Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/3
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Fifty Years of a Theory of Justice: Discussing John Rawls’ Philosophical Legacy
Loewe Daniel, Martinez David
Fifty Years of "A Theory of Justice: Influence and Legacy"
Höffe Otfried
John Rawls' "Philosophie der Gerechtigkeit"
Ferrara Alessandro
"Il più ragionevole per noi": l'eredità rawlsiana nel XXI secolo
Maffettone Sebastiano
Mendieta Eduardo
Gledhill James
"A Theory of Justice" as Rorschach Test
Martínez David
The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus and the Kantian Interpretation of "Political Liberalism"
Michelman Frank I.
Constitutional Rights and "Private" Legal Relations: a Note on a Rawlsian Review
Loewe Daniel
Casal Paula
Gender, Social Justice, an Publicity
Pereira Gustavo
Marrone Pierpaolo
Symposium I
Joel Colón-Ríos, "Constituent Power and the Law", Oxford University Press, Oxford 2020
Gargarella Roberto
On "Constituent Power and the Law" by Joel Colon-Ríos
Oklopcic Zoran
Theory As/Or Historiography? Constituent Power (of the Jurist) and the Law (of the State)
Roznai Yaniv
The Sovereign Is He Who Holds Constituent Power?
Vatter Miguel
Velasco-rivera Mariana
The Scope and Limits of the Juridical People
Vergara Camila
On the Limits of Elitist Theories of Constituent Power
Colón-ríos Joel I.
Constituent Power and the Law. Reply to Critics
Symposium II
Adriano Fabris, "Etica e ambiguità. Una filosofia della coerenza", Morcelliana,
Brescia 2020
Chiurco Carlo
L'esistere preso sul serio. Riflessioni su "Etica e ambiguità" di Adriano Fabris
Ciaramelli Fabio
L'ambiguità come resistenza alla totalizzazione
Diodato Roberto
Monceri Flavia
L'equivoco della "filosofia" e le ambiguità della "coerenza"
Samek Lodovici Giacomo
La creazione di fronte al nichilismo
Fabris Adriano
Frigerio Christian
Fuori scala. La Flat Ecology di Bruno Latour
Jinek Jakub
Pleasure and Pain and the Penal Theory in Plato's Laws
Vidmar Jovanović Iris
Applied Ethical Criticism of Narrative Art
Romero Javier