11 Rhythmic Patterns in Pindar’s Odes


This work aims to demonstrate how Pindar in his dactyloepitrite odes conceived rhythmic structures made up mostly of two elements, different from those of the traditional D/e system. Studying the connection between these two elements it is possible to discover some hidden numerical relationships within the ‘stanza-forms’. This method for measuring Pindar’s odes eliminates the use of link anceps and allows the discovery of some hitherto unknown characteristics of the colometric division.

Luciano Garosi is a musician, composer, choir and orchestra conductor. He also has a master degree in Classical Philology from Siena University. His interest is focused on ancient Greek and Latin metrics, with particular attention to the rhythmic interpretation of metric structures and their realization in performance. He is professor of Score Reading at “Luigi Cherubini” Conservatory of Music in Florence (Italy).


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  • Publication
    Rhythmic Patterns in Pindar’s Odes
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Garosi, Luciano
    This work aims to demonstrate how Pindar in his dactyloepitrite odes conceived rhythmic structures made up mostly of two elements, different from those of the traditional D/e system. Studying the connection between these two elements it is possible to discover some hidden numerical relationships within the ‘stanza-forms’. This method for measuring Pindar’s odes eliminates the use of link anceps and allows the discovery of some hitherto unknown characteristics of the colometric division.
      244  5107