
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Futuribili. Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale. Vol. XXIV, nn. 1/2, 2019
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the appearance of Futuribili in Italy, and for about 40 years it has analysed Italy, the world and prediction methods in the hundred or more editions published from 1967 to 1974 and from 1994 to the present day. There is always “a need for prediction”, but in truth there are historical moments when this need is great and others in which prediction is all but superfluous because future events are implicit in the current orientation. This unevenness in the need for prediction is reflected in the history of Futuribili, coinciding with the forms it has taken over time. If this is the heart of the current need for prediction, for Futuribili it is more essential than ever to rethink its framework and structure, to broaden its target to a large number of groups, to reach a target readership that is sensitive to effective solutions to the problems posed.
      193  2400
  • Publication
    Russian in the context of civilizational theories
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Farah, Soheil
    The author examines the scientific positions whether or not Russia is considered as an independent civilization. In particular, he dwells on the cultural opinions of Russian scholars, identifying two extreme perspectives. The first, described by a certain orthodoxy, considers the Russian cultural spirit originated from the space of the earth or the place where the Russians built their civilization; the second cultural view sees the development of knowledge and the formulation of discourses originated from a liberal Western approach of civilization.
      183  131
  • Publication
    The geoversal civilization and the unified method of substantiation of scientific theories
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Voin, Alexander
    The problems and threats facing humanity in the age of globalization require the unification of efforts of all peoples on the basis of a universal human value system and mutual understanding in ideas about the right path for further development. This is hindered by the lack of a common language, common to all system of concepts and a method of substantiating conclusions. The article shows that such a common language can only be the unified method for substantiating scientific theories developed by the author. The Chinese phi-losopher Zhang Shaohua, during the 5th World Congress of Geoversal Civilization, held on 16-21.7.2018 in Nairobi, developed the draft of the geo-global civilization. The task posed by the draft is the elimination of the contradictions of modern humanity (people, ideologies, etc.) which lead to numerous armed conflicts and the destruction of the environment. In this article I will discuss about the new value system proposed in which morality and responsibil-ity will replace the pursuit of material goods and selfishness.
      166  579
  • Publication
    When policy-makers stood still to follow the interests of humankind
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Tudor, Salantiu
    This paper is a theoretical discussion about the how classical paradigms of international relations relate to new challenges in general. In particular, we are interested in how classical paradigms perceive and understand the extreme events described through climate changes in the framework of international policy. For this, we develop an argument that the joint impact of global agenda issues and the pursuit of traditional policy logic in globaliza-tion will only create “losers” in the long term.
      142  293
  • Publication
    Unification in the social sciences. Search for a science of society
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020)
    Jacobs, Garry
    Nagan, Winston
    Zucconi, Alberto
    The social sciences have contributed significantly to humanity’s remarkable pro-gress over the past two centuries, but the multidimensional crises confronting the world today reflect the need to rapidly move beyond the limitations imposed by the compartmentalization of social science disciplines and the absence of common unifying principles equivalent to those in the natural sciences. Unification of apparently disparate phenomena is a central characteristic of advancing knowledge. Pressing global challenges compel the search for greater knowledge of the unity underlying the diverse fields of social activity, the objective and subjective dimensions of human experience, the role of the collective and individual in social evolution, the action of conscious and unconscious social processes, and the influence of the future on the present.
      125  191