Polymnia. Studi di Archeologia n.11


Fontana Federica


Cresci Marrone Giovannella

Pratiche religiose nei collegi di età romana: gli aspetti calendariali

Crippa Sabina

La ‘giurisprudenza del destino’. Interrogativi sulla prassi divinatoria del collegio (quin)decemviri sacriis faciundis

Govi Elisabetta, Pizzirani Chiara

Forme associative e collegi in Etruria

Parisi Valeria

Uniti nel rito. I gruppi sociali come agenti del sacro nella documentazione archeologica delle colonie d’Occidente

Russo Daria

Altari, cippi, tegole, dediche… note su alcuni documenti relativi ai culti delle fratrie dell’Attica*

Jaccottet Anne-françoise

In che misura il contesto associativo condiziona il culto dionisiaco? In che misura il culto dionisiaco condiziona il contesto associativo?

Di Giacomo Giovanna, Granino Cecere Maria Grazia

Divinità e collegi artigianali a Roma in età imperiale

Van Haepern Françoise

I culti associativi di Portus

Amiri Bassir

De la mort sociale à la fabrique de la mémoire: collèges et rites funéraires

Vincent Alexandre

Les cultes des associations de musiciens de l’Occident romain

Tran Nicolas

Les cultes des associations privées en Gaule narbonnaise et dans les Alpes maritimes

Santos Yanguas Juan

El culto de las asociaciones en Hispania. Su reflejo en la epigrafía

Battisti Martina

Mithras sodalis : mitrei in edifici collegiali ostiensi

Bottos Marta

Aquatores Feronienses ad Aquileia

Karković Takalić Palma

Sedatus Augustus. Testimonies of a ‘collegial god’ from the territory of civitas Maezeiorum (Dalmatia)


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 17
  • Publication
    Sedatus Augustus. Testimonies of a ‘collegial god’ from the territory of civitas Maezeiorum (Dalmatia)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Karković Takalić, Palma
    The paper discusses the collegium and the cult of the god Sedatus from the iron-mining and metallurgical district on the Sana river in the Roman province of Dalmatia. The paper has several aims. By analysing location of the findings, territorial and administrative organizations of Dalmatian iron mines it aims to determine the members of the collegium and its role. Comparison with associations from other metallurgical districts in the Roman Empire as well as associations and dedicants appearing on other Sedatus’ monuments allows for closer determination of the character of Sedatus as a deity and some basic features of his cult in the period between the 1st and the 3rd century d.C.
      189  221
  • Publication
    Aquatores Feronienses ad Aquileia
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Bottos, Marta
    There is a wide literature on collegia in the Roman world, for this reason this paper will focus on the specific case of the aquatores Feronienses, an association known only in Aquileia. The association is well-documented by some inscriptions and two acroterial sculptures that belongs to its funerary monument. These finds, discovered in the 19th century in the north-east suburbium of Aquileia, are partly lost and partly preserved in the National Museum of Aquileia and in the Civic Museum of Trieste. Furthermore, along with other inscriptions, these items testify the significant presence of the Italic goddess Feronia in the north-Adriatic city. This paper wants to make a point about previously knowledge and studies on this topic and also to clarify and possibly to add something new to the complex interpretative picture delined about the aquatores.
      174  229
  • Publication
    Mithras sodalis : mitrei in edifici collegiali ostiensi
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Battisti, Martina
    Mithrea of Ostia have been objects of study on several occasions. A close analysis of the urban topography shows the dynamics of settlement that links these sacral buildings at the corpora or collegia activities. Traditionally we can ascribe a mithraeum to a corpus, as in the case of Fructosus’ mithraeum and the corpus stuppatorum. Otherwise the exam of urban context and the plans of buildings with Mithras’ temple, can help us to understand the relationship between Mithras cult and the collegia. In this essay we will analyses also the mithraeum of Felicissimus, the mithraeum near Porta Romana and the mithraeum of Aldobrandini, in order to reshape the role of this cult in the world of ostian association and in the urban landscape of the colony.
      171  498
  • Publication
    El culto de las asociaciones en Hispania. Su reflejo en la epigrafía
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Santos Yanguas, Juan
    In the present work, the aim is to synthesize the data that we know reflected in the recognized epigraphy of the three provinces of Hispania referring to the divinities that were worshipped by concrete or probable associations and the possibility of identifying any of these places of worship and / or meeting.
      100  254
  • Publication
    Les cultes des associations privées en Gaule narbonnaise et dans les Alpes maritimes
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021)
    Tran, Nicolas
    This paper provides an overview of cults organised by private associations in Gallia Narbonensis and Alpes Maritimae. It is based on epigraphy and on a few archaeological remains. Evidence dates mainly from the second and early third centuries. Cults welded all of these associations, but some of them highlighted religious activities as their first raison d’être. Communities worshipped multiple and manifold gods, but professional associations chose deities who had a “natural” connection with the members’ trade. Besides, the cult of the Genius collegi was frequent. Association meeting-places were worship spaces, where the religious life of ordinary Romans blossomed.
      85  289