Benandanti e inquisitori nel Friuli del Seicento


Nella storia della stregoneria europea tra medioevo ed età moderna i benandanti friulani sono l’unico caso riccamente documentato di credenze popolari non ancora assimilate nella concezione composita della stregoneria diabolica. Questo volume, che affronta un argomento noto grazie alle opere di Ginzburg, non si propone di percorrere da capo tutta la vicenda e la problematica dei benandanti, ma rivolge maggiormente l’attenzione alle vicende del Seicento. I motivi di questa scelta sono due: scandagliare a fondo il periodo non approfondito da Ginzburg, e analizzare nel suo contesto sociale e culturale l’aspetto dell’attività terapeutica e contro-stregonica dei benandanti.

In the history of European witchcraft between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, the Friulian gentianmen are the only richly documented case of popular beliefs not yet assimilated into the composite conception of diabolical witchcraft. This book, which deals with a topic well-known thanks to the works of Ginzburg, is not intended to cover the whole affair and the problem of the benander, but focuses more attention on the events of the 17th century. The reasons for this choice are two: thoroughly ignore the in-depth period from Ginzburg, and analyze in its social and cultural context the aspect of the therapeutic and counter-witching activity of the benander.


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  • Publication
    Benandanti e inquisitori nel Friuli del Seicento
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1999)
    Nardon, Franco
    Del Col, Andrea
    In the history of European witchcraft between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, the Friulian gentianmen are the only richly documented case of popular beliefs not yet assimilated into the composite conception of diabolical witchcraft. This book, which deals with a topic well-known thanks to the works of Ginzburg, is not intended to cover the whole affair and the problem of the benander, but focuses more attention on the events of the 17th century. The reasons for this choice are two: thoroughly ignore the in-depth period from Ginzburg, and analyze in its social and cultural context the aspect of the therapeutic and counter-witching activity of the benander.
      2594  19505