TSPC2015: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 13rd 2015
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Bernardis Paolo, Fantoni Carlo, Gerbino Walter
Zdravković Sunčica
Kanizsa figures in lightness and brightness context
Domijan Dražen
A Neural Model of Lightness Anchoring
Galmonte Alessandra, Agostini Tiziano
The phenomenology of the phantom illusion
Rudd Michael E.
Cortical mechanisms of object-centered lightness computation
Korb Sebastian, Malsert Jennifer, Strathearn Lane, Vuilleumier Patrik, Niedenthal Paula
Increased facial mimicry after administration of intranasal Oxytocin
Aiello Marilena, Foroni Francesco, Eleopra Roberto, Pergola Giulio, Rumiati Raffaella
A possible role of reward sensitivity and impulsivity in weight gain after deep brain stimulation.
Bolis Dimitris, Heinzle Jakob, Mathys Christoph, Stephan Klaas Enno
Inferring cognitive traits of individual subjects through gaze controlled video games
Mirabella Giovanni
Error predictability across large-scale cortical activity
Manzotti Riccardo
Negative afterimages as locally filtered perception
Gregori Grgič Regina, Crespi Sofia, de’Sperati Claudio
Marković Slobodan, Bulut Tara
Attractiveness of human body and fluency of gender categorization
Todić Jakšić Tijana, Marković Slobodan
Effects of caricatured features on experience of facial beauty
Bruno Nicola, Garofalo Gioacchino, Ferrari Vera
Colored backgrounds and perceptual sensitivity
Todorović Dejan, Jovanović Ljubica
The Ebbinghaus illusion is not a size contrast illusion
Tošković Oliver
Anisotropic space odyssey – perceived anisotropy of near distances
Athanasakis Emmanouil, Faletra Flavio, Licastro Danilo, Gerbino Walter, Lonciari Isabella, Faletra Flavio
Developmental dyslexia and its complex genetic puzzle
Barbiero Chiara, Burani Cristina, Ronfani Luca, Gerbino Walter
Typography and dyslexia: A preliminary study on university students
Bencich Erica, Marini Andrea
An exploration of the effects of mind wandering on narrative production skills
Boschetti Eliana, Mayer Uwe, Trainito Caterina, Chiandetti Cinzia, Vallortigara Giorgio
Neuronal basis of numerical cognition in the domestic chick
Candelieri Irene, Chiandetti Cinzia, Cattaruzza Serena
Healing dolphins? Cognitive and perceptual criticisms in Dolphin-Assisted Therapy
Cecchetto Cinzia, Korb Sebastian, Rumiati Raffaella Ida, Aiello Marilena
Moral decision-making in alexithymic participants
Chiandetti Cinzia, De Tommaso Matteo
Processing of rhythmical acoustic patterns in the domestic chicks. A behavioral exploration
Cmijanović Marija, Zdravković Sunčica
Face Perception: the separate effects of stimulation and observer
Cogoni Carlotta, Carnaghi Andrea, Silani Giorgia
Can we empathize with objectified women? How the perception of others shapes our feeling toward them
Conci Anna
Can you see what I hear? Detecting changes in multimodal setting
Coppola Walter, Cattaruzza Serena
Creating a world through the sounds
Coricelli Carol, Foroni Francesco, Rumiati Raffaella
D'Orso Giovanni, Gamboz Nadia, Neroni Maria Antonella, de Vito Stefania, Brandimonte Maria A.
The role of narrative construction in future events simulation
De Caro Elide Francesca, Di Blas Lisa
De Tommaso Matteo, Mastropasqua Tommaso, Turatto Massimo
Effects of uncertain reward predictors on attentional capture.
De Vita Chiara, Costa Hiwet Mariam, Passolunghi Chiara
Drammis Letizia M., Brandimonte Maria Antonella
Formica Silvia, Tarantino Vincenza, Mazzonetto Ilaria, Anglani Mariagiulia, Causin Francesco, Vallesi Antonino
Neural underpinning of monitoring in different domains: an EEG-fMRI investigation
Fornasier Deanna, Burani Cristina, Fumarola Antonia, Carlomagno Sergio
Galliussi Jessica, Grzeczkowski Lukasz, Gerbino Walter, Herzog Michael H., Bernardis Paolo
Visual perceptual learning of task-irrelevant feature of the stimulus: preliminary results
Gamboz Nadia, Coluccia Emanuele, Drammis Letizia, Neroni Maria Adriana, Brandimonte Maria Antonella, Cori Liliana, Bianchi Fabrizio, Manzoli Federica
Determinants of environmental risk perception in adolescents.
Gutierrez-Herrera Maria, Saevarsson Styrmir
Neuroanatomical basis of prism adaptation therapy on premotor neglect
Jarmolowska Joanna, Busan Pierpaolo, Bencich Marco, Gallina Paolo, Battaglini Piero Paolo, Dalla Barba Gianfranco, Gerbino Walter, Volcic Robert, Fantoni Carlo
Visuomotor adaptation changes tactile discrimination: an ERP study
Kompatsiari Kyveli, Candrian Gian, Mueller Andreas
Test-retest reliability of an ERP study on children with ADHD during a visual Go/NoGo task
Lorenzi Elena, Mayer Uwe, Rosa Salva Orsola, Vallortigara Giorgio
Marcatto Francesco, Di Blas Lia, Luis Ornella, Ferrante Donatella
The perceived stress-at-work scale
Mezzarobba Susanna, Sgubin Giulia, Grassi Michele, Valentini Roberto, Bernardis Paolo
Musić Marijana, Carnaghi Andrea, Pelamatti Giovanna, Piccoli Valentina, Vegliach Alessandro
The automatic predictors of the attentional bias toward the alcohol: Do we want it or like it?
Nedimović Predrag, Zdravković Sunčica
The color of multi-lit objects
Piccoli Valentina, Bianchi Mauro, Maass Anne, Del Missier Fabio, Carnaghi Andrea
Plet Sabrina, Marcatto Francesco, Tognolli Gabrio
Non-suicidal self-injury: web portal, e-learning and research to generate effective treatments
Prpic Valter, Boschetti Giulia, Luccio Riccardo
The auditory version of the solitaire illusion
Riontino Laura, Cavallero Corrado
Sleep deprivation selectively impairs attentional networks.
Santoro Ilaria, Tesařová Monica, Agostini Tiziano
The influence of walking on encoding and sensorimotor alignment effects in spatial updating
Sarcetta Mattia, Prpic Valter, Murgia Mauro, Galmonte Alessandra, Agostini Tiziano
The illusory size of optical illusions does not produce the SNARC effect
Schembri Massimiliano
Sors Fabrizio, Murgia Fabrizio, Brunello Marco, Prassel Luca, Agostini Tiziano
The role of auditory and visual information in the discrimination of the speed of penalty kicks
Stragà Marta, Piccoli Valentina, Fantoni Carlo, Carnaghi Andrea
Giulia is dressed, Candle is naked: "objectification" in women and men
Struzzo Pierluigi, Marcatto Francesco, Ferrante Donatella, Della Vedova Roberto, Scafato Emanuele, Scafuri Francesca, Tersar Costanza,Wallace Paul
Tamburini Laura, Fantoni Carlo, Gerbino Walter
Reflective Thinking and Simulated Driving: The Importance of Answering Questions
Tesařová Monica, Drandić Veronika, Santoro Ilaria, Murgia Maur, Sors Fabrizio, Agostini Tiziano
Ecological sounds are more effective than artificial sounds in breath modulation
Tomarchio Cristina, Grassi Michele, Tognolli Gabrio, Fantoni Carlo, Marcatto Francesco
Good advice is rarer than rubies: A study on online Tripadvisor hotel reviews
Zarl Francesca, Fum Danilo
Žauhar Valnea, Bajšanski Igor, Dražen Domijan