TSPC2014: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 27th-28th 2014


Bernardis Paolo, Fantoni Carlo, Gerbino Walter


Gerbino Walter

Foreword for a sixty-year-old triangle

Kanizsa Gaetano

Virtual lines and phenomenal margins in the absence of stimulation discontinuities

Gillam Barbara

Grouping and Occlusion in Perception and Art

Nemes Vanda Agnes, Török Béla, Horváth Gábor, Mikó-Baráth Eszter, Gyenge Márton, Buzás Péter, Jandó Gábor

Temporal Processing of Cyclopean Stimuli: A Psychophysical Study

Sors Fabrizio, Gerbino Walter, Agostini Tiziano

Auditory Modeling in Sport: Theoretical Framework and Practical Applications

Garofalo Gioacchino, Ferrari Vera, Bruno Nicola

Red Affects Reaction Times and Hit Rates in a 2AFC Classification Task

Marković Slobodan, Bulut Tara

Size of Different Body Characteristics and Female Physical Attractiveness: Gender Differences

Zdravković Sunčica, Hermens Frouke

Shadows Affect Eye Movements in Visual Judgment Tasks

Buzás Péter

Of Cats And Men: Origins of Primate Color Vision Pathways

Versace Elisabetta, Vallortigara Giorgio

Preliminary Study on Preferences for Hollow vs. Filled Social Partners in Domestic Chicks

Giora Enrico

Phenomenal Effects of Microelements’ Numerosity on Texture Appearance

Todorović Dejan

Modeling Luminance Contrast Orientation Illusions

Vicovaro Michele, Burigana Luigi

An Intuitive Physics Study on the Role of Mass in Horizontal Collisions

Turconi Marcello Maria, Mezzarobba Susanna, Franco Giulia, Busan Pierpaolo, Fornasa Elisa, Jarmolowska Joanna, Accardo Agostino, Battaglini Piero Paolo

BCI-Based Neuro-Rehabilitation Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease: cases Report

Orioli Giulia, Filippetti Maria Laura, Gerbino Walter, Dragovic Danica, Farroni Teresa

Newborns Are Sensitive to Impending Collision Within Their Peripersonal Space

Marno Hanna, Farroni Teresa, Mehler Jacques

Evidence for Referential Expectation in Four-Month-Old Infants

Lorenzino Martina, Caudek Corrado

Facial Emotions Improve Face Discrimination Learning

Thornton Ian, Srismith Duangkamol, Oxner Matt, Hayward William G.

Estimating the Racial Composition of Groups of Faces: An Ensemble Other-Race Effect

Fantoni Carlo, Cavallero Corrado, Gerbino Walter

The Motor Action Mood Induction Procedure Affects the Detection of Facial Emotions

Adriano Andrea, Diez Emiliano, Fernandez Angel

Finger-Montring Configurations Affect Arabic-Number Processing in Left Hemisphere

Bajšanski Igor, Močibob Maja, Valerjev Pavle

The effect of consensuality on metacognitive judgments in syllogistic reasoning

Bencich Erica, Gamboz Nadia, Coluccia Emanuele, Brandimonte Maria A.

When the Mind “Flies”: the Effects of Mind-Wandering on Driving

Boschetti Giulia, Prpic Valter, De Tommaso Matteo, Murgia Mauro, Agostini Tiziano

Octave bias in an absolute pitch identification task

Cattaruzza Serena

Colour Perception Between Psychology and Art

Cinco Riccardo, Di Blas Lisa

Are “Actual-Self Versus Ideal-Self” Discrepancies Associated With Depression Emotions? A Study With Discrepancy Direction Manipulation

Costa Hiwet Mariam, Purser Harry, Passolunghi Maria Chiara

Working Memory in Individuals With Down Syndrome: A Treatment Case Study

De Caro Elide Francesca, Di Blas Lisa

Personality and Eating Disorders: A Longitudinal Study on a Non-Clinical Sample of Adolescents

De Martino Maria, Laudanna Alessandro

Categorical Properties of Italian Verbs in Written Word Recognition

Gregori Grgič Regina, Calore Enric, Marini Daniele, de’Sperati Claudio

Mental Imagery Cracked: Direct Monitoring of the Continuous Movements of Covert Visuospatial Attention During Motion Imagery

Hvastja-Stefani Loredana

Lexical and Pragmatic Development of Italian Children During the Second Year of Life: a Longitudinal Study

Mancuso Azzurra, Laudanna Alessandro

Lexical Ambiguity in Nouns: Frequency Dominance and Declensional Classes

Marcatto Francesco, Colangelo Giovanni, Ferrante Donatella

Look ma(rket), No Hands! Optimism Bias and Illusion of Control in Finance Professionals

Montefinese Maria, Hallam Glyn, Jefferies Beth

How Does Featural Salience Affect Semantic Control Processes? A Preliminary Study

Morsan Valentina, Fantoni Carlo, Hvastja Stefani Loredana, Tallandini Maria A.

Bayley Scale of Infant and Toddler Development (BSITD-III). Chronological Or Corrected Age: Which Is More Appropriate to Assess Preterm Infants’ Cognitive, Linguistic, and Motor Performances?

Musić Marijana, Piccoli Valentina, Carnaghi Andrea, Pelamatti Giovanna, Cavallero Corrado

Implicit Associations and Alcohol: What Grabs Our Attention?

Piccoli Valentina, Carnaghi Valentina, Foroni Francesco, Hvastja Stefani Loredana

Automatic Dehumanization Across Menstrual Cycle

Plet Sabrina, Tognolli Gabrio, Marcatto Francesco

Assessment of Operators' Workload, Visual Attention, and Satisfaction in an Upgraded Control Room After Changes of Work Procedures

Rigutti Sara, Gerbino Walter, Fantoni Carlo

Information-Seeking Time: Only a Subset of Home Page Elements Matters

Riontino Laura, Cavallero Corrado

Is Orienting of Attention Selectively Impaired After Sleep Loss? The Role of Disengagement

Santoro Ilaria, Hvastja Stefani Loredana, Agostini Tiziano

Autonomous Physical Exploration Influences Spatial Representation: Evidence From Blind and Sighted.

Stragà Marta, Ferrante Donatella

Will You Train Harder for the Next Marathon? The Effect of Counterfactual and Prefactual Thinking on Marathon Runners’ Intentions.

Tallandini Maria A., Morsan Valentina, Toneatti Laura

Children’s Pathways in Concepts Acquisition: Prototypical Vs. Exemplar Categorization

Tognolli Gabrio, Marcatto Francesco, Plet Sabrina, Struzzo Pierluigi, Wallace Paul, Ferrante Donatella

Usability Testing of a Website about Alcohol and Health: A Case Study

Viviani Eva, Bruno Nicola

How Does One Become an Artist? A Copying Task Provides No Support for the "Upside-Down Drawing" Technique

Zarl Francesca, Fum danilo

Theories of Concepts and Contradiction Acceptance

Žauhar Valnea, Bajšanski Igor, Domijan Dražen

Metacognitive Monitoring of Rule-Based Category Learning Tasks


This book of proceedings collects papers referring to three key events celebrated at the University of Trieste on 27th and 28th November, 2014:1) the sixtieth anniversary of the Kanizsa triangle; 2) the twenty-second Kanizsa Lecture; 3) the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, TSPC2014. The volume opens with the English translation of Kanizsa’s report included in the proceedings of the tenth meeting of Italian psychologists in Chianciano Terme (10-14 October 1954), which features the first published version of the illusory triangle that would have become an icon of vision science. As a second contribution, the volume includes the speaker notes of the twenty-second Kanizsa Lecture, held by the 2014 invited speaker Barbara Gillam, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, on Thursday 27 November. The notes drive the reader through the lecture and provide a rich set of demonstrations on how perceptual grouping affects different levels of vision: from low (e.g., disparity coding) to mid level (e.g., subjective contour formation). The third part of the volume collects talks and posters presented at TSPC2014, organized by the Psychology Unit of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste. The symposium included two oral sessions (on 27th and 28th November) and a poster session (November 28th).


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 48
  • Publication
    TSPC2014. Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 27-28
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014)
    Bernardis, Paolo
    Fantoni, Carlo
    Gerbino, Walter
    This book of proceedings collects papers referring to three key events celebrated at the University of Trieste on 27th and 28th November, 2014:1) the sixtieth anniversary of the Kanizsa triangle; 2) the twenty-second Kanizsa Lecture; 3) the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, TSPC2014. The volume opens with the English translation of Kanizsa’s report included in the proceedings of the tenth meeting of Italian psychologists in Chianciano Terme (10-14 October 1954), which features the first published version of the illusory triangle that would have become an icon of vision science. As a second contribution, the volume includes the speaker notes of the twenty-second Kanizsa Lecture, held by the 2014 invited speaker Barbara Gillam, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, on Thursday 27 November. The notes drive the reader through the lecture and provide a rich set of demonstrations on how perceptual grouping affects different levels of vision: from low (e.g., disparity coding) to mid level (e.g., subjective contour formation). The third part of the volume collects talks and posters presented at TSPC2014, organized by the Psychology Unit of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste. The symposium included two oral sessions (on 27th and 28th November) and a poster session (November 28th).
      1462  4600
  • Publication
    Metacognitive Monitoring of Rule-Based Category Learning Tasks
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014)
    Žauhar, Valnea
    Bajšanski, Igor
    Domijan, Dražen
    The aim of the study was to investigate the dynamics of metacognitive monitoring during learning category structures defined by logical rules of different levels of complexity: conjunctive, conjunctive-disjunctive or complex rule. Feelingof- warmth judgments were used repeatedly during learning to assess participants' subjective feelings about how close they are to the acquisition of the appropriate rule. After each judgment, participants were asked to describe logical rules underlying category structures. As expected, the results showed that feeling-of-warmth judgments generally follow classification accuracy through the course of learning. Rule description accuracy shows a similar pattern and is also congruent with classification accuracy through the course of learning. Contrary to expectations, there were no differences between different levels of category structure complexity on any of the tested measures.
      722  669
  • Publication
    Theories of Concepts and Contradiction Acceptance
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014)
    Zarl, Francesca
    Fum, danilo
    The paper discusses the Heterogeneity Hypothesis about concepts (Machery, 2009) and the empirical support on which it is based. Two experiments are presented which investigate one of the main predictions of the theory, i.e., the fact that people should be willing to accept apparently contradictory sentences about the same entity.
      824  669
  • Publication
    How Does One Become an Artist? A Copying Task Provides No Support for the "Upside-Down Drawing" Technique
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014)
    Viviani, Eva
    Bruno, Nicola
    According to a technique widely used in art schools, everyone can make more realistic drawings by copying upside-down originals. We tested if this is true by asking 40 artistically untrained participants to copy either upright or upside-down drawings of a face or a car. Our results indicate that participants were faster when copying the car in comparison to the face, but not when copying upside-down in comparison to upright images. In addition, they were more accurate in capturing the global proportions of the image in comparison to the local proportions of its parts. However, neither the face nor the car were copied more accurately when presented upside-down. Overall, we observed no significant difference in accuracy between the upright and upside-down conditions, with most measures showing a pattern consistent with greater accuracy in the upright orientation especially for the face. These results provide no evidence that copying upside-down images promotes greater resemblance to the original stimulus image. Implications for the cognitive psychology of drawing and for the pedagogy of the visual arts are discussed
      884  700
  • Publication
    Usability Testing of a Website about Alcohol and Health: A Case Study
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014)
    Tognolli, Gabrio
    Marcatto, Francesco
    Plet, Sabrina
    Struzzo, Pierluigi
    Ferrante, Donatella
    Many health online resources addressed to the general public lack usability and their content is frequently difficult to understand. This case study evaluates the usability and the effectiveness of information presentation of the “Alcol e Salute” website, using two methods: heuristic evaluation and user testing. The results of the usability testing analysis revealed several key weaknesses with respect both to navigation and information display. These results will be used to revise the website accordingly.
      939  858