Antonio Sánchez Prado


Molecular Identification of Italian Mouse-eared Bats (genus Myotis)

Andrea Galimberti, Adriano Martinoli, Danilo Russo, Mauro Mucedda, Maurizio Casiraghi


Identifying algal symbionts in lichen symbioses

Martin Grube, Lucia Muggia


Identification of polymorphic species within groups of morphologically conservative taxa: combining morphological and molecular techniques

Kim Larsen, Elsa Froufe


Coffee species and varietal identification

Patrizia Tornincasa, Michela Furlan, Alberto Pallavicini, Giorgio Graziosi


Mislabelling in megrims: implications for conservation

Victor Crego-Prieto, Daniel Campo, Juliana Perez, Eva Garcia-Vazquez


Seeds in subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidaceae): the best morphological tool to support molecular analyses

Roberto Gamarra, Emma Ortúñez, Ernesto Sanz, Iris Esparza, Pablo Galán


Lentils biodiversity: the characterization of two local landraces

Vincenzo Viscosi, Manuela Ialicicco, Mariapina Rocco, Dalila Trupiano, Simona Arena,
Donato Chiatante, Andrea Scaloni, Gabriella Stefania Scippa


A model study for tardigrade identification

Roberto Bertolani, Lorena Rebecchi, Michele Cesari


DNA Barcoding of Philippine plants

Esperanza Maribel G. Agoo


Molecular and ecophysiological characterisation of the Tunisian bee: Apis mellifera intermissa

Mohamed Chouchene, Naima Barbouche, Lionel Garnery, Michel Baylac


Biological identifications through mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers: the case of commercially important crabs from Indian EEZ

Sherine Sonia Cubelio, K. K. Bineesh, K. Raj, Suraj Tewari, Achamveettil Gopalakrishnan,

Valaparambil Saidumohammad Basheer, Wazir Singh Lakra


Barcoding Fauna Bavarica – Capturing Central European Animal Diversity

Lars Hendrich, Michael Balke, Gerhard Haszprunar, Axel Hausmann, Paul Hebert,

Stefan Schmidt


Molecular techniques for identifying North Sea fauna

Thomas Knebelsberger, Sandra Ditzler, Silke Laakmann, Inga Mohrbeck,

Michael J. Raupach


DNA Bank Network – connecting biological collections and sequence databases by long-term DNA storage with online accession

Matthias Geiger, Nicolas Straube


Mitochondrial DNA sequences for forensic identification of the endangered whale shark, Rhincodon typus (Smith, 1828): A Case study

Kavungal Abdulkhadar Sajeela, Chandran Rakhee, Janardanan Nair Rekha, Achamveettil Gopalakrishnan,
Valaparambil Saidumohammad Basheer, Joe Kizhakkudan Shoba, Kizhakkudan Joe, Wazir Singh Lakra


An assignment-based elearning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keys

Pencho Mihnev, Nadezhda Raycheva


User needs for interactive identification tools to organisms employed in the EU-Project KeyToNature

Astrid Tarkus, Emanuel Maxl, Christian Kittl


Teaching biodiversity with online identification tools from KeyToNature: a comparative study

Felicia Boar, Adelhaida Kerekes


Digital Tools in the Botanical Garden of Madrid

Marina Ferrer, Esther García


Use of KeyToNature Identification Tools in the Schools of Slovenia

Irena Kodele Krašna


New key-tools for pollen identification in research and education

Jade Dupont, Nathalie Combourieu Nebout, Jean-Pierre Cazet, Florian Causse, Régine Vignes Lebbe


The UK urban tree survey

Bob Press


Tree School – A new Innovation for Science and Education

Della Hopkins, Karen James


Engaging Schools in Cutting Edge Science: From the Educator’s Perspective

Adrian Richardson, Della Hopkins


Educational or emotional languages? An interactive experiment with the Lucanian flora (S-Italy)

Riccardo Guarino, Patrizia Menegoni, Sandro Pignatti


Online sharing educational content on biodiversity topics: a case study from organic agriculture and agroecology

Nikos Palavitsinis, Nikos Manouselis, Kostas Kastrantas, John Stoitsis, Xenofon Tsilibaris


JSTOR Plant Science

Michael Sean Gallagher


ecoBalade: Towards a workflow for Citizen Science Nature Trails

Julie Chabalier, Khaled Talbi, Patrick Peters, Amandine Sahl, Olivier Coullet, Olivier Assunçao, Olivier Rovellotti


Electronic data recording tools and identifying species in the field

Alexander Kroupa, Anke Hoffmann, Juan Carlos Monje, Christoph L. Häuser


Cost Assessment of the Field Measurement of Biodiversity: a Farm-scale Case Study

Stefano Targetti, Davide Viaggi, David Cuming


Markets for biodiversity information products: real or imaginary?

Bill Hominick, Peter Schalk


A Basic Business Model for Commercial Application of Identification Tools

Christian Kittl, Peter Schalk, Nicola Dorigo Salamon, Stefano Martellos


Keys to Nature: A test on the iPhone market

Rodolfo Riccamboni, Alessio Mereu, Chiara Boscarol


Author Index


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 89
  • Publication
    Tools for identifying biodiversity: progress and problems
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010)
    Nimis, Pier Luigi
    Vignes Lebbe, Régine
    The correct identification of organisms is fundamental not only for the assessment and the conservation of biodiversity, but also in agriculture, forestry, the food and pharmaceutical industries, forensic biology, and in the broad field of formal and informal education at all levels. In this book, the reader will find short presentations of current and upcoming projects (EDIT, KeyToNature, STERNA, Species 2000, Fishbase, BHL, ViBRANT, etc.), plus a large panel of short articles on software, taxonomic applications, use of e-keys in the educational field, and practical applications. Single-access keys are now available on most recent electronic devices; the collaborative and semantic web opens new ways to develop and to share applications; the automatic processing of molecular data and images is now based on validated systems; identification tools appear as an efficient support for environmental education and training; the monitoring of invasive and protected species and the study of climate change require intensive identifications of specimens, which opens new markets for identification research.
      1500  10141
  • Publication
    Indochinese bamboos: biodiversity informatics to assist the identification of “vernacular taxa”
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010)
    Vignes Lebbe, Régine
    Diep Thi, My Hanh
    Nguyen, Ha Puong
    Bich Loan Nguyen, Thi
    Bamboo (Bambusoides – Gramineae) is one of the most important natural resource in Southeast Asia. However, bamboo identification has many difficulties. In the area of SEP programme «Indochina Bamboos» (2008-2010), the final objective is to update the bamboo flora of Indochine (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodege) and to publish an e-flora including free access keys, digital images and information about the traditional and economic use of bamboos. During field trips in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodgia, samples, pictures and morphological description sheets were collected in various locations and previously assigned to the local vernacular names. We use an informatic program, Xper2, to assist the comparison and identification of “vernacular bamboo taxa” based on morphological characteristics.
      1194  2284
  • Publication
    Mitochondrial DNA sequences for forensic identification of the endangered whale shark, Rhincodon typus (Smith, 1828): A Case study
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010)
    Kavungal Abdulkhadar, Sajeela
    Rakhee, Chandran
    Janardanan Nair, Rekha
    Gopalakrishnan, Achamveettil
    Valaparambil, Saidumohammad Basheer
    Kizhakkudan, Joe Shoba
    Kizhakkudan, Joe
    Lakra, Wazir Singh
    The whale shark (Rhincodon typus), the largest fish in the ocean, has become susceptible to over-exploitation and has a global conservation status of ‘vulnerable to extinction’ as listed by World Conservation Union in the Red list of threatened species. The increase in demand for its meat, skin and fins in international trade is a severe threat to the animal and its indiscriminate capture will have to be taken seriously as they may have a major impact in the marine ecosystem. Rhincodon typus was nominated in Appendix II of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in April 2000, to enable adequate regulation of trade of whale shark products. Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is enlisted as one of the protected species in India and its fishing prohibited under Schedule Ι of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, according to the Order No.1-2/2001 WL1 Dated 28.05.2001, Govt. of India, so as to conserve the species in Indian waters. still illegal fishing prevails in Indian waters and the catch is processed in the vessel itself and sold in markets as meat chunks. To curb the illegal trade and marketing of fishery products from whale shark, for devising good management practices and for the strict law enforcement, accurate and reliable species identification methods using molecular tools are of paramount importance. In an effort to establish a comprehensive identification data set, we have generated a species-specific partial sequence data of the mitochondrial genome of properly identified stranded whale shark samples, covering the 16S rRNA (546 bp),Cyt b (541bp), COI (600bp) genes as the reference genetic profile helping in accurate identification of any body parts of the species. In the year 2008, flesh suspected as that of the Wildlife protected whale shark (Rhincodon typus) was seized from fishermen by the Forest Range Officer (Govt. of Kerala), Kannur, Kerala, India and was brought before the Judicial First Class Magistrate, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India. The detailed sample analysis and confirmation of species was carried out at NBFGR Cochin Unit (R.P.330/08, dt 29. 09. 2008). Based on DNA sequencing of 16S rRNA(525bp) and COI (600bp) Cyt b(541bp) genes and comparing with the sequences earlier generated by NBFGR (FJ375724, FJ375725, FJ375726, FJ456921, FJ456922, and FJ456923), the suspected sample was identified as that of endangered Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) and the result was communicated to the court. This is the first criminal case in India in which scientific evidence was sought in forensic identification of the meat of an aquatic organism enlisted in the Wildlife Protection Act of India and the DNA markers reiterated their ability to reliably identify product/meat sample of a species, thus helping in curtailing illegal trade of the endangered organisms.
      1638  1074
  • Publication
    Keys to Nature: A test on the iPhone market
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010)
    Riccamboni, Rodolfo
    Mereu, Alessio
    Boscarol, Chiara
    Several keys running on mobile devices were developed by the KeyToNature project. Most of them are freely downoadable online. The rapid spread of smartphones has opened up new opportunities in the production and distribution of multimedia applications for the educational sector, including interactive keys to identify organisms. This market is new, still partly unexplored and changing fast. The Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste and Divulgando Srl, have tested its potential by uploading in the iTunes Store different types of keys for the iPhone, some of them for free, others for sale. This paper introduces the issue of global market applications, summarizes the experience gained in our case-studies, and suggests ways to make these applications economically viable.
      1432  2273
  • Publication
    A Basic Business Model for Commercial Application of Identification Tools
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2010)
    Kittl, Christian
    Schalk, Peter
    Dorigo Salamon, Nicola
    Martellos, Stefano
    Within the three-year EU project KeyToNature various identification tools and applications in formal education for teaching biodiversity have been researched and developed. Building on the competencies of the involved partner organisations and the expertise gained in this domain, the paper outlines a business model which aims at commercially exploiting the project results on a broader scale by describing the value proposition, products & services, value architecture, revenue model and the intended market.
      1483  1133