Gli Annali di Pietro Gradenigo


Gli Annali qui editi sono solo una piccola parte della vasta opera relativa alla storia e cultura veneziana lasciataci manoscritta dall’erudito Pietro Gradenigo, nobiluomo discendente da una delle famiglie fondatrici di Venezia. Purtroppo a noi è pervenuto solamente il manoscritto, sino ad oggi inedito, dell’Annale I, conservato presso la Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia. Qui si offre la trascrizione fedele del manoscritto, che registra gli avvenimenti occorsi nell’arco di tempo compreso tra il primo gennaio 1773 e il 31 marzo 1774 "more veneto", e rappresenta un’importante testimonianza della vita nella Serenissima del ’700. Il testo è redatto in italiano, la lingua usata a Venezia dalle persone che intendevano scrivere su temi culturali o scientifici, nella quale si inseriscono a volte termini dialettali e citazioni in latino; le annotazioni a lato del testo sono dello stesso Gradenigo, nelle quali egli rimanda ad altri suoi manoscritti oppure ad altri punti dello stesso Annale I per un approfondimento del tema ivi trattato.

The Annals here are only a small part of the vast work related to the Venetian history and culture left by manuscript by the educated Pietro Gradenigo, noble descendant of one of the founding families of Venice. Unfortunately, only the manuscript, until now unpublished, of the Anniversary I, has been received by us at the Marciana Library in Venice. Here is the faithful transcript of the manuscript, which records events occurring over the period between January 1, 1773 and March 31, 1774 "more Venetian", and represents an important testimony of life in the Serenissima of the 1700s. The text is written in Italian, the language used in Venice by people who intended to write about cultural or scientific issues, in which sometimes dialectical terms and quotations are inserted in Latin; annotations to the side of the text are of the same Gradenigo, in which he refers to his other manuscripts or to other points of the same Annals I for an in-depth study of the subject he dealt with.


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  • Publication
    Gli Annali di Pietro Gradenigo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2005)
    Marchesi, Ilaria
    Crevatin, Franco
    The Annals here are only a small part of the vast work related to the Venetian history and culture left by manuscript by the educated Pietro Gradenigo, noble descendant of one of the founding families of Venice. Unfortunately, only the manuscript, until now unpublished, of the Anniversary I, has been received by us at the Marciana Library in Venice. Here is the faithful transcript of the manuscript, which records events occurring over the period between January 1, 1773 and March 31, 1774 "more Venetian", and represents an important testimony of life in the Serenissima of the 1700s. The text is written in Italian, the language used in Venice by people who intended to write about cultural or scientific issues, in which sometimes dialectical terms and quotations are inserted in Latin; annotations to the side of the text are of the same Gradenigo, in which he refers to his other manuscripts or to other points of the same Annals I for an in-depth study of the subject he dealt with.
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