Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/3

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Fifty Years of a Theory of Justice: Discussing John Rawls’ Philosophical Legacy

Loewe Daniel, Martinez David

Fifty Years of "A Theory of Justice: Influence and Legacy"

Höffe Otfried

John Rawls' "Philosophie der Gerechtigkeit"

Ferrara Alessandro

"Il più ragionevole per noi": l'eredità rawlsiana nel XXI secolo

Maffettone Sebastiano

Dopo Rawls?

Mendieta Eduardo

Constitucionalismo e igualdad democrática. Una teoria de la justicia de John Rawls después de medio siglo

Gledhill James

"A Theory of Justice" as Rorschach Test

Martínez David

The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus and the Kantian Interpretation of "Political Liberalism"

Michelman Frank I.

Constitutional Rights and "Private" Legal Relations: a Note on a Rawlsian Review

Loewe Daniel

Posición original, equilibrio reflexivo y razón pública: las metodologías rawlsianas de justificación

Casal Paula

Gender, Social Justice, an Publicity

Pereira Gustavo

Limitacionismo Rawlsiano

Marrone Pierpaolo

Shades of Communitarianism


Symposium I
Joel Colón-Ríos, "Constituent Power and the Law", Oxford University Press, Oxford 2020


Gargarella Roberto

On "Constituent Power and the Law" by Joel Colon-Ríos

Oklopcic Zoran

Theory As/Or Historiography? Constituent Power (of the Jurist) and the Law (of the State)

Roznai Yaniv

The Sovereign Is He Who Holds Constituent Power?

Vatter Miguel

Republican and Schmittian Conceptions of Constituent Power. Comments on Colón-Ríos's "Constituent Power and the Law"

Velasco-rivera Mariana

The Scope and Limits of the Juridical People

Vergara Camila

On the Limits of Elitist Theories of Constituent Power

Colón-ríos Joel I.

Constituent Power and the Law. Reply to Critics


Symposium II
Adriano Fabris, "Etica e ambiguità. Una filosofia della coerenza", Morcelliana, Brescia 2020


Chiurco Carlo

L'esistere preso sul serio. Riflessioni su "Etica e ambiguità" di Adriano Fabris

Ciaramelli Fabio

L'ambiguità come resistenza alla totalizzazione

Diodato Roberto

Per avviare un dialogo

Monceri Flavia

L'equivoco della "filosofia" e le ambiguità della "coerenza"

Samek Lodovici Giacomo

La creazione di fronte al nichilismo

Fabris Adriano

Risposte ai miei critici




Frigerio Christian

Fuori scala. La Flat Ecology di Bruno Latour

Jinek Jakub

Pleasure and Pain and the Penal Theory in Plato's Laws

Vidmar Jovanović Iris

Applied Ethical Criticism of Narrative Art

Romero Javier

Deliberación, pluralismo y consenso mecanismos para un análisis de la democracia deliberativa desde el giro empírico-práctico

Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/3


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 30
  • Publication
    Per avviare un dialogo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Diodato, Roberto
    The paper examines three ideas present in Adriano Fabris' book: the link between the theoretical and practical dimensions of philosophy; the relation as a space of ambiguity; the question of the correlation between the idea of relation and the idea of substance.
      71  126
  • Publication
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2021) XXIII/3
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics is an open access philosophical journal, being published only in an electronic format. The journal aims at promoting research and reflection, both historically and theoretically, in the fields of moral, political and legal philosophy, with no preclusion or adhesion to any cultural current or philosophical tradition. Contributions should be submitted in one of these languages: Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish. The editorial staff especially welcomes interdisciplinary contributions with special attention to the main trends of the world of practice.
      53  1385
  • Publication
    Deliberación, pluralismo y consenso mecanismos para un análisis de la democracia deliberativa desde el giro empírico-práctico
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Romero, Javier
    The political benefits of deliberation are increasingly cited, but not well understood. Neither are the processes involved in arriving at deliberative politics from pluralism and inclusion. This research reviews the available literature on political impacts related to deliberation following the empirical turn taken in deliberative democracy in recent years. The analysis of a specific case reveals that before deliberation the arguments presented gave rise to a deep fracture in the consensus. The deliberative process served to structure the consensus in pluralism helping citizens to formulate their own judgments. The findings suggest a renewed and complementary approach with the classical notion of deliberative democracy in the terms formulated by Jürgen Habermas in ecological and social terms in the line opened by various authors and assumed by Habermas himself in Between Facts and Norms. Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, 1992.
      122  115
  • Publication
    Applied Ethical Criticism of Narrative Art
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Vidmar Jovanović, Iris
    My aim here is to provide a context within which we can develop an applied ethical criticism of narrative art – one which has a public relevance and is not limited to philosophical discussions characterized by value-interaction debate or conducted under the theoretical banner of aesthetic cognitivism. In the first part I reinforce the challenge of finding empirical evidence which either corroborates or denies the cognitivist’s claim regarding the causal impact of art on the audience, and I argue, in the second part, that such evidence is needed in order to determine the possibility of moral corruption and/or moral enhancement via art. Taking cues from Ted Nannicelli, I end by offering pointers on domains of research we should incorporate into our ethical criticism of art, so as to come up with an informed understanding of an artwork and of spectators’ engagements with it.
      64  190
  • Publication
    Pleasure and Pain and the Penal Theory in Plato's Laws
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Jinek, Jakub
    The paper searches for the systematic link between the psychological doctrine of Plato’s Laws and its theory of punishment. This link can be seen in the ability of emotions (i.e., pleasure and pain) to be harmonized in an individual soul; this ability forms the precondition for the soul’s compliance with education and punishment. The penal law contributes to the proper individualization of the soul by unifying emotions of pleasure and pain; in the case of the rare philosophical nature, however, there is no need of punishment at all since it already presents a well-ordered unity.
      110  154