17. Fundmünzen & Co. 30 years of Ancient Coin Finds (VI c. BCE – VIII c. CE). Trieste, April 22nd-23rd, 2022


Nel celebrare il Trentesimo anniversario del primo volume dei Ritrovamenti Monetali di età Romana nel Veneto (RMRVe, 1992) dedicato a Oderzo (TV), a cui hanno fatto seguito altri 18 volumi, gli Atti del convegno Fundmünzen & Co. 30 years of Ancient Coin Finds (VI c. BCE – VIII c. CE) testimoniano l’evoluzione degli studi numismatici fondati sull’analisi e l’interpretazione dei rinvenimenti di monete negli scavi archeologici. L’applicazione di metodi condivisi e analoghe ricerche in varie regioni dell’Impero romano confermano la rilevanza del dato monetale nella ricostruzione delle vicende storiche ed economiche di città, insediamenti rurali o costieri e più in generale dimostrano la continuità dei contatti di uomini e merci anche tra aree apparentemente lontane tra loro. Celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the first volume of the Ritrovamenti monetali di età romana nel Veneto (RMRVE, 1992) dedicated to Oderzo (TV), which was followed by another 18 volumes, the Acts of the conference Fundmünzen & Co. 30 years of Ancient Coin Finds (VI c. BCE - VIII c. CE) testify to the evolution of numismatic studies based on the analysis and interpretation of coin finds in archaeological excavations. The application of shared methods and similar research in various regions of the Roman Empire confirm the relevance of monetary data in the reconstruction of the historical and economic events of cities, rural or coastal settlements. More generally, they demonstrate the continuity of human and goods contacts even between apparently distant areas.

Bruno Callegher è stato Conservatore del Museo Bottacin di Padova. Insegna Numismatica e Storia della moneta nel Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Trieste. Tra gli ambiti delle sue ricerche vi sono i ritrovamenti monetali da scavi archeologici sia in Italia sia nel Vicino Oriente, in particolare d’epoca bizantina. Per EUT segue le collane editoriali Rei Nummariae Scriptores, Polymnia: Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi & Documenti.

Giulio Carraro è assegnista di ricerca in Numismatica presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Trieste. È stato Ispettore Onorario per la Numismatica per la Soprintendenza e Ausiliario di Polizia giudiziaria. Autore di articoli e monografie sulla produzione e la circolazione monetaria dell’Italia centro-settentrionale e di due volumi per la collana “Ritrovamenti Monetali di età Romana”.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 14
  • Publication
    Fundmünzen today. A fil rouge in research and a new methodological proposal
    Carraro, Giulio
    Starting from a personal experience as the author of several volumes of the series “Ritrovamenti Monetali di età Romana” (Monetary Findings of the Roman Age), an attempt is made to reason about the importance and impact that the German Fundmünzen initiative has had in Italy as well. Starting from this reasoning, an attempt is made to propose a new key to the numismatic discipline that can enable it to face the challenges of the future by evolving its methodology and scientific approach.
      97  80
  • Publication
    Sopravvivenze tolemaiche e cirenaiche in età romana. I dati dai ritrovamenti monetali d’età romana in area veneta
    Cavagna, Alessandro
    Ptolemaic coins rarely crossed Egyptian borders. When they did, they usually followed specific routes and occurred within a given period of time. In the Ptolemaic case, it is therefore possible (almost exclusively) to add a third intermediate date to the two best-known moments in the life of a coin (issue and hiding), i.e. a presumed moment of leaving Egypt and the Ptolemaic territories. The presence of about 80 Ptolemaic and Cyrenaean specimens possibly found in the Veneto and Friuli regions allows us to deduce a penetration of these coins in the latter areas during the late Republican period, but above all in the early Imperial period, in full agreement with data known for other “Ptolemaic” marginal areas.
  • Publication
    Ritrovamenti monetali inediti dalla sezione antica della biblioteca del seminario vescovile di Padova
    Goi Sartori, Federico
    During the recent reorganization and cataloging of the book heritage inside the Library of Seminario Vescovile di Padova (Sezione Antica), more than 2000 coins were identified, dated between the ancient age and the contemporary age. After the analysis of the material and the relative conserved paper documentation, it was possible to recognize some coins attributable to the individual discoveries that probably took place during the end of the 19th century and in the Paduan area.
      45  176
  • Publication
    The 1971 Aquileia solidus hoard and its relation to Scandinavia
    Fischer, Svante
    This is a study of the so-called Aquileia solidus hoard, discovered on February 11, 1971 during an archaeological excavation of the central nexus of the basilica-forum complex of Aquileia. In an early publication by Giovanni Gorini in 1979, two possible interpretations were proposed. First, the nine solidi could have been deposited relatively soon after minting given their slight wear, possibly early in the reign of Valentinian III, c. 425–430. Second, Gorini pointed out that political circumstances could have forced a deposition in conjunction with the sack of Aquileia in 452. This study argues in favor of the second scenario, while stressing that Gorini’s observation regarding the slight wear was correct. This suggests that the latest solidi in the hoard were issued very late in the reign of Valentinian III, c. 445–452. This argument further relies on the comparative evidence of die-linked solidi for Valentinian III in hoards mainly from Italy and Scandinavia, demonstrating that the solidi for Valentinian III date to the final part of his reign. The hoard should be interpreted as representative of private rather than military hoarding, given that it has retained issues that have otherwise already disappeared from circulation, and is devoid of types related to military expenditure from the same period.
      54  100
  • Publication
    Coin finds from archaeological sites in Campania: a new portal for documentation and research
    Cantilena, Renata
    Carbone, Federico
    Pardini, Giacomo
    At the University of Salerno, the CFH (Coin Finds Hub) portal on coin finds is being set up in collaboration with several Italian and foreign institutions. In addition to describing its contents, the authors illustrate the first elements emerged from the study of coins from the excavations currently under study, the cataloguing of which will feed into the portal’s database. The sites investigated are Naples, Pompeii, Paestum, and Velia: for each of them, insights related to sample cases are presented. As is usual for those working on coins finds, the most interesting aspects concern the uses of small change, the most used and therefore lost and unrecovered, for which an extensive statistical survey is now available. The comparison of coin finds from different urban communities leads one to reason about how much and to what extent the overlapping or non-overlapping of modern cities with archaeological sites has affected the quality and quantity of numismatic data available; as also the potential for interpreting the incidence of coinage in economic activities.
      94  311