Poliarchie / Polyarchies 2015/4


There is a great effort to include relational attributes within a space perspective. This concerns two current interpretative tendencies: the first is related to the idea of de-territorialisation due to the high mobility of people and goods; the second is centred on the idea that social relations are increasingly loose and fragmented, giving rise to the ‘liquid society’. Approaches emphasising the importance of space and the strength of relations may counter such ideas by showing that many empirical cases are still interpretable by a robust combined socio-spatial perspective. The paper will take the polymorphic and structural approach of authors like Jessop, Brenner and Jones, paying special attention to the ‘quality’ of social relations according to a tradition that began with Simmel and Mauss, passed through Polanyi, and concluded with Godbout and Caillé. The paper illustrates the debate on the conjunction between space and relations, in particular through the view of Schatzki, elaborates on new or renewed patterns, and gives some examples of where such theoretical elaborations can be applied. The product is a typology of ‘socio-spatial relations’, while examples will be provided in regard to the issues of globalization, sustainability and governance.

Nelle scienze sociali è in corso un grande sforzo per includere aspetti relazionali all’interno di una prospettiva spazialista. Ciò riguarda due recenti tendenze interpretative: la prima è legata all’idea di de-territorializzazione dovuta alla alta mobilità di persone e cose, la seconda è centrata sull’idea che le relazioni sociali siano progressivamente lasche e frammentate, dando luogo alla società liquida. Approcci che enfatizzano l’importanza dello spazio e la forza delle relazioni possono controbilanciare tali idee mostrando che molti casi empirici sono ancora interpretabili attraverso una robusta prospettiva che combina sociale e spaziale. Il testo considera l’approccio polimorfo e strutturale di autori come Jessop, Brenner and Jones, ponendo una particolare attenzione alla ‘qualità’ delle relazioni sociali secondo una tradizione che parte da Simmel e Mauss, passa attraverso Polanyi e giunge a Godbout e Caillé. Il testo illustra il dibattito sulla congiunzione fra spazio e relazioni, in particolare attraverso la visione di Schatzki, elabora poi un nuovo modello e descrive infine alcuni casi sui quali applicare tali spunti teorici. Il prodotto finale è una tipologia di relazioni socio-spaziali, applicate a tre questioni: globalizzazione, sostenibilità e governance.


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  • Publication
    Socio-spatial relations: an attempt to move space near society
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Osti, Giorgio
    There is a great effort to include relational attributes within a space perspective. This concerns two current interpretative tendencies: the first is related to the idea of de-territorialisation due to the high mobility of people and goods; the second is centred on the idea that social relations are increasingly loose and fragmented, giving rise to the ‘liquid society’. Approaches emphasising the importance of space and the strength of relations may counter such ideas by showing that many empirical cases are still interpretable by a robust combined socio-spatial perspective. The paper will take the polymorphic and structural approach of authors like Jessop, Brenner and Jones, paying special attention to the ‘quality’ of social relations according to a tradition that began with Simmel and Mauss, passed through Polanyi, and concluded with Godbout and Caillé. The paper illustrates the debate on the conjunction between space and relations, in particular through the view of Schatzki, elaborates on new or renewed patterns, and gives some examples of where such theoretical elaborations can be applied. The product is a typology of ‘socio-spatial relations’, while examples will be provided in regard to the issues of globalization, sustainability and governance.
      776  1617