
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2003) 24/IX
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
      729  770
  • Publication
    Introduction, development and implementation of telematics-supported intelligent transport systems
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Ivaković, Čedomir
    Kovačevic, Dražen
    Maković, Branko
    Significant increase in traffic demand at the end of the 20th century and the increasing anthropogenic environmental pollution have resulted in the need to introduce the telematics-supported intelligent transport systems in all the traffic branches. The work presents the development and the basic characteristics of transport systems managed by information and communication technologies. It also gives an overview and explanation of the operation of some of the numerous telematic systems in traffic, and a detailed presentation of the telematics-controlled public transport of the city of Helsinki. It also presents the possible development and advantages of implementing telematics in the transport along the river Danube through Austria.
      1635  972
  • Publication
    Citizen's preferences for town centre traffic restrictions: a conjoint analysis experiment.
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Danielis, Romeo
    Rotaris, Lucia
    The paper reports on a conjoint analysis experiment aimed at helping town administrators to make efficient, distributionally- aware and politically acceptable decisions on town centres' traffic restrictions. An adaptive conjoint exercise had been administered to a small group of Balloon 's citizens, a small town of Veneto, an Italian region. A commercial software (ACA) had been used to perform the interviews. ACA provides individual utility estimates allowing the analyst to perform the desired segmentation analysis. Notwithstanding the sample size, the experiment provided plausible and informative results. Utilities, computed both as average results and by sample segments, show the strong concern across all sample segments for pollution (environmental quality) and the desire for improved public transport services (increased bus frequency). On average there is a preference for flexible traffic restrictions and moderate hourly parking fees.
      1184  752
  • Publication
    Intermodal freight transportation.The problem of empty containers in transportation service production
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Olivo, Alessandro
    Di Francesco, Massimo
    Devoto, Roberto
    This paper aims to describe an issue of great concern to transportation firms in dealing with the distribution of goods: the management of empty containers. Indeed, freight carriers must timely dispatch empty containers of various types in anticipation of forecasted customer demands and reposition other containers in order to face unbalanced cargo volumes between the different regions they served. Terminal operators and leasing companies are also involved in this problem. Understanding empty flows generation is quite important because this phenomenon will never be eliminated completely, but only mitigated with efficient tools such as the optimisation methods of Operation Research. Interesting research trends are also mentioned in order to improve the state-of-the-art in this issue.
      1938  1399
  • Publication
    SCATTER project: an analysis of the urban sprawl phenomenon from the transport point of view
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2003)
    Besussi, Elena
    Gayda, Sylvie
    Martino, Angelo
    SCATTER tackles the issue of urban sprawl, in particular in the context of cities implementing new suburban public transport services. Urban sprawl is widespread in Europe: in a growing number of cities, population and employment in central areas is declining while increasing rapidly in suburban and peripheral areas and this induces a high level of car use and, usually, congestion on roads with access to city centres. To limit the damage caused by urban sprawl in terms of congestion, air pollution and energy consumption, many European cities are implementing (or planning to implement) suburban public transport services, such as heavy or light rail. But by improving accessibility, they create an incentive for a new wave of urban sprawl. Therefore, in parallel with these new public transport services, accompanying measures have to be elaborated and implemented, in order to prevent and mitigate the sprawl phenomenon. SCATTER is a project under the European Commission DG Research, "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme" and is part of the LUTR projects cluster. The project comprises six case cities: Brussels, Stuttgart, Bristol, Helsinki, Rennes and Milan and has the final objective to provide recommendations and guidelines to European cities and design an "urban sprawl monitoring tool".
      1768  1278