European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2003) 24/IX
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European Transport / Trasporti Europei (2003) 24/IX
Besussi Elena, Gayda Sylvie, Martino Angelo
SCATTER project: an analysis of the urban sprawl phenomenon from the transport point of view
Danielis Romeo, Rotaris Lucia
Citizen's preferences for town centre traffic restrictions: a conjoint analysis experiment.
Gattuso Domenico, Polimeni Antonella
Theoretical models and operational procedures for feasibility studies of new cabotage lines
Ivaković Čedomir, Kovačevic Dražen||Maković Branko
Introduction, development and implementation of telematics-supported intelligent transport systems
Jovic Jadranka
Modern Tools in Transportation Planning: Transport Model of Belgrade
Mazzarino Marco, Maggi Elena
Olivo Alessandro, Di Francesco Massimo, Devoto Roberto
Wagner Claudia Maria, Huber Berndt, Sweeney Edward, Smyth Austin
E-procurement in the aviation industry: value creation potential of B2B e-marketplaces