Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2018) XX/3

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Monographica I.
From Genome Editing to New Reproductive Technologies: Ethical and Social Issues

Balisteri Maurizio

Guest Editor’s Preface. Genome Editing, Human Cloning, In Vitro Gametes and Artificial Womb: Towards Future Scenarios, New Dilemmas and Responsibilities

Baccarini Elvio, Lekić Barunčić Kristina

Parental Selecting and Autism

Camporesi Silvia

Crispr Pigs, Pigoons and the Future of Organ Transplantation: An Ethical Investigation of the Creation of Crispr-Engineered Humanised Organs in Pigs

Smajdor Anna

Your Sperm is Mine! Do Artificial Gametes Change the Ethics of Posthumous Sperm Retrieval and Conception?

Sorgner Stefan Lorenz

Nussbaum’s Capability Approach and the Structural Analogy of Educational and Genetic Enhancement

Monographica II.
Atheism, Religion and Politics in Early Modern Europe

Mori Gianluca

Atheism, Religion, and Politics in Early Modern Europe

Mothu Alain

Athéisme et politique à la Renaissance: le cas du Cymbalum mundi (1537)

Baldin Gregorio

Irenista, calvinista, scettico, o ateo nascosto? Il dibattito

McKenna Antony

Pierre Bayle, rationalism and religious faith: self-evident truths and particular truths

Paganini Gianni

Enlightenment before the Enlightenment: Clandestine Philosophy

Lucci Diego

John Locke on atheism, Catholicism, antinomianism, and deism

Agnesina Jacopo

Collins, Hume e i miracoli: il caso Saragozza

Mazza Emilio

The broken brake. Hume and the “proper office of religion”

Mori Gianluca

Hume, Bolingbroke, and Voltaire: Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, Part XII

Damiano Canale, Conflitti pratici. Quando il diritto diventa immorale

Andronico Alberto

Convergenti disaccordi: spigolature deleuziane sul testo di un amico

Ansuátegui Roig Francisco Javier

Filosofía del derecho, pluralismo y conflictos prácticos

Biasetti Pierfrancesco

Disaccordo e diritto immorale

Greco Tommaso

Il diritto tra “immoralità” e giustizia

Lecaldano Eugenio

Pregi e limiti teorici di una prospettiva che considera le norme come il centro dei conflitti pratici

Pomarici Ulderico

Conflitti pratici? Suggestioni critiche sulla scelta di un impianto teoreticista

Viola Francesco

Quando il diritto diventa morale

Canale Damiano

Il rapporto tra diritto e morale nella prospettiva della filosofia del diritto: appunti in margine a 'Conflitti pratici'

Antonio Allegra, "Visioni transumane". Tecnica, salvezza, ideologia

Aguti Andrea

Transumanesimo, salvezza, religione

Farisco Michele

Ritorno alla physis

Lo Sapio Luca

Transumanesimo e potenziamento dell’uomo: limiti e punti di forza di un movimento controverso

Marcacci Flavia

Illusioni, certezze, previsioni: il transumanesimo al vaglio della filosofia e della scienza

Samek Lodovici Giacomo

Transumanesimo, immortalità, felicità

Allegra Antonio

Risposte ai miei critici


Allegri Francesco

The Moral Status of Animals. A Critical Analysis and a Gradualist Proposal

Block Walter E.

Reconsidering the Minimun Wage Law

Cianca Luca

La fondazione dell’epistemologia metafisica Il trascendentalismo kantiano e la dialettica Hegeliana

Nicolini Coen Cosimo

Nietzsche antimetafisico: alcune considerazioni a partire dal Kelsen di Religione secolare

Fanciullacci Riccardo

La svolta politica della psicoanalisi lacaniana

Ferrante Linda

Conservazione ed etica negli zoo “dopo Marius”

Marrone Pierpaolo

Eticità, normatività, cooperazione

Pagani Paolo

Oltre la ghigliottina di Hume

Suarez Müller Fernando

Kant & the Commons: Understanding Anthropocentrism in Kant’s Philosophy of Right


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 38
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2018) XX/3
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
      189  3933
  • Publication
    Kant & the Commons: Understanding Anthropocentrism in Kant’s Philosophy of Right
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Suarez Müller, Fernando
    The idea of a preliminary commons – a sphere of common property prior to private property – is present in Kant’s philosophy of right where, with his theory of natural law, he first makes a move towards a still underdeveloped kind of ‘objective idealism’. But he cannot transform the idea of a preliminary commons into a theory of right that legitimates social institutions or a sphere of positive law because he soon turns back to the subjective idealism of his previous work in which he takes the world to be a transcendental construction of human subjects. Kant’s anthropocentrism and the highlighting of private property are a direct consequence of this subjective transcendentalism. Kant’s return to subjective idealism also makes it impossible for him to conceive a theory of right based on ‘serviceable stewardship’ and ‘responsibility’ rather than on private property. My claim is that in order to pass from a discourse of possession to one of responsibility it is necessary to emphasize and enlarge his theory of natural law which, I argue, tends towards ‘objective idealism’. Such idealism takes ‘objective reason’ to be manifesting itself in the world in an almost Hegelian way – and it is not confined to the subjective consciousness of humans. Things in the world can then be endowed with intrinsic rights. It is a further claim of this paper that a consequent theory of the commons needs this transcendental complement endowing things with intrinsic rights. Alternative positions like naturalism or subjective idealism place objects in a domain ‘beyond right’ condemning nonhuman beings to become merely potential private property. A remodelling of Kantianism would constitute the main layer of a renewed humanism based on an enlarged idea of community and a corresponding idea of responsibility for Being.
      261  433
  • Publication
    Oltre la ghigliottina di Hume
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Pagani, Paolo
    After having introduced some preliminary notions (including “good”, “obligation” etc.), this paper addresses the meaning and the structure of Hume’s Guillotine (GH). It distinguishes between GH1 (the prohibition of translating a normative sentence in a descriptive one) and GH2 (the prohibition of deriving normative conclusions from merely descriptive premises). Then it will investigate GH2 with respect to some formal languages and it will explain the possibility of introducing “bridge-principles” connecting the alethic domain to the deontic one. Moreover, it will call into question some traditional arguments introduced by scholars to overcome the two GH pillars and it will also offer more rigorous arguments for justifying the overcoming of GH. In particular, it will explore the nature of the link between “Ought” and “Is”. For this purpose, it drew attention to Hintikka’s “bridge.principle”, describing the obligation as a kind of necessity. More precisely, the proper necessity of obligation qualifies as the impossibility of providing a counter-example.
      352  248
  • Publication
    Eticità, normatività, cooperazione
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Marrone, Pierpaolo
    In this article I discuss some implications of Gauthier's bargaining theory. I think that the notion of constrained maximization is not only a strategic choice of maximization, but also a moral strategy between individuals from the beginning. I conclude that Rawls’s difference principle seems to respond better to a moral foundation of cooperation between individuals.
      204  216
  • Publication
    Conservazione ed etica negli zoo “dopo Marius”
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Ferrante, Linda
    The case of Marius, a young giraffe suppressed in the name of species conservation in February 2014 at Copenhagen Zoo as a surplus, created both considerable media outcry and heated debate both in science and ethics. Debate that even today, after almost 5 years still has not subsided. In this contribution, we try to confront with the reiterated question ‘are zoos unethical?’, discussing ‘from the inside’ the presuppositions of specie conservation in zoos today. Following the main questions that have been raised on the web regarding the case of Marius, we suggest that in ethical relevant issues as Marius’ case, a standardized and contextualized ethical analysis on a case-by-case basis can be of help. By clarifying assumptions, considering the values at stake, the scientific aspects and the needs of the stakeholders involved, it is possible to improve the ethical decision-making process. This process can favor the transparency and consistency of the work of the zoos. The request for standardized ethical assessments through ethics committees and the use of tools for analysys has already emerged in different zoological context. If they want to continue to have support from society, it is mandatory for modern zoos to make a commitment to take directly into consideration the difficulties and uncertainties that distinguish the new social ethics for animals.
      319  450