04. Practical Lango Grammar


Università degli Studi di Trieste

Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori

Bibliotheca Africana N.4 (1991)


These Grammar and Dictionary of the Lango language are the result of 28 years of research, study and day-to-day experience among the Lango people. The book is more than just a Vocabulary, or list of words: it is a Dictionary. Besides words, it gives examples of proper usage. The editing of the book is the result of the patient work of Fr. Peter Foletto, to whom I am indebted for his invaluable help of the preparation of the English text (both Grammar and Dictionary), especially of the final typing of the manuscript. I would further like to express my deep gratitude to Prof. Franco Crevatin (University of Trieste) for practical advices regarding the grammar. The accuracy of the examples and the meaning of the Lango words were checked by Mr. John Itot, to whom I am most grateful.
Lira (Uganda) April 1987

Fr. Bruno Carollo (Comboni missionary)


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    Practical Lango Grammar
    Carollo, Bruno
    These Grammar and Dictionary of the Lango language are the result of 28 years of research, study and day-to-day experience among the Lango people. The book is more than just a Vocabulary, or list of words: it is a Dictionary. Besides words, it gives examples of proper usage.
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